The next day, Wu Yu returned home.

When she came to Japan this time, her task was completed very smoothly, and she waited for Zheng Zigong to go to China, and then formally signed a contract, and began to design the blind box figure of the characters of the Three Kingdoms.

This is the most important part of the blind box process.

Wu Yu has a kind of enthusiasm to do a big business. Although it is the May Day holiday, she doesn't plan to rest. She has to go back to China and pick out the design company she cooperates with.

Zhou Buqi cannot return home.

The most important thing has not been done yet!

Zhou Buqi took Ning Yaxian to send Wu Yu back to China on an international flight, and then waited at the airport for people from Jieyu Media, China Film and the crew of "Red Cliff".

The two sat down in the coffee shop in the airport, and two bodyguards sat at a table next to them.

Zhou Buqi looked around, feeling very emotional, "This doesn't look like an economic crisis. This dense crowd is all compatriots from China who have come to Japan for tourism."

Ning Yaxian twirled her hair by her ears, and said with a smile: "Survivors are deviant, those who were affected didn't come, and those who came were all unaffected."

"You are a philosopher."

"How about yesterday?"


"Didn't I tell you the history of the development of women's rights in Japan?"

"Oh." Zhou Buqi nodded, with a faint smile, "I knew that your words were too watery and too subjective."

Ning Yaxian shook her head lightly, "There are still basic facts, but the expression is relatively one-sided, not a lie...Huh? Won't you reward me?"

"Reward you?"

"You are a big boss with a big structure. You want to train every girlfriend to be a strong woman. Even Miss Wu Yu is going to be the boss and start a company. If it's Shi Jinglin, I won't say anything. She grew up The edification she has received and the experiences she has seen allow her to make accurate judgments, and will not be easily incited and bewitched. A girl from a small family like Wu Yu must be vigilant once she is in a high position for a short time .”

Zhou Buqi's heart was shocked, and he felt that what she said was too reasonable, and he was surprised: "Are you trying to scare her on purpose?"

Ning Yaxian said angrily: "What scare? I'm just telling a story and a truth. In case she suddenly achieves great success in her career and has more unrealistic pursuits. Especially now that women's rights are rising in China, it will be affected. I think Wen Zhixia, Shi Jinglin, and Xue Baoshan are all fine, and I am most worried about Wu Yu."

Zhou Buqi took it seriously, "Yaxian, you are really my good wife!"

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I'm no good wife, just a little secretary. I just got a vaccination, and you need to take more defensive measures. Don't make mistakes for her Opportunity is to protect you as well as her."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Yaxian, what you said is too reasonable! When I first saw you, I knew you were intellectual and sensible, and I wanted you to be my secretary. Time has proved that my original The choice is right!"

This is the truth.

In his opinion, Ning Yaxian is a treasured daughter's red, the more tasted, the more distant, and the longer the aftertaste.

Ning Yaxian blinked her eyes, and said charmingly: "Meeting you for the first time? Isn't it because I am beautiful that you are attracted to me?"


"Isn't it because I have white legs and a good figure?"


"Isn't it because of my big breasts?"

"No." Zhou Buqi couldn't hold back his old face, and coughed lightly, "Don't think of me so superficially, I have also conducted in-depth investigations on you."

Ning Yaxian blushed, "Then you should investigate more, I want to give birth to you."

"have to!"

Zhou Buqi was defeated.

For a young woman of this age, she is really fascinated by her flirtatious behavior.

At this time, the plane arrived.

A lot of people came, they came by chartered plane, the formalities were handled very quickly, and they passed through the customs very quickly.

Mr. Han was a little flattered by Boss Zhou's personal pick-up.

Zhou Buqi greeted them politely with a smile, looked around, and sure enough, in the back row of these people, he saw a beautiful actress in an orange top and a white half-length skirt. It was Lin Siling.

She had the lowest status, she was the last one to shake hands, and said with a businesslike look, "Mr. Zhou, it's a pleasure to see you again."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said half-jokingly: "I don't know Japanese, and I'm not very familiar with Japan, so I've been following you for a few days."

Lin Siling cast a glance at him, "I know, Mr. Zhou."

This time a group of people gathered in Japan, mainly to open up the relationship between the two companies.

One is Ai Hui, the investor of "Red Cliff", and the other is Fang Dongbao, the publisher of "Red Cliff".

Avex is Avex. It changed its Chinese name after a few years, and it is called Avex Group. It is the largest music group in Japan and the largest independent record company in the world. Ayumi Hamasaki and Tibetan female singer Alan are both artists of this company. Seventy percent of record sales in Japan come from Ai Hui.

Alan sang the theme song of "Red Cliff", and the stage play of "Red Cliff" will also be planned and produced by Ai Hui.

After opening up the relationship with Ai Hui, "The Voice" got the green light all the way. Those bouncing idol artists can also come and go as soon as they are called.

