Top of the big era

Chapter 1073 The first thing after taking office

On June 4th, Zhou Buqi and Shen Xiangyang met with Lu Qi.

On June 5th, Zhou Buqi, Shen Xiangyang and Zhou Shaoning met with Lu Qi.

On June 6th, Zhou Buqi, together with Shen Xiangyang, Zhou Shaoning, Liu Qing, and Zhen Yu, made an appointment with Lu Qi.

Today is Zhou Buqi's birthday.

Under everyone's booing, Lu Qi was also a little embarrassed, and he half agreed. He did not formally agree to join Ziweixing, but he will participate in the case of Google's acquisition of AdMob as a personal friend.

AdMob's business is an advertising platform on mobile phones.

Google is the world's largest online advertising platform, and it is focusing on the business of mobile terminals. Of course, it does not want to miss it.

It is conceivable that this transaction will inevitably have another sky-high price.

AdMob's annual revenue is only 16 million US dollars.

However, for such a strategic merger, the data is of little significance.

In the evening, Zhou Buqi had a candlelight dinner with Sister Bao alone.

"I wanted to live a two-person world with you, but now there are so many things, I'm a bit too busy."

"It's okay, I'm happy."

Xue Baoshan understood him very well.

Zhou Buqi said: "Today is my birthday, you can be careless, tomorrow is your birthday, you can't be careless, it must be grand!"

Xue Baoshan had beautiful eyes, "No need."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, and said firmly: "No, you must be careful. I heard that there is a strip club in the city. It's very nice. I'll take you there tomorrow?"

Xue Baoshan was furious: "Student Zhou, I'm ignoring you."

Zhou Buqi laughed and sighed, "When we're done with this work, let's go to Orlando for a day and then go back to China."

Xue Baoshan's face was ruddy, and she lowered her head slightly, "I can do anything, just listen to you."

The next day was Sister Bao's birthday.

But there is no way, time is tight.

Although AdMob has only been in business for two years and its revenue is not high, it has already achieved profitability, which is the most important thing. An Internet company that is profitable while maintaining rapid development is enough to attract attention.

Apple has been the first to ask the price.

The asking price is 280 million US dollars!

No suspense refused.

Currently, in this field, AdMob is the well-deserved No. 1 market, and Quattro is No. 2 in the market. The gap is very large.

Zhou Buqi acts as an intermediary to help Google defeat Apple and promote Google's acquisition of AdMob, which is conducive to the further establishment of a cooperative relationship between the two parties and the in-depth cooperation in the mobile phone business.

Then, it's annoying.

Very headache!

The efficiency of Americans in doing things is really terrible.

In other words, the process has become a rule, which is too rigid.

If it's domestic business...for example, when Zhou Buqi discusses business with Boss Ma, Shi Yuzhu, including Shanda's Lao Chen and Ninetowns' Lao Zhu, how can there be so many trivial matters?

The boss has come forward in person, and he is so fussy, isn't it too embarrassing?

Sit down to a meal and that's about it!

There is such a time for grinding and chirping, how about everyone singing KTV with your sister in your arms at night?

Cooperate for mutual benefit and take a step back, and it will be reached quickly.

Americans can't.

Larry Page, the founder of Google, personally led the team, looked at various documents for an hour, and then kept asking about many details of AdMob, and talked with financial officers, personnel officers, technical officers and others.

Zhou Buqi was very frantic, so he secretly pulled Lu Qi aside, and said in a broken voice: "With this efficiency, this case lasted for ten days and a half months, and there is no way to talk about it!"

Lu Qi looked very surprised: "How is it possible? How can it be so fast?"

Well, he still thinks ten days and half a month is too fast.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, and said lightly: "If I were to do it within three days, I would definitely get this case down. So what if I spend more money? Nights are long and dreams are many. I started Jingtao, and it took only an hour to get it done. Well, You know Jingtao, right?"

"Well, I heard a little bit."

The offer Lu Qi received was the global vice president of Ziwei Star, which was at the same level as the senior vice president, both M8. For such a high-level job invitation, he must of course do his homework and have a comprehensive understanding of Ziweixing.

Zhou Buqi said: "Jingtao is an e-commerce platform jointly developed by Ziweixing, and Ali. The current main market is Japan. In the next few years, we will try to develop into Europe and the United States."

Lu Qi frowned, "It's very difficult, Amazon hasn't been able to make a profit for so many years."

"Is it really not possible?"

Zhou Buqi pretended to be surprised.

Lu Qi said: "Cultural background should be carefully considered. The Asian market...mainly China, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia are basically the same, and they are all influenced by traditional Confucian culture. It is more tolerant when it is expressed on the Internet. Amazon's e-commerce business Year after year of losses, the main reason is that the investment in services is too large.”

Mentioning this, Zhou Buqi laughed, "Yes, I remembered what you said, Japanese websites... Oh, I have browsed some, it is really shocking!"

