Top of the big era

Chapter 1084 An Excellent Plug-in Software

Obviously, Rainbow Helo has crossed the line more than Rainbow QQ.

The function of automatically collecting gold coins is really illegal.

Good people are bullied!

In the past few years, Ziweixing's image in the industry has been very good. It has always been adhering to the concept of fairness and free competition, giving people a feeling of honesty.

The functional design of Rainbow QQ is very careful, but Rainbow Helo is too much.

In terms of 51, this is testing Ziweixing's bottom line!

However, Zhang Yiming also has a different opinion. He pondered and said: "It's better not to be one size fits all. Rainbow Helo and Rainbow QQ are fundamentally different. The user groups of 51 and QQ are highly overlapped, and the users of 51 are all QQ users. So 51 pushes Rainbow QQ has no barriers, and it doesn’t matter if it has fewer functions. Rainbow Helo is different. The overlap between the users of both parties is very low. If you want to attract 51 users to Rainbow Helo, you must design many interesting and rich gameplays for Rainbow Helo. OK."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, it makes sense."

Fu Hongliang said: "Rainbow Helo is the last of 51, and the design style must be bolder. For 51, promoting Rainbow Helo is much more difficult than promoting Rainbow QQ. In this regard, we should not restrict too much."

Zhou Buqi calmed down, "Well, one size fits all."

Fu Hong said with a smile: "I think the function of automatically signing in to collect gold coins can be retained, and other tasks to collect gold coins must be manually operated by the user."

Zhou Buqi defaults to this option.

Next, there is the third important functional change——Rainbow Helo modifies some of the underlying design of Helo.

The product design of Helo is very different from that of QQ.

The design concept of the former is simple and efficient, while the design concept of the latter is rich in entertainment.

For example, QQ needs to click twice on a friend's avatar to pop up a dialog box, but Helo only needs to click once to display a dialog box.

Well, such a design would be simpler.

After all, for many low-end and low-end netizens, "double-clicking" the mouse is also a relatively difficult operation, so avoid it if you can.

For example, QQ is usually a narrow rectangular interface, and clicking the avatar to pop up a dialog box is a chat interface that is close to a square. Helo does not pop up a new interface, it is directly a square main interface.

In the square main interface, the left bar is the friend list, and the right is the chat dialog box. Randomly click on a friend's avatar, and the dialogue interface with the friend will be displayed on the right.

Another advantage of this design is that it is fast.

Like QQ, another dialog box pops up from the main interface, and a jump needs to be completed, which requires a certain response time. This kind of Helo does not need to jump, the speed is faster, and you can hit wherever you point.

Once chatting with many friends in QQ, many dialog boxes will pop up, which will take up a lot of memory, and the computer may freeze if it is slightly weak. Helo does not pop extra, there is no extra memory load.

Moreover, once many friends send messages in QQ, there will be many avatars jumping around, which will look messy. Helo will not have a beating avatar, but will only have an extra number under the avatar. If a friend sent 1 message, a "1" would be marked next to it; if a friend sent 10 messages, the number "10" would be marked.

Clear and intuitive.

All in all, Helo's product design will be faster and more concise than QQ, with a lot less bells and whistles.

But many young people like this kind of fancy design. I just like to spend money to dress up the skin and add background music to Qzone, even if this will cause the page loading speed to be too long, it doesn't matter, so that I can show my personality.

The original Helo is not liked by young people at the design level.

This simple design style is mainly liked by two types of people, one is high-end netizens who pursue high efficiency; the other is low-end netizens who pursue simple and easy operation.

51's team apparently also found flaws in Helo's product design.

So, they made bold, low-level modifications to Helo.

It's getting fancy!

Skin, appearance, and voice can all be modified!

51's team is also very wonderful. They directly brought over a whole set of "design" from QQ to renew Rainbow Helo with various skins...

There are even QQ show clothes that can only be bought with Q coins, which can also be used for free in Rainbow Helo. Users can choose at will, and just recognize the QQ show as their avatar.

This is so...

After Zhou Buqi saw it, he wanted to laugh.

What a talent!

Items that everyone can't afford to use on QQ can be freely used in Rainbow Helo for free!

Rainbow QQ cannot do this kind of design.

This is a serious violation of QQ's commercial interests, which will violate the law and lead to imprisonment.

It won't work on Rainbow Helo.

Rainbow QQ and QQ are essentially one product, while Rainbow Helo and QQ are two products.

Even if there are complaints from QQ, at most it is that Rainbow Helo plagiarized and infringed on their QQ show design... There is no way to sue, the exact same is considered plagiarism? The law doesn't say that.

