The game is about to start.


[The game is loading——]

[Generating character data——]

[Character: Zhao Yi]

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 0/25]

[Ability: None]

[Item: Grenade*3 (As a psychiatrist, why do you carry three grenades with you?)]

[Life: 10/10]

[Strength: 2]

[Spirit: 101 (100+1) (Unknown error code)]

[Luck: 0]

[Claim Number: None]

[Soul Weapon: Rusty Scalpel (Unknown Error Code)]

[Unknown error in character data… Detecting the source of the error data…]

[Failed to detect the character error data… Try to detect again…]

[Unknown disorder occurred… Trying to repair… Repair failed…]

[Repair failed…]

[Repair failed…]

[Repair failed…]


The blinding white light slowly woke Zhao Yi from his coma.

He opened his eyes and saw the shadowless lamp in the operating room.

There was a heavy smell of dust and rust on the wings of his nose.

He slowly sat up and looked around, and immediately realized that he was pulled into the real-life horror game ‘Hell’ that came to the world three years ago!

This game will constantly pull humans into the horror world, perform various horror tasks, and broadcast live on the game’s virtual platform ‘Eternal Night Camp’!

Successful people will receive rewards and become stronger!

And losers will permanently deduct their lives until they die!

The life shown in the data above is not the life bar of the character played by the player.

It is the life bar of the player himself!

After Zhao Yi simply confirmed that there was no danger around him, he immediately opened his task panel.

[Dungeon: Colossus Hospital (Novice)]

[Main Quest: Escape from Colossus Hospital]

[Quest Reward: 25 Experience Points]

[Difficulty: Hell]

[Note: The difficulty of the novice dungeon is neutralized, and the monster resistance is reduced by 50%. ]

[Introduction: You are randomly assigned to the dungeon of Hell difficulty based on your ability. I wish you a happy game! ]

"The novice dungeon of Hell difficulty... looks very dangerous, be careful!"

Zhao Yi muttered to himself.

He got up from the broken iron bed and stretched his muscles.

Everything is fine.

His state is in a state of madness.

Coming to the broken retro glass window, Zhao Yi roughly observed the scene outside, and his eyes fell on the outer wall of the hospital.

In the depths of his eyes, a faint dark red fishy light suddenly flashed!

Then, Zhao Yi got some unstable data.

[Unknown shadow: Danger]

[Note: ——]

[Wall: Neutral]

[Note: Cannot be climbed over, cannot be destroyed. ]

[Door: Neutral]

[Note: Access card required. ]

"Access card?"

Zhao Yi touched his chin.

These data, which came from nowhere, revealed important information!

To escape from the hospital, you need an access card.

It seems that this is your ultimate goal.

Push the door carefully.

The corridor is dark.

The pale white lights in the distance flickered, flickering!

A wisp of cold wind blew into people's bones.

Such a scene is enough to scare ordinary people to paralysis.

[Live broadcast hall of the Eternal Night Camp]

: Strange, there is a newcomer in this batch with a mental value of 101? !

: WHAT? Isn't the mental power of this game player capped at 100?

: I remember that the highest player is only level 100. He seems to be called Dragon Emperor Demon God. He is not in our Bone Zone. I heard that he is in the Blood Zone and is the first in the Blood Zone.

: Is there a bug in the system?

: Damn! Look! This unlucky kid's novice copy is actually the Colossus Hospital?

: It's over. This new player will be killed at the beginning!

: What? Another new player enters the Colossus Hospital? Let's go, let's go watch the live broadcast!

: What's his name?

: Zhao Yi.

In the Evernight Camp, many players shouted and clicked into Zhao Yi's live broadcast room.

They really wanted to see how this unlucky guy who entered the Colossus Hospital would die.

Fourth floor.

Zhao Yi continued to walk forward, along the mottled wall.

The paint and the wall peeled off, and the ground was covered with mold spots.

It was obvious that the hospital had been abandoned for many years.


The doorplate was shaky.

Finally, Zhao Yi stopped at the door of 409.

He saw the sick

There was a dying old man lying in the room, skinny and with a head full of white hair.

There were many tubes inserted into the old man's body to prolong his life.

The old man moved his lips slightly with a pleading look.

"Young man... help me..."

"I want to go to the toilet, can you help me get up?"

Zhao Yi looked at the old man carefully.

Those unstable and strange data appeared again.


[Old Man Liu: High-level danger! ]

[Note: Cannot move, slow speed. ]


"Is it a trapping type monster?"

