Top of the big era

Chapter 10 Consumer Psychology

Like a righteous fighter, Guo Pengfei said emotionally: "Aren't you just trying to consume everyone's sympathy? Am I wrong?"

Zhou Buqi looked at him in surprise.

Guo Pengfei took a deep breath and felt his sense of justice was overwhelming. He also read a poem and said with deep regret: "Don't do good because it's small, don't do evil because it's small. Zhou Buqi, your values ​​are too small. Distorted!"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "You idiot who lives in an ivory tower."

"Who are you calling stupid?"


"Yes, I admit that you know a lot of things, and your methods are powerful. But, in terms of being a human being, I am ten thousand times better than you!" Guo Pengfei's face was full of contempt.

Zhou Buqi said: "You are right. In this passive situation, consumer charity is indeed the marketing method I choose. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with it."

Guo Pengfei sneered disdainfully, "Are you making excuses for your shamelessness?"

"Are you sick? First of all, I didn't cheat them. The calling card they bought must be the most discounted in a year, isn't that right?"


"Secondly, I didn't say to put all the money in my own pocket. I must donate everyone's love to children in the west."


Guo Pengfei was taken aback for a moment, "Do you really want to donate money?"


Zhou Buqi glared at him fiercely, "I'm exaggerating marketing, not false marketing. Have you figured it out? This is business, not fraud! I'm doing three things with one stone, do you understand?"

Guo Pengfei looked blank.

Zhou Buqi said: "I sell them the campus card with the most favorable discounts, so that they can benefit. I will donate part of the profits to the children in the west to improve their environment; I will earn a start-up capital to start a business. Make plans for the next big thing. Idiot, do you understand?"

"What's the big deal?"

Guo Pengfei's arrogance disappeared immediately, and he looked embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi said: "I will donate 10% of the profits. I will start a business with the remaining funds. I will start a company. I will solve the huge employment population for the society, create a huge source of tax revenue for the country, and even change The economic environment of a certain industry is in line with international standards. So, instead of saying that I am consuming charity, it is better to say that I am withdrawing the patriotic feelings of all the teachers and students in advance.”


Guo Pengfei was about to faint, and felt like he had taken a pyramid selling class.

After a long time, he realized that he opened his eyes wide and looked at him, "Do you really want to start a business? Start a business during college?"

"Of course." Zhou Buqi smiled, "You don't believe it?"

Guo Pengfei was silent for a long time, sighed, and gave an affirmative reply, "I believe it. You are very different, and I can't see through it. You are too powerful and eloquent. MLM is not as good as you."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Everyone has their own strengths."

"Where are the calling cards sold out? What are your plans?" Guo Pengfei looked up at him and asked.

Zhou Buqi looked at him meaningfully, "Why don't you come with me and we work hard together?"

Guo Pengfei's face turned red.

He is a sophomore, and one of the most powerful figures in HKUST, almost a legendary existence.

But he has to be a follower for a freshman student, which makes him very embarrassed and looks ugly.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he nodded emphatically: "Okay, let's go together."


With the mortgage of ID card and student ID card, there is no need to worry about who will run away.

The 201 phone cards were quickly distributed, and the remaining 500 cards were sold by Zhou Buqi and Guo Pengfei.

Others have gone to libraries, teaching buildings, and dormitories, which are good places for promotion.

Although Zhou Buqi's task is heavy, he is very confident.

If you can't even sell 500 phone cards, don't mess around!

The first stop is the cafeteria!

The sales method is very simple, a total of four steps.

The first step is to brighten the photo and make the other party feel distressed;

The second step is to show the power of attorney and gain the trust of the other party;

The third step is to explain the preferential strength of the phone card, so that the other party will have the mentality of taking advantage;

The fourth step is to use the name of the cooperation between the school's student union and the telecommunications business office to collect donations, to deliver a fatal blow, and to collect money for delivery!

In just one hour, the two sold more than 160 phone cards in the cafeteria of Hongbo Garden.

Guo Pengfei was dumbfounded.

Since when has it been so easy to sell cards?

When he acted as an agent for campus cards last year, he sold more than 70 cards in three days.

Especially those uncles and aunts who were cooking and picking vegetables in the cafeteria were all red-eyed, as if they were robbing. An aunt bought 8 cards in one go, with a total value of 500 yuan!

"Do you understand?"

After walking out of the cafeteria, Zhou Buqi looked at Guo Pengfei with a smile, "Mastering consumer psychology is the foundation of success."

Guo Pengfei sighed, "Admiration!"

"Where do you think they made a mistake?" Zhou Buqi pointed to a member of the school's student union who was selling phone cards at a stall in the distance.

Guo Pengfei tentatively said, "They don't understand the mentality of consumers?"

"Not only that." Zhou Buqi paused, "The traditional consumption model is 'consumers want to buy, merchants will sell'. This will inevitably lead to my country having the highest saving rate in the world, and ordinary people save all When they wake up, they don’t want to buy, and the goods cannot be sold. This will seriously restrict domestic demand, and objectively lead my country to rely on investment from the government and large state-owned enterprises to stimulate domestic demand, increase production capacity, and create GDP. This is a deformed market.”

Guo Pengfei's heart was greatly shaken, and he looked up at Zhou Buqi, "So what? What should be a good consumption model?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Of course it's our model."

"The way we sell cards?" Guo Pengfei was shocked.

"As I said, this is consumer psychology. By mastering consumer psychology and consumption habits, we will carry out marketing promotion step by step, and finally complete...hehe, it is the model of 'I want to sell, consumers will buy'" .”

Zhou Buqi, who has experienced the era of big data recommendation and live streaming, has a deep understanding of this.

Guo Pengfei lowered his head and remained silent.

Suddenly, he felt so ignorant.


I went to Wanxiuyuan cafeteria and went around and sold more than 100 cards. Half of the sales task of 500 cards has been completed.

The two had eaten in Wanxiuyuan cafeteria, and planned to go shopping in several shops on campus and loot around.

After selling more than 30 copies, Guo Pengfei received a call.

It was the director who called him.

The campus network was down, and a bunch of postdoctoral fellows and doctors were invited to check it out. Because Guo Pengfei has also participated in the construction and maintenance of the campus network many times, Vice President Li, who led the project, also informed him to go and have a look.

The current campus network technology is not yet mature, and a large-scale maintenance and rebuilding is required at the beginning of each semester in order to provide the most stable network services for all teachers and students in the new semester.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

"You can actually participate in the maintenance of the campus network? Together with postdoctoral fellows and doctors? Are you so skilled?" Zhou Buqi was very surprised.

Guo Pengfei waved his hand lightly, "It's just a small technology, it can't compare with your big theory."

"That's true." Zhou Buqi nodded, deeply convinced.

Guo Pengfei's face darkened.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Then let's go, let's go together."

"Are you going too?"


"What are you going to do?"

"Sell cards!"

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