Top of the big era

Chapter 1001 The Korean Spokesperson

Although Zhou Buqi is deeply afraid of the video industry, it is an important direction in the Internet field. He did not really let it go, but took a share in the form of investment.

The investment was very successful!

Currently, the top ten video sites in China are Youku, Kuliu, Tudou, Wole, Liujianfang, Sina Video, Rubik’s Cube, Amber, First Video, and Even Video.

Among them, the top two Youku, Kuliu, and Ziweixing participated in the investment at an early stage.

After Youku passed the B round, Ziweixing’s shares were diluted to 20%. Kuliu's shares were sold to Shanda, and in exchange for Shanda Literature, 10% remained.

These two shares have become Ziwei Star's important assets.

Zhou Buqi didn't like it, but too many people were jealous and stared at it.

The video industry will be a super big wave!

This is in line with basic Internet logic.

Over the past few decades, TV stations have made a lot of money. Due to policy restrictions, private TV stations cannot be run. With the emergence of the Internet, this pattern will change.

In a sense, a video site is a TV station. As long as the infrastructure is sound and the video website works well, it will be more attractive than TV stations.

Basically, except for countries like Japan that pay special attention to traditional business and reject and resist innovative industries, video websites in mainstream countries are an important Internet outlet.

This is especially true domestically.

Shanda attaches great importance to the video industry!

After the failure of Shanda Box, Boss Chen took the next best thing and made a strategic transformation to online video. Through the video website to replace the role of Shanda Box, the target is

Zhou Buqi knew that the end of Shanda's acquisition of Kuliu must be a lose-lose outcome.

Because only Youku, Tudou and iQiyi are left in the video website industry in the future, Kuliu has disappeared.

But this has nothing to do with Ziweixing.

Now, Shanda has taken a fancy to Ziweixing's shares in Kuliu, and Ziweixing has taken a fancy to the "Three Kingdoms Killing" development team of Shanda's winger game.

The two sides have a basis for negotiation.

Zhang Yiming was speechless after hearing this.

I really don't know what boss Zhou thinks!

Everyone is catching up with the trend, rushing to the video website industry, for fear that they will be late and have nothing to eat. Boss Zhou did the opposite. Not only did he not enter the market, but he also tried every means to send out the shares!

How good is Ziweixing's current situation!

The industry's No. 1 Youku and the industry's No. 2 Kuliu are both strategic partners of Ziweixing. As long as Ziweixing enters the arena, it is easy to dominate the world.

Zhou Buqi was very firm about this, "Let me listen to this matter. I have 100% confidence in the development of the video industry. Now is not the best time, just wait and see!"

Zhang Yiming nodded, and then talked about another matter, "I met Zhu Kuo, the vice president of Google China a few days ago, and I plan to invite him to be the vice president of, in charge of search and advertising distribution business. Let Huang Juncai, who was in charge of this business, became the vice president of the media business department to help Guo Pengfei."

Zhou Buqi knew that he wanted to infiltrate his direct power into the media business department, so he didn't care, and asked in surprise: "Vice President of Google China? What level is this? Going to be the vice president of is considered a downgrade." Bar?"

Zhang Yiming smiled, "One is that the sun is declining, and the other is that it is flourishing. He said there is no problem, and he speaks with his ability."

"Well, good thing!"

Zhou Buqi sighed in admiration, feeling quite emotional in his heart, and truly felt that today's Ziwei Star is already very powerful.

The personnel recruitment of enterprises is often divided into levels.

Through the division of levels, we can also see the different enterprise levels.

The companies at the bottom lack competitiveness, so they can only offer salaries and positions that far exceed market conditions, and attract talents with high salaries and generous salaries.

The second is to provide salaries and positions that are in line with market conditions.

The next two levels are even more powerful.

Providing salaries and positions that are far lower than market conditions can also poach high-level talents from competitors.

In the early days, companies like Ali, Baidu, and Ziweixing had no reputation and no capital, so they could only provide lower salaries and lower positions than the market.

Relying on the concept of the enterprise, the entrepreneurial spirit of the team, as well as the equity and the personal charm of the entrepreneur.

Through some spiritual infection, to attract high-level talents to join.

A few years ago, He Yanghui was willing to join Ziweixing, a grassroots team formed by college students, because he was inspired by Zhou Buqi's personal feelings and charisma.

Now, the personal charm of the boss is no longer needed.

Ziweixing has risen to another level.

There is no need for Zhou Buqi to come forward. Those senior talents who are willing to lower their salaries and positions actively join Ziwei Star, which shows that "Ziwei Star" has formed a strong brand appeal and industry influence.

The vice president of Google China is willing to surrender his status to become the vice president of a business group under Ziweixing.

This is enough to explain the excellent situation of Ziwei Star in the country.

Of course, on the other hand, it also shows the gradual defeat of Google in the domestic market.

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "Recently there have been news that Li Kaifu is leaving."

"In the past two years, this kind of news hasn't stopped, right?"

"It's different this time, it's spread with vibrancy."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Are you really going to leave?"

