Top of the big era

Chapter 1075 Seeing the Rainbow After the Storm

On June 12th, Zhou Buqi will return to China.

On the 11th, he went to Orlando with his sister Bao.

Ordinary young people go to Orlando, mainly to go to Universal Studios, the newly opened Harry Potter Park is very popular.

What Zhou Buqi wants to see most is the Kennedy Space Center, to visit and understand the details of human exploration of space. Exploring space is the ultimate direction of human technological development.

Xue Baoshan is not interested in these things, she likes Sea World.

The sea world is full of Disney colors, and it is a paradise for children. In this respect, Zhou Buqi feels that Baomei is like a child. She especially likes those sea creatures, such as killer whales, dolphins, walruses, sea lions, otters, and penguins.

While watching the seal show, Zhou Buqi received a call.

It's Senior Sister Zhen Yu.

"good news!"

Zhen Yu's voice was excited.

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Which aspect?"

Zhen Yu said happily: "Google has bid, 600 million US dollars!"

"So fast?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, why did the efficiency suddenly become so high?

Zhen Yu smiled and said, "Maybe it's because we went to see Apple's press conference yesterday and had lunch with Apple's executives. Google is afraid. Well, it may be that Google was suppressed by Apple's press conference." I was shocked."

Zhou Buqi said excitedly: "No matter what, it's a good thing for us!"


"What about you? What are your plans?"

Zhen Yu turned to ask, "Where's Lu Qi?"

Zhou Buqi said: "He said that last month, he submitted his resignation letter to Yahoo. He will be able to officially take office at the end of this month or early next month."

Zhen Yu said softly, "I want to go back to China."

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Great, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. Most of Ziweixing's executives are men, which is too uncoordinated."

Zhen Yu said: "Well, Liu Qing has already rested to raise her baby, and I can't leave here. After Lu Qi officially takes office, I will go back."

Zhou Buqi said straightforwardly: "No problem, just do it like this!"

With the entry of Apple and Google, the prelude to the mobile Internet era is about to begin.

Ziweixing must make preparations in advance and plan ahead.

This is Zhou Buqi's biggest advantage.

To do mobile Internet, there must be a mobile advertising platform, just like AdMob. The form of advertising on the mobile terminal is different from that on the computer terminal, and the mode, design and initial audience are also different.

Zhen Yu was in the advertising business at the beginning, the dining table advertising project on the university campus. Later, he founded Jieyu Media, and participated in the mobile advertising platform AdMob in the United States. He is the co-founder and the second largest individual shareholder.

It is very appropriate to entrust this task to her.

Coincidentally, Pei Yao, the person in charge at Pengcheng, was about to rest with a pregnant belly, and there was still a lack of a successor.

Zhen Yu was just right in the past.

Pengcheng is the frontier of reform and the most cutting-edge place. The initial exploration of the mobile Internet there is also in line with the local social culture.

When the time and place are right, send people to reconcile!

people and...

This is really a little trouble.

Back then, Zhen Yu was the founder, chairman, and general manager of Jieyu Media, and Pei Yao was the director she recruited in charge of marketing. She was promoted to vice president only after her outstanding performance.

A few years later, Zhen Yu returned triumphantly from the United States.

After returning to China, it turned out to be the successor for the subordinates of the subordinates of the subordinates of the subordinates...

This kind of thing would be uncomfortable for anyone.

If you want to deal with this matter, Zhou Buqi can only come forward.

With Zhen Yu's achievements and experience, even He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Zhang Yiming, and Guo Pengfei are not qualified to point fingers in front of her... In the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance, since Liu Wenbo was expelled, Zhen Yu has become a veritable No. 2 person. Everyone should address her as "Senior Sister Zhenyu".

Back then, was launched without external funds, mainly because of Zhen Yu's campus dining table advertising project, which raised millions of yuan.

Later, Ziweixing spent 80 million US dollars to acquire Sogou. Where did the money come from? It was also Zhen Yu's operations in the United States, where she became a shareholder of the video site YouTube and earned money from Google.

There are also Twitter and AdMob. Zhen Yu's role in the United States is far greater than that of Liu Qing.

Zhen Yu obviously didn't think too much about it, and continued to talk about Google's acquisition of AdMob, and said softly: "Google is also under a lot of cash pressure now, and they won't give cash to this deal."


Zhou Buqi was a little disappointed.

What's the use of not giving cash to stocks? What Ziweixing lacks now is cash that can be called at any time, and it has to rely on the power of money to brandish Fang Qiu in the past few years of the financial crisis.

Zhen Yu explained: "Google is advancing a number of super big projects, two of which have been made public, one is Android and the other is a browser."

"Browser? Google Chrome?" Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Zhenyu said: "Well, last week, Google released a preview version for developers on Mac and Linux. The official version is expected to be launched within a few months. According to industry reports, Google has been working on this project for 4 years and spent more than 90 years. Well, they have developed a new browser kernel, and it is said that the trial effect is quite good, and it is many times more powerful than the existing browser kernels on the market.”

Of course Zhou Buqi knew, "We have to let our Weidian browser catch up and apply Google's browser kernel. By the way, what about the lock-up period for stock mergers and acquisitions?"

