Top of the big era

Chapter 1040 Marshal Wei

After hearing Meng Houkun's understanding of this new job, Zhou Buqi felt relieved.

What I am most afraid of are some young people who are too aggressive and have a strong sense of justice.

This is too idealistic.

Forbearance, restraint, and wealth creation will be reflected in every link of the enterprise.

The most typical is the technical committee.

Every time there was a meeting, Xu Liangjie would collapse.

He can be regarded as the top three executives of Ziwei Star, but in the discussions of the technical committee, some young people often slapped him on the table, and repeatedly satirized him for being too old, outdated, what? If you don't understand, don't command blindly.

I have no choice but to endure.

Young people who have just left school are always full of vigor and pride.

Although Xu Liangjie is in charge of the middle office business, although it is only in its infancy, it is already a world-class technical difficulty, and it has to process hundreds of millions of data reads every day.

With the launch of the Helo quick login service, this data scale will inevitably exceed 1 billion!

what to do?

I can only work overtime, stay up late and work hard to ensure the smooth operation of the middle and Taiwan business. It can be said that this is the most stressful department of Ziwei Star at present.

Xu Liangjie was already getting old, so he couldn't fight in person, he could only rely on this group of young rookies.

Being sarcastic is being sarcastic, as long as they get the job done.

For the smooth development of the work and for the betterment of the company, what should be tolerated must be tolerated.

In the case of corporate anti-corruption and anti-fraud, the same is true.

The fundamental purpose is to make the company better and better, not to bring down the company and cause many development difficulties for the so-called righteousness in the heart.

You have to endure what you should, and you have to play dumb when you should pretend to be stupid.

If you find out that someone is engaging in malpractice and enriching your own pockets, you can't come up in a daze and just call the police, fire you, and notify all employees.

This is cool, the company is over.

Zhou Buqi said: "We do business to make money, to create social wealth, not to be a tyrant. Some people make money for themselves and spend it unscrupulously. We are a private enterprise, and we make money and spend it ourselves. The premise is that we can make money .”

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "You don't need to tell me, I understand better than you. My father has taught me a lot in the past few years, and I have to be able to hold sand in my eyes. When encountering a report, even if the evidence is convincing, you must obey the overall situation of the company and report it in a timely manner. To be clarified, timely iron-fisted rectification."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The sand in the eyes must be removed. But the timing and method of removal must be mastered."

Meng Houkun waved his hand and said confidently: "I am the best candidate for this department! No one is as good as me!"

Zhou Buqi smiled, very satisfied, "However, what is the name of this department? It's really Jinyiwei?"


"It's kind of nondescript, isn't it?"

"It is because of this that the particularity of this department can be shown. My department must be independent from the company system to avoid intersection and cross-infection."

Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry, "What a mess."

Meng Houkun said: "That's it. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I just live in this mountain! If Jinyiwei is also in the system, isn't it also in the mountain? Just like the separation of powers, they must be separated. Only by separating can they maintain their own rights. Independence and authority, and mystery."

Zhou Buqi felt that this kid was a little unscrupulous, so he laughed and said: "You can do whatever you want, it's your department anyway, you don't feel ashamed, call it whatever you like!"

Meng Houkun said disapprovingly: "Shame? Who is it? Jinyiwei is an important institution of Ming Dynasty. Don't you know how popular "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is and how many fans it has cultivated? I will recruit people and say that our internal control is compliant. When you are recruited by the Ministry of Finance, people ignore you, and you feel inexplicable. How majestic is Jinyiwei? When people ask, where do you work? They say I work in the Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town! How cool is this? Out!"

Zhou Buqi was so teased that he laughed loudly, "Return to Beizhen Fusi."

Meng Houkun was a bit stinky and coquettish, and said with a smile: "It is necessary, Ziwei Star has two headquarters parks in the north and the south. It happens to be a Fusi in the North Town and a Fusi in the South Town. When the time comes, my Jinyiwei employees, Regardless of men and women, they all wear the uniform of Jinyiwei, um, the flying fish uniform. Wherever they walk, they will be majestic. At that time, do you think they are attractive? Do you have any appeal when recruiting?"

Zhou Buqi was convinced by him, "You are amazing."

Meng Houkun sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, conceived various matters of his Jinyiwei, and said in a deep voice: "Well, the Jinyiwei has limited funds, so we can't have too many people, so let's set 50-60 posts. The number of people is too small. Don’t separate them, they all work together. The Fusi of Nanbei Township is not divided by region, but by the content of work. The Fusi of Beizhen Town is in charge of economic investigation and anti-fraud investigation. Improvement, supervision and implementation, as well as the collection and investigation of various information within the enterprise, gossip, and follow the text. Well, that’s how it was arranged.”

Zhou Buqi twitched the corners of his mouth, and said mockingly: "Okay, you, this is the job that suits you best."


Meng Houkun laughed and rubbed his hands, feeling that he had a chance to show his talents.

Zhou Buqi said: "This department, do whatever you like, but I have one request."

"Go ahead."

"Our Ten-University Entrepreneurial Alliance has established several companies. In addition to Ziweixing, there is also Ziweixing Electronics Group, Yuanwei Milk Tea, Jieyu Media, Bajixing,, Jingtao... umm Forget overseas. Mainly domestic. These companies must be within the inspection scope of Jinyiwei. Well, with the idea of ​​centralization, Jinyiwei is the big middle office for these companies to fight corruption and fraud."

"It's all right, let Beizhen Fusi do it, but..." Meng Houkun was a little embarrassed, and glanced at him, "But I'm afraid that the funds are too small and the manpower is not enough."

Zhou Buqi said: "Go to other companies to do research, and you can ask them to give you money."

Meng Houkun nodded, "I think it can be done like this. According to different situations, part of the stolen money recovered by our Jinyiwei can be used as a bonus for everyone. This is more pay for more work, which can stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for work."

Zhou Buqi agreed, and waved his hand, "Okay, let's do it like this! For the stolen money in different cases, you can analyze the specific situation and use a part of it as a bonus."

Meng Houkun was very happy and said with a smile: "Look at it, in a few months, I will build Jinyiwei for you!"

Zhou Buqi said sternly: "All the work should be put on the bright side. No spies are allowed to be sent to various business departments. If you make the company panic and polluted, you should step down!"

Meng Houkun looked relaxed, "Don't worry, I'm handsome!"

"You're so handsome!"

"Illiterate, the commander of Jinyiwei is also called Ti Shuai and Wei Shuai, do you understand?"

"All right, you are Marshal Wei!"


I don't work overtime at night.

Zhou Buqi is a little tired today, so I will leave after get off work.

I am tired.

Working with excellent people has many advantages, just arrange the work and don't need to worry too much. After a while, they always give satisfactory results.

There are also disadvantages.

Excellent people are too smart, and their complicated thoughts are unpredictable. At least they must be more careful when dealing with them, and they must work hard to maintain various balances in the company.

Fortunately, there is Meng Houkun.

He should be able to handle it well.

"Call Zhang Yuqi, I'll be there in a while."


Ning Yaxian sat in the car without moving, looking at him weakly.

Zhou Buqi looked at her strangely, "What's wrong?"

Ning Yaxian's face turned red, she leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Master, you haven't loved me for a long time."

Zhou Buqi said: "Isn't your sister here? Didn't I leave room for you..."

"I told her!"


Zhou Buqi was very pleasantly surprised, his mind became alive immediately, and his fatigue subsided immediately.

Ning Yaxian bit her red lips tightly, and gave him a white look, "Really."

Zhou Buqi held her in his arms, and asked suspiciously: "Did you lie to me this time? My mother said that beautiful women like to lie."

"I didn't lie to you, I told you the truth." Ning Yaxian bit her lower lip lightly, and then sighed softly, "Oh, I told Xiaomeng the day before yesterday. She hasn't talked to me these two days, I'm angry."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Dear sister, why can you be angry? You can't figure it out for a while. It's okay, just have a beginning, give her some time, she will figure it out, and she's not a little girl anymore."

Ning Yaxian glanced at him, "Are you going to my place?"


"What's the inconvenience?"

"Then go! Treat you well!"

Ning Yaxian glanced at him, and warned: "I told Xiaomeng, she is still sulking. After the past, don't tease her, give her some time to think, if you are impatient, promise..."

"Okay, I'm not as good as you?" Zhou Buqi interrupted her, and snorted disdainfully, "That's your sister, if it were someone else, my boss would do it himself, and within two or three hours I would be able to get you." Down!"

After passing by, I saw Ning Yameng wearing a home skirt, showing half of her beautiful legs, playing with Xinxin in the living room.

Xinxin called out happily: "Dad!"

Then he opened his little hand and ran over wobbly.

Zhou Buqi laughed, held her in his arms and held her high, looking at Ning Yameng. He found that she was also looking up at himself with complicated eyes.

The two of them looked at each other, and Ning Yameng's face flushed red, then she gave him a hard look, turned her head, turned around with a cold snort, and went upstairs.

Zhou Buqi stared at the back of her going upstairs, smiled, turned to Ning Yaxian and said: "The way you twist your butt really looks like you."

"Bah." Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes at him, "Don't talk nonsense in front of the children."

Zhou Buqi smiled and squeezed his eyes, "Should I eat first, or eat you first?"

Ning Yaxian took her daughter from his arms and coaxed her softly: "Xinxin is going to play with my aunt. Mom has to do some important things with dad."

Xinxin is only four or five years old, and her voice is very innocent, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, and brought the child over again, "Come on, let's go play with my aunt." Then she turned around and said, "Yaxian, you can order food from the hotel, let the driver pick it up, and wait for me in the bathroom."

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