Only when the underlying code is exactly the same is it called copying!

The appearance design is the same, but the underlying code is different. In professional terms, this is called "the result is the same, but the implementation process is different", which is not plagiarism in the legal sense.

Zhang Yiming specially showed Zhou Buqi this design on the computer.

Open Rainbow Helo, in the personal avatar, you can choose a custom avatar, and then jump to a new webpage...a magical webpage.

There are all kinds of exquisite QQ shows on it!

What is shown in the front are some exquisite QQ shows with the default configuration of the system, with beautiful hair, beautiful clothes, and sparkling magic wands...

10Q coins are marked below.

Here is the price.

However, a slash was drawn on the top of "10Q coins", and two words "free" were added next to it.

In other words, the expensive QQ show that costs 10Q coins to sell in QQ can be collected for free in Rainbow Helo!

Not only that, the system also supports user-defined options.

Users can arbitrarily choose the characters they like in the inventory, and then design the characters and dress them up from head to toe... Each shape has a Q coin fee, but it is crossed out by a slash and becomes free .

It probably means boys and girls, come quickly!

In QQ, you envy, envy and hate that you can only watch other people's fashion shows. In Rainbow Helo, you can play for free and casually, and you can play as you want!

Zhou Buqi was convinced.

Completely convinced.

No wonder 51, a seemingly unpopular website, has become popular all over the country in the past few years. The product team of 51 is really talented. They understand the thoughts of young people too well!

Rainbow Helo is not only a copycat version of Helo, but also a copycat version of QQ!

This is a new product based on Helo and decorated with QQ.

can play!

Really know how to play!

Zhou Buqi was so impressed, he laughed, "Hooligans are not scary, but they are cultured! This Rainbow Helo is so amazing, I couldn't help but like them."

Fu Hongliang was also full of praise for this design, "Well, I didn't expect them to have such a whimsical idea, which is really good. In this way, Rainbow Helo can not only be based on Helo users, It can also attract QQ users. 51 users themselves are not very interested in Helo, but they are very interested in QQ.”

Zhang Yiming said: "That's right, Rainbow Helo is an improved product of Rainbow QQ. What is planted is the seed of Helo, and what grows is the big tree of QQ."

Fu Hongliang said with a smile: "This design is more conducive to attracting young users from QQ to Helo. It really helped us a lot."

Zhou Buqi also felt a little emotional, "I really can't underestimate the heroes of the world. Everyone has merit. I thought 51 was overwhelmed by the penguin, so he raised his hands and surrendered. Look at Rainbow Helo, how can it be like this?" What happened? They changed the track and continued to disgust penguins."

Zhang Yiming couldn't help laughing, "It's good for us anyway."

Fu Hongliang said: "That's right, QQ can't tolerate rainbow QQ, but Helo can tolerate rainbow Helo. Under such a premise, the result is doomed. Maybe 51 will be very hostile to us in a short time. But we just need to express fairness The gesture of just allowing Rainbow Helo to exist, the guns of 51 must still be aimed at the penguins."

"This social software drama is really exciting! Haha!"

Zhou Buqi was very happy.

The arrogance lost in Jobs has been regained a lot at this moment.

When there was no him in the previous life, how rigid was the domestic chat software market? A pool of stagnant water is dominated by QQ. This situation will inevitably push the market in an unhealthy direction.

Now with Helo, the market is instantly alive.

Rainbow QQ can't do it, and there is Rainbow Helo.

The meaning of rebirth is still great!

It can effectively prevent Internet monopoly.

In addition to these three main changes, there are some small changes in minor details that are not so important. For example, Rainbow Helo is a green installation version that does not write the registry; users can choose to run the original version of Helo or Rainbow Helo; Define the status of the camera; add a stealth function for users; customize whether to receive pictures, whether to accept files...

Overall, this is a very good plug-in software.

From a design point of view, if the full score is 100 points, Zhou Buqi is willing to score 95 points for it, which greatly enriches the functions and playability of Helo.

But for now, these new features are a bit complicated and not suitable for adding to the original Helo.

Zhou Buqi said: "Our side must also cooperate well. Helo users can use the free QQ show, which is a good design. Original Helo users must be able to receive the QQ show from the Rainbow Helo terminal completely. display, that would be a blow to the enthusiasm of Rainbow Helo users.”

Fu Hongliang smiled, "I'm afraid that Penguin will have opinions."

"That was a trick created by 51, and it has nothing to do with us." Zhou Buqi was very flat, "Maybe, there are still waiting to see our jokes over there!"

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