Lu Qi really didn't know, so he was surprised, "How do you say?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "The web design is just like the 90s, the pixels are very low, and the dirt is dregs." (The same is true for 2021)

Lu Qi said, "Small website?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "They are all commercial websites, and many of them are very popular websites. For example, the video website that Ziweixing Japan has just completed acquisition is called Niconico."


"This website has a paid channel, and you have to pay to become a member to watch the video. I don't understand it either. Later, someone told me that this can be easily cracked. It seems that... Open the web page inspector, and you will find the original link of the video It’s just hanging inside. Just click on the link, and you can watch it.”

Although Zhou Buqi didn't understand technology, he couldn't help laughing when he saw the scene happening.

The Internet level is really weak.

After Ziweixing Japan officially completes the acquisition of Niconico, it will inevitably complete some technical and design updates and improvements. In the past, the website was like a grass-roots team, which was too low-level.

Lu Qi smiled, "It's better to guard against a villain than a gentleman."

Zhou Buqi said: "Anyway, Japanese IT talents are doing software. The development of Internet technology is very backward, just like the domestic ten years ago. Even Yahoo Japan's technical style and design style are many years ago. product."

Lu Qi was silent for a while, and said slowly: "You can't say that, I think... I personally feel that Japan is not behind in this area. Not to mention Japan, many websites in Europe are actually from the 1990s Style. It’s not that Europe and Japan are backward, but that Silicon Valley is too advanced. The domestic Internet is directly in line with Silicon Valley, and all websites are built according to Silicon Valley’s standards, which makes it stand out.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Yes, it's not that they are too backward, it's that we are too strong."

Lu Qi said: "Ziweixing develops overseas markets, and Japan is the first choice. From a technical point of view, it is the most advanced challenge."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said lightly: "There is no challenge. In terms of Internet technology, the challenges facing Ziweixing are the Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft and Google. Japanese Internet companies are not qualified. Shen Xiangyang is my CTO. You should have some understanding of the technical capabilities of Ziwei Star."

"He talked to me and talked about artificial intelligence."

"Yes, we are going to build an artificial intelligence laboratory in Silicon Valley, and the person in charge must be you."

"I'll think about it again."

Lu Qi is more cautious.

Zhou Buqi said: "What is there to consider? Yahoo's current scale seems to be a little bigger than Ziweixing, so what? Yahoo has no future? Google and Microsoft are fighting so fiercely. Yahoo! It's gone. Coca-Cola and Pepsi beat every other cola brand in the world. So does Yahoo."

Lu Qi hesitated for a moment, felt that the boss Zhou had been with him for several days, and felt very sincere, so he lowered his voice, "I plan to leave Yahoo."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Lu Qi said: "But I haven't decided where to go yet."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Buqi was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, "Microsoft wants to poach you?"

Lu Qi smiled and said nothing.

This is inconvenient to say.

Zhou Buqi understood now, no wonder this buddy was hesitant to make up his mind, it turned out that there was a higher offer than Ziweixing.

The attraction of Ziweixing is quite strong, but the opponent is Microsoft!

Zhou Buqi frowned, and didn't like the feeling of being hung up, "Then what do you mean? This year, Ziweixing's US business must be launched. If you have an idea, please tell me as soon as possible. I will put I hope I put it all on you, and I didn't contact anyone else."

Lu Qi felt that he was a bit oppressive, and said frankly: "I only have one request."


"I am only responsible to you alone."

"no problem!"

Zhou Buqi was very proud and waved his hand.

This small matter is easy to solve!

Luqi's offer is the global vice president of M8, the CEO and president of M9, and the chairman of the board of M10.

In other words, from the perspective of rank, there should be Zhang Yiming above Lu Qi.

This is unnecessary.

At least not in the short term.

Zhang Yiming has never been abroad, so he can't do it if he is asked to manage overseas business! It will take at least a few years for Zhang Yiming to have more overseas experience, meet more foreigners, and gain a sufficient understanding of overseas business before he can properly participate.

At that time, Zhou Buqi will not be polite.

Once there is a conflict between Lu Qi and Zhang Yiming, Zhang Yiming must be the one who chooses one of the two, and this is the real one.

For now, let's fool Lu Qi first.

Take it down first.

Lu Qi went on to say, "I am solely responsible for the American business."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's small, the business in Europe has to be done, and you will take care of it. You know the European and American markets better than I do. I will only occasionally provide some suggestions, some strategic ones. Advice. Most of the decisions are up to you."

Lu Qi took a deep breath, feeling relieved.

Zhou Buqi said: "Do you know what is the first thing to do after taking office?"

"Artificial intelligence lab?"

"No, this is important, but not the most important."

"That is?"

"A new iPhone will be released soon, and the media will also expose it. Apple will release its own app store."


"The Aster mobile phone jointly developed by Ziweixing and Google will be launched in October this year."

"Huh?" Lu Qi raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood his intentions, "Do you want to make a fuss on the smartphone? Launch a mobile app?"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Ziweixing has a core product called Helo, you know it?"


"Make an iPhone version first, and then make an Android version!"

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