Zhang Yiming shook his head and said, "No, but it's spread well. Google headquarters has issued an announcement, and Schmidt personally clarified and affirmed Li Kaifu's achievements in the past few years."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said with a smile: "It's not important if you don't clarify. What's important is that in the past few years, Li Kaifu has continuously reported news of his resignation. There is no storm without trouble. Either the Google headquarters is dissatisfied with the domestic business, or It’s just that there is a problem with the domestic management, and people are panicking. It’s always a good thing for us.”

Zhang Yiming said: "Google now has 600 employees, most of whom are from Tsinghua University, Fudan Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and Nankai University. In terms of school recruitment, our competitiveness is still inferior to them. However, we Its competitiveness is stronger than that of Microsoft. In the domestic IT industry, it is second only to Google."

Zhou Buqi was very calm about this, "It's normal, college students are not mature enough, and their outlook on life and career are in an ivory tower. The understanding of society and enterprises is also at the ear stage. Etc. After they come out to work for a year or two, they will be able to tell the difference between Ziweixing and Google China."

Zhang Yiming said: "Not necessarily. We have Xiaonei, which should be more attractive to college students. The reason why Google China is so attractive is because Li Kaifu created a legendary resume for himself, becoming The spiritual mentor of countless college students. Many fresh graduates choose Google because of Li Kaifu."

Zhou Buqi sneered twice, "It's all a lie!"

Zhang Yiming tentatively asked, "Should we find a few writers and dig into his background? And Tang Jun is also a master of marketing, and fabricated a lot of fake academic qualifications."

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, then shook his head, "Forget it, after all, he has made great contributions."

These two returned from the United States and brought back many industry elites. This group of people later became the earliest batch of outstanding talents of the domestic Internet and made outstanding contributions.

Heroes don't ask about personal morality.

The flaws do not conceal the virtues.

Zhang Yiming smiled, "Even if we don't write it, sooner or later someone will not see it and want to find out the truth."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, it's good for fresh graduates to go to Google China. Google's technology is strong, and it can be regarded as helping us with employee training. After a few years, they have trained talents, and they should Join Ziwei Star."


On the weekend, Chen Dong went back to China to see his wife and children.

I also came to Zhou Buqi's office to make some reports with him.

Zhou Buqi is also very concerned.

People from and those from Ali, can they pee in the same pot? Coupled with the local entrepreneurial team, there are a total of three factions.

Can Chen Dong, a novice, handle such a complicated situation?

Unexpectedly, after the meeting, Chen Dong avoided talking about the internal situation of Jingtao Co., Ltd., but talked about another matter - South Korea.

"What? Going to South Korea to do e-commerce?"

Zhou Buqi felt dizzy all of a sudden.

All of a sudden, I can understand what Lao Liu felt when I asked Liu Qiangdong to join forces with him to do e-commerce in Japan a few months ago.

Now, Jingtao has just been established in Japan, and the whole system has not yet been put into operation, and the success is far away.

At this time, are you going to go to Korea to do e-commerce again?

Can you take it easy!

Isn't this thinking too out of the ordinary?

Chen Dong looked serious, "I weighed it over and over again, and I think this idea is feasible."

Zhou Buqi raised a black line on his forehead, "Why is it all right?"

Chen Dongdao: "South Korea's national conditions are extremely special, and nationalism is very serious. Whether it is, Alibaba, Jingtao, or Amazon, it is difficult for us foreign companies to really open up in Korea. Koreans prefer local companies, and more I like to shop on e-commerce platforms in my country.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, I heard a little bit."

Chen Dongdao: "So whether it is Ziweixing or Jingtao, if you want to go to South Korea to open up the market, you can't use the name of Ziweixing branch or Jingtao branch. This method is almost impossible to succeed. From Google, Yahoo, to Amazon, eBay, MySpace, almost all collapsed in South Korea."

Zhou Buqi said mockingly: "Yes, Koreanism prevails, and the whole world is not as good as them. Of course, the things in this country are the best."

Chen Dongdao: "So when we go to South Korea to do e-commerce, we can't use the name of Jingtao."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What do you think?"

Chen Dongdao: "Borrow domestic experience, the model of Yahoo and Ali."


Zhou Buqi took it seriously and understood his train of thought.

Silicon Valley giants have also suffered repeated setbacks when they entered the domestic market. Yahoo was regarded as the first international giant to enter the country, and it was once very powerful.

However, under the leadership of Zhou Hongyi, it took a sharp turn for the worse in just a few years.

Yahoo's headquarters changed its strategic thinking, from going out in person to operating the domestic market by way of investment. At the beginning, Yahoo chose to cooperate with Shanda and acquire Sina, trying to master the game, portal and e-commerce markets.

Later, Shanda withdrew and Ali entered.

Yahoo also packaged Yahoo China's business to Ali, which is considered to have reached the deepest strategic cooperation. Yahoo withdrew from the domestic market, but indirectly controlled the domestic e-commerce market through Ali through the way of buying shares.

From this point of view, Yahoo's strategy is far superior to Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook, and has achieved great success.

If you go to South Korea to do e-commerce, you will definitely not be able to end up directly. The local nationalism is too strong, and ordinary people don’t like foreign products.

We should learn from the cooperation model between Yahoo and Ali, and foster a "spokesperson" in South Korea to indirectly control the Internet market in South Korea.

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