Entering June, Helo launched a new version, and the game panel was officially launched.

There are a total of 10 games, with a total annual pit fee of 200 million yuan.

Helo's quick login service is also officially launched.

However, due to the limitations of infrastructure and technical capabilities, it has not been fully opened at present, but only selectively opened to some games and well-known websites.

There are about 800 games, platforms and websites.

Including Taobao, Sohu, NetEase, eBay, Dangdang, Youku, Tudou, Sina, Ctrip, Zhaopin and other websites, you can quickly log in through Helo.

Entering June, the people of the whole country have come out from the shadow of the earthquake and started to prepare for the great journey of the Olympic Games.

Zhou Buqi talked to Zhang Yiming about being promoted to president.

What kind of timing would be appropriate?

Zhang Yiming said: "Now everyone's discussion is still relatively large, let's wait a few months. After everyone calms down, we will officially announce this matter."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "September then? The next semester will start, and the general office will officially issue a document to promote you as acting president for a three-month trial. If there is no problem, you will become a regular in December."

Zhang Yiming took a deep breath, "Well, I can do it."

The addition of a probationary period is equivalent to an additional threshold.

During the trial period, there will be a bulletin board.

Employees can give feedback on their opinions.

Zhou Buqi reassured: "Don't worry, there will be no problems. If there is a problem, I will help you solve it. There is no obstacle on the road to becoming a regular. Set down the rules. If there are similar things in the future, I can use your example as a demonstration. Others can’t say anything. Adding a publicity and trial link can reduce the management risk of employing people.”

Zhang Yiming said: "Well, I understand. Everyone is very supportive of me. During this time, He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Cheng Binghao and Shen Xiangyang have all talked to me."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "In the next period of time, you have to do three things well. The first is the Xiaonei website. Ji Zi'an is going to replace Shi Jinglin as the Xiaonei website. The group buying on campus next semester cannot be affected. .”


"Secondly, the scale of Weibo's remarks must be well grasped. In this regard, you need to communicate more with Chen Tong and relevant leaders. During the earthquake period, there are too many negative news, so you must moderate it appropriately."

Zhang Yiming frowned and glanced at him, "Delete the post? The speech environment is limited, and many people don't use Weibo. There are many products like Weibo in China."

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "Those are niche platforms, just for sensationalism. The authorities are too lazy to control them. For example, Lao Luo's Niubo.com has a large scale of speech, and sooner or later something will happen. Now the Silicon Valley Internet giants in China are all Xiao Yu, when the catfish are gone, we will be stricter in the future.”

In fact, Google is subject to news and speech control all over the world, and must comply with local laws and regulations. For example, in Germany, the court will issue a document requiring that content related to corruption cannot appear on Google.

Google must actively cooperate.

It's not the same in China.

Google's philosophy is to act in accordance with the law and abide by the law. The so-called law refers to the judgment or request made by the court according to the law, not the administrative order of the government.

Domestic enterprises do not comply and close down directly.

Google is a foreign company, so it is not easy to force it to shut down, and there are a series of methods to deal with it.

If Weibo wants to survive, it must abide by the rules.

Zhang Yiming was reluctant because he was still too young.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "When I went back to the Northeast this time, someone told me an idiom. I found it very interesting, that is, 'Keep a boat and seek a sword'. When I heard this idiom when I was a child, I thought the protagonist Chu people were so stupid and stupid, but when I grew up, Only to find out that each of us is from Chu, and after many years, we will turn our heads to find what was lost at a certain node."

Zhang Yiming sighed, "Yes, innocence in youth is probably the price of growing up."

Zhou Buqi said: "I thought of another idiom called 'cut the feet to fit the shoes'. When I was a child, I also had similar feelings. There would be such a stupid person who would cut off his own feet to adapt to the shoes. It would not work to change a pair of shoes. ?"

Zhang Yiming was deeply touched.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "All the smart people have changed their shoes, but we are all idiots left behind. We should cut off our feet to adapt to the shoes."

Zhang Yiming gritted his teeth, "I see."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "To run a business, you need not only sensitivity, but also insensitivity. Guys who are too smart will run away early. Only dull fools can persevere and make some achievements slowly. Some people's cleverness is petty cleverness. There is also a kind of cleverness called great wisdom as if foolish."

Zhang Yiming took a deep breath and finally understood, "I know. We are willing to give up some principles because we are sticking to some larger principles."

Zhou Buqi was infected and took it for granted, "Yes, Google is adhering to some principles, which seem admirable, but they are just small principles. They are foreign companies, and they have no social responsibility to our country. We must. Stable development In order to prosper and prosper. Wealth and power come first, followed by civilization. In a messy place like Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to have prosperity and civilization. In this regard, we must also be vigilant against Western thinking.”

