The heavy rain continued.

The black sea surface rose and fell, and from time to time a wave hit the Skeleton Ship, but it didn't hurt.

It seemed.

The Skeleton Ship had passed through the most violent area in the storm zone.

"Please, Mr. Su!"

"Request your shelter!"

A total of four contestants from North Korea and South Korea knelt in front of Su Luo with a very sincere attitude.

Especially North Korea.

The economy of their country was not good to begin with.

The general worked hard to collect more than 3 billion Dragon Country currency and sent the strongest young people in the country to the Lunan Forbidden Land. As a result, only these two people came out alive and both obtained tomb power.

If they died like this, the general's more than 3 billion would be wasted!


Chen Long, Feihong and others frowned at this scene.

Brother Chen Long had a lot of experience, and he knew that if he agreed to let them join the army, it would definitely be a bad choice!

Although they are all neighbors, who can guarantee that they will not turn against us during the journey?

But these people are asking Su Luo instead of him, so he can't interrupt.


Facing the request of the four people.

Su Luo shook his head.

Said directly: "I refuse."



"We can be your lackeys and let you do whatever you want!"

"Yes, if there are good things, we will not share them with you!"


The four continued to beg.

They seemed to think that as long as they persisted a little longer and acted a little more pitiful, Su Luo would agree to let them join the Dragon Country team.

But unfortunately.

Su Luo was very rational.

His eyes began to show a faint murderous intent.

"I said, I refuse."


Looking at Su Luo's eyes.

The four trembled all over.

They looked at each other, no more nonsense, got up and ran away.

Not far away, the Dai and Mongolian players who were about to kneel down and ask for asylum had to give up after seeing this.

"Well done!"

"We really shouldn't let them join!"

"Look at those sneaky eyes, they don't look like good people. If I let them join, I will feel uncomfortable all over!"

Yang Mi, Reba and others gave Su Luo a thumbs up.

Brother Chen Long also nodded and said: "If you are not from my tribe, your heart must be different. There are only eternal interests in this world, but no eternal friends."

Brother Feihong also agreed: "Everyone on this boat has a ghost in mind, and no one knows what their purpose is, so it is better to keep a distance."


Su Luo sighed lightly and said nothing.

His eyes looked at the position of the Japanese team.

Japan's economic strength ranks at the forefront of the world. Although its territory is small, the World Alliance still gave Japan 6 places.

But due to the previous changes, three Japanese players died, and there are still three left.

Su Luo's eyes were looking at one of the three people.

That person is a woman.

A plump woman.

She is about 20-25 years old.

Her long hair was dyed silver, which was very conspicuous in the crowd, and her appearance was also very delicate and exquisite.

She was wearing a tight black suit, with a curvy figure, very plump, and holding a pink fan in her hand, which seemed to be her weapon.

Of course.

Su Luo looked at her not because she was beautiful.

But in the attack just now, her tomb force fluctuations made Su Luo aware of it.

This woman from Japan is the only player with a tomb force level 3 on this ship!

The most important thing is.

After killing the squid, the tomb force value of this woman once reached the peak of the human level!

Just one more step, you can cross to the earth level and sit on the same level with Su Luo!

Of course, Su Luo has a lot