"It has super strong combat attributes, but it cannot move, and its attack range is narrow, and it even has fatal weaknesses."

Zhao Yi's mind was working quickly, and then he pushed the door open and walked towards the old man step by step.

The old man on the bed watched Zhao Yi walk towards him step by step, with a trace of resentment and a cold smile in his eyes, but he said gratefully:

"Thank you, young man!"


In the live broadcast room, the players who saw Zhao Yi enter the door showed regret and ridicule on their faces.

: Tsk tsk tsk, he actually dared to go in! There is no way there would be a living person in such a place even if you use your butt to think, right?

: I'm afraid there will be at least 50 people who died in the hands of Old Man Liu!

: I thought the newcomer of Spirit 101 was so awesome, but it turned out to be a cerebral palsy, not as good as the last 78.

: Disperse, disperse, this newcomer is too bad!


Everyone in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

However, soon, they found that Zhao Yi stopped about three meters away from the old man.

The old man's turbid eyes were filled with urgency and haste.

Come on!

Come and touch my hand!

It howled wildly in its heart!

A rusty scalpel appeared in Zhao Yi's hand hidden behind his back. He took another step, but bypassed the old man's front and came to the back of the old man.

The old man's smile froze.

"What...what are you going to do?"

Zhao Yi stared at the back of the old man's head for a long time, and said calmly:

"I'll ask you a question. If you answer it correctly, I'll take you to the toilet."

"Then...what if you answer it wrong?"

"Then I'll cut off your head."

Old man Liu was stunned!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned!

Good guy, this is directly the host!

This newcomer seems to be a little bit... fierce?

"Okay... okay, ask, ask."

Old man Liu couldn't turn around because of the system settings. At this moment, as fierce as it was, it became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Zhao Yi pressed the tip of the knife against the back of Old Man Liu's head and asked:

"How many leg hairs do I have?"

Old man Liu: ? ? ?

Live broadcast room: ? ? ?


The sound of the scalpel entering the flesh was heard.

The scalpel in Zhao Yi's hand had successfully pierced into Old Man Liu's brain!

Old Man Liu looked terrified and shouted:

"Don't kill me!"

"Ask another question! Ask another one!"

Zhao Yi was silent for a while, nodded:


"Then I'll ask another one."

"Where is the hospital's access card?"

This time Old Man Liu exhaled and said hurriedly:

"There are three hospital access cards, one in the logistics department, one on the dean, and one..."

As he spoke, he suddenly widened his eyes and his body twitched!

[Your soul weapon touched the resentment of the ghost and was successfully unsealed. ]

[The scalpel can cause additional damage to ghosts]

[You killed Old Man Liu, and the scalpel was slightly enhanced. ]

The old man tossed around a few times and lowered his head.

Zhao Yi pulled out his scalpel and found that the mottled rust on it was less.

He glanced at the iron window. There was a slight lift at the corner of the bed. If you were not careful enough, you would not be able to see it.

Zhao Yi fumbled for a while and actually found a real estate certificate.

At the same time, the system's voice also sounded.

[Triggering hidden task: Liu Laohan's last wish]

[Note: In the copy, the hidden task is randomly triggered by the player, and the difficulty is higher than the main task. After the trigger, the player can choose not to complete it, and will not be punished, nor will it affect the player's completion of the main task. After the hidden task is completed, the player will receive an additional reward. ]

With the system message, the old man's body turned around at some point and looked at Zhao Yi quietly, with no hideousness in his eyes.

His figure was fading.

"Young man, thank you for letting me be free."

"This real estate certificate is the only savings of the old man in his lifetime."

"My daughter once for it..."

In his last moments, he told his story.

It turned out that Liu Laohan's daughter Liu Xue had secretly had an affair with the director of the Colossus Hospital in order to get this real estate certificate, and attempted to conspire to kill him!

But later Liu Xue was in the hospital because of

Death in an accidental elevator accident.

So the matter ended up in vain.

Old man Liu entrusted Zhao Yi to help kill the dean of the Colossus Hospital. In exchange, the property certificate will belong to Zhao Yi.

[Item: Old man Liu's property certificate (unsealed)]

[Quality: Green]

[Introduction: The lifelong hard work of an old worker. ]

[Effect: ——]

In the live broadcast room, hundreds of players watching the live broadcast were stunned.

For three full seconds.

Then suddenly there was a noise!

N ���I��

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