Zhang Yiming was amused by him.

He obviously wants to make Weibo more suitable for the domestic environment. The small sapling can thrive and become a towering tree, survive, and earn more money. As a result, he can always go online and rise to the national level of national justice.

The perspective of the big boss is always so lofty.

"Okay, I understand this matter, what about the third matter?"

"Do a good job in the marketing of Rokid."


Zhang Yiming knew about it.

Rokid is an artificial intelligence assistant produced by the Hangzhou branch of Ziweixing Research Institute. It was officially launched in the new version of Helo on June 1.

Helo users can chat with Rokid and ask some questions.

Zhou Buqi said: "Rokid is not smart enough now, and it needs human customer service to disguise artificial intelligence behind it. Spring City has recruited more than 50 customer service staff, and you can coordinate it. This is one. The second is that Rokid will push to SP In the market, mobile phone users can send text messages to chat with Rokid, ask about the weather or some minor problems. Coordinate the relationship between various departments.”

Zhang Yiming squinted his eyes, "This requires coordination between the research institute, customer service center, Helo, China Taiwan business department and SP departments, which is indeed not easy."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Rokid will be an important product of Ziweixing in the future, and it is the core pillar of artificial intelligence. It should be given the highest standard of attention."

Zhang Yiming said in a deep voice, "I know, I will arrest you."


In the evening, Zhou Buqi got together again with several old male entrepreneurs and a group of young mysterious people.

The plan is finalized.

If someone takes the lead to make money, of course they must participate!

Ziweixing invested 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, and such a large amount of money has been invested, so what are you afraid of?


Together, the gang then raised a full $2.2 billion.

Lao Wang, Lao Lu, Lao Liu, Lao Duan, and Lao Yu all contributed capital in their own names, and only raised a total of 120 million US dollars. Shi Yuzhu is different. His giant investment companies cover a wide range of fields. In addition, this buddy's gambling is extremely high, and he will play the biggest one when he comes up. All the 260 million US dollars in the giant's investment account have been invested in it.

Counting last week, the group of entrepreneurs contributed a total of $1.58 billion.

The remaining 620 million US dollars are those mysterious people. They participated in various names, some using other people's names, some with an investment company, some with a certain foundation, and some with overseas relatives.

In short, the action group creation is complete!

The next step is to go to the United States and throw money into the market.

There was a guy in his twenties named Zhao Jiaren who was very happy and said he would arrange a Boeing 747 and go to the United States together!

Go to the US financial market to make waves, just think about it!

Boss Liu hurriedly warned, saying that he should keep a low profile and not leak the news, the less people know the less. Whether it succeeds or fails, it is best to keep it private.

Zhao Jiaren laughed, "We will definitely keep it secret, as long as you don't spread the word."

It was past 11 o'clock in the evening, and Zhou Buqi returned home.

When I went up to the second floor, I found that the door of Aunt Xue's bedroom was still open. When I walked in, I found that Aunt Xue was talking to Sister Bao.

"Aunt Xue, are you still up so late?"

Zhou Buqi knocked on the door and walked in.

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and smiled, "You're back, I was talking to my mother about the beauty salon."

"What happened to the beauty salon?"


Aunt Xue looked embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi understood it at a glance, and said with a smile: "Opening a beauty salon is mainly for fun, to serve our own family, it doesn't matter if it makes money or not."

Aunt Xue gave him a blank look, "To put it lightly, how can you not make money in business?"

Zhou Buqi didn't change his outer pants, and he couldn't sit directly on the bed, so he sat down on the dressing chair next to him, and said casually: "It's not easy to make money? In this way, Jieyu Media and Yuanwei Group will give The female employees are issued a beauty card with benefits, and they designate your beauty salon."

Aunt Xue looked excited and very happy, "Is this okay?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "That's it, Sister Bao, you can arrange it."

Xue Baoshan was a little hesitant, and raised her head to look at him, "Student Zhou, is this... okay?"

Zhou Buqi said: "What's good or bad? Technology companies must distinguish between public and private, so as not to arouse the resentment of senior talents. Other companies don't need it."

Xue Baoshan nodded lightly, "Well, all right."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Sister Bao, I'm going to America this weekend, you go with me."

"Are you going to America again?"

"Well, it's very important, you act as my interpreter."


Zhou Buqi rolled his eyes, "At that time, the two of us will celebrate our birthdays in the United States by the way, and we will live together without anyone else."

June 6th is Zhou Buqi's birthday. June 7th is Sister Bao's birthday, only one day apart.

"Well, Aunt Xue, are you going?"

"I won't go, it's too much trouble."

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