Zhen Yu said softly: "It will take at least 24 months. Recently, Google's stock price is very unstable. I don't want to see a big sell-off."

Zhou Buqi was not very satisfied, "Google's current stock price is more than 550 US dollars?"

Zhen Yu said: "Yes, recently Google has successively started the Android mobile phone strategy, as well as the browser business, and the stock price has rebounded."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "That's not acceptable. If you give it in cash, you can trade it now. If you give it in stocks, it will take a while. You can't take no advantage at all."

Zhen Yu didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi lowered his voice, avoiding the tourists in the amusement park, and whispered: "I met with Wall Street financiers in New York and learned some secrets. Several major investment banks suffered heavy losses in the first half of the year, and the federal government may not be able to rescue them. .A group of wild capitalists is brewing a crazy plan to enter the market with super leverage to short the market.”


Zhen Yu was stunned.

Do you know this kind of secret? Boss Zhou is too powerful, right?

Zhou Buqi said categorically: "Once it is put into operation, the impact will be worldwide, and no industry will be spared. In the next few months, Google's stock price will inevitably plunge all the way, and a half-cut is considered light. Completing the M\u0026A transaction now will not It is in the interest of AdMob."

Zhen Yu was angry and funny, "Aren't you in a hurry a few days ago, and wanted to actively promote the merger of Google and AdMob."

Zhou Buqi said: "At this moment and at that moment, I want to sell it quickly for cash, but Google only gives stocks but not money. Then we must choose a time when the stock price is low enough to complete the transaction."

Zhen Yu asked hesitantly: "Then refuse? Google offered 600 million US dollars, which is very sincere."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Don't worry, the price of AdMob will only be higher after the mobile phone is launched, and then the transaction price will be higher. And, there is one more important point."


"If AdMob is merged into Google now, your status will be very troublesome. After completing the transaction, you may have to sign a non-compete agreement if you leave AdMob. After you return to China, you will not be able to engage in mobile advertising platforms. Now you are the boss of AdMob, you You don’t need to sign any agreements when you resign and return to your country.”

"That's right..." Zhen Yu pondered for a while, "Well, I'll talk to Hamui and ask him to suspend accepting Google's proposal and wait a few more months."


Recent Penguin, beaming.

At the general office meeting, the haze of the past few months was gone.

There are two main things.

First, since Helo went online and launched the gold coin wallet system, the active users of QQ have continued to decline. DAU dropped from 73 million to 60 million.

Recently, it has finally recovered and increased to 65 million.

If it keeps going down, it will be bad.

Now that there is a rebound, it shows that QQ still has a high status in the hearts of users, and it is still a very competitive product in the market.

Second, the hooligans were sanctioned.

Rainbow QQ, which has troubled everyone for more than half a year, is finally coming to an end under a series of blows. This is not only the protection of the interests of its own QQ business, but also a typical case of genuine overcoming piracy, which is worthy of special mention.

51 Space was beaten to the ground by QQ Space.

Rainbow QQ is also dead.

Now, 51 can't survive, right?

Mr. Ma was very happy, with a smile on his face, "I am obedient and 51 haven't received financing yet?"

President Liu just laughed, "I heard that Ziweixing's Mr. Zhou messed up."

Mr. Ma smiled and said: "At the beginning I called him and said that we would join forces to suppress 51. He refused and said a lot of righteous words, saying that he wanted to compete fairly and not bully the weak. He said a lot of good things, but in the end it was not good. Still made a move?"

President Liu said with a smile: "President Zhou is quite interesting at such a young age."

At this time, Vice President Wang blinked his eyes and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Now there is a big show to watch!"


"The latest internal news."

The so-called know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. There are no secrets in the Internet industry. Almost every company has an eyeliner in other companies. There is no need to deliberately arrange it. The market is so big. If you look around, there are classmates, friends and former colleagues everywhere. Just ask and you will know.

Therefore, many important decisions will be kept strictly confidential, often bypassing the arrangement of the board of directors.

Some of 51's decision-making transformations can also be heard from the Penguin side.

"Oh? How is it?"

"Rainbow QQ is dead, we can't do it anymore, Mr. Pang's anger is directed at Ziweixing!"


Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Mr. Pang, who is 51, is a lunatic and never thinks about the consequences. Otherwise, he would not dare to hit a rock with a pebble and challenge giants like penguins non-stop.

Mr. Ma was very curious, "What should 51 do?"

Vice President Wang paused for a moment, then said slowly: "It is said, I heard...they are going to develop a product similar to Rainbow QQ, specifically for Ziweixing."

"what is it call?"

"Rainbow Helo."


"Ha ha!"

In the general office, everyone roared with laughter.

So happy!

This is all right, after the storm, I saw a rainbow!

Let Ziweixing also taste the feeling of being targeted by blood-sucking insects!

Boss Zhou always likes to establish a positive image, what is open and transparent, fair and just, what rejects vicious competition, protects the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises, and what cannot rely on the strong to bully the weak...

One slogan is better than one sentence.

Now that's all right, I'm going to make Rainbow Helo!

If you have the ability, don't play "choose one of two"!

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