The Japanese economy has been sluggish for two decades, and the entertainment industry has a great influence in society.

As long as YikYak can gain the support of the entertainment industry and celebrities come to open accounts, then success is just around the corner.

Toho Co., Ltd. is a Japanese film giant with greater influence than Ai Hui.

After opening up the relationship with Dongbao, Jieyu Media and Ziweixing will be able to give the green light all the way to acquire the copyrights of film and television dramas in Japan. With copyright, there is the core lifeblood of the video business.

The goal is set, let's start now.

Japan also has a "May Day holiday", which lasts about 10 days.

Bosses and executives don't need vacations, though.

In the afternoon, I will meet with the people from Dongbao.

Negotiations went very well.

In addition to the package release plan of "Red Cliff" and Dongbao, there is also the all-round strategic cooperation between YikYak and Dongbao.

In the next three years, YikYak will become the primary online marketing platform for all movies released by Dongbao. Dongbao will require film directors, actors and other main creative personnel to open YikYak accounts and release some relevant movie information on the platform. YikYak will help promote the traffic.

This cooperation is very simple.

The main creators of the film are obliged to cooperate with the distributor's publicity work. This is not only a professional quality, but also a requirement written in the contract.

Dongbao has a new marketing channel, and YikYak has an additional traffic portal, and the combination will benefit both.

It is a simple cooperation, but without China Film's central introduction, it would be almost impossible for Ziweixing, an Internet company, to have a relationship with a traditional local snake like Dongbao.

Not to mention Ziweixing, there are more than 20 blog sites in Japan, and no film distribution company regards blogs as a publicity channel.

Contracts will be signed after the holidays.

In the evening, the people from Dongbao invited the crew of "Red Cliff", including Zhou Buqi and others, to have dinner and drink at the custom venue.

Zhou Buqi has been to Japan several times, and before going to the night show, he invited Tang Binchen to go with him. Being led by local snakes can ensure safety.

With Xu Baihui, Ning Yaxian, Lin Siling and others around, Zhou Buqi didn't order Japanese girls. I also don't think the customs places here are much better than the famous night banquets, heaven and earth, and Casablanca in China.

Language barrier, or chat with Tang Binchen.

"This time we have negotiated a cooperation with Dongbao, and then basically everything on your side will be resolved. Don't stay in the office all the time, you have to integrate into the local culture, and get in touch with Dongbao people more, so that they can help."

"YikYak has more than 5 million users, do you know what this concept is?"


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Tang Binchen said: "Compared with those blog sites, the scale of YikYak can also be ranked in the top five. Yahoo Japan still has great influence. As time goes by, the drainage effect of YikYak channel is getting stronger and stronger."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "YikYak cannot be affiliated with Yahoo, it should be surpassed."

Tang Binchen said confidently: "It's a matter of time, I am very confident now. Ameba's resources have been initially integrated into YikYak, and the next step is to formulate policies to attract those celebrities on Ameba to us. Now with Dongbao A cooperation has been don't have to worry on my side, if you can't complete the task, I will kill myself."

"screw you!"

Zhou Buqi glared coldly and scolded him.

Tang Binchen shook his head and said, "If you have energy, you should pay more attention to Jingtao. Running an e-commerce business is much more complicated than YikYak. Moreover, there are many factions on Jingtao. I heard that Chen Dong's life is very difficult now."

Zhou Buqi took a sip of the wine, put his arm on Lin Siling's shoulder naturally, and sighed: "I told him that he seems to want to solve it by himself."

Tang Binchen turned his head and took a look, and found that Boss Zhou was stretching his hand into the female celebrity's chest, so he quickly averted his gaze.

Fortunately, here is a foreign country, and the lights are dim and the sound is noisy.

"It's not easy for him to solve it by himself. I went to a meeting with them, and the vice presidents all said their own things and showed no respect to him."

"Persevere, if you get through it, it will be done. If you can't make it through, just change."

Zhou Buqi actually admired Chen Dong very much. After all, he was brought out by himself, and his ideas were different from others. For example, Tang Binchen caused a lot of trouble for Boss Zhou. Chen Dong was different. Boss Zhou didn't even need to help him, but he wanted to shoulder all the responsibilities by himself, and became more determined and ambitious.

At this time, Lin Siling who was beside her covered her chest, leaned over and whispered: "President Zhou, why don't we go first, people here often drink too much and make trouble."

"Where are you going?"

"You take me back to the hotel."

"That's fine."

Zhou Buqi agreed to her request, went to talk to some colleagues, and took his family to go first. The group found an insider from Kabukicho, surrounded by more than a dozen young and beautiful Japanese girls, and it seemed that they wanted to experience some Japanese customs at night, so it was inconvenient to disturb them.

Lin Siling was so coquettish, she could make do with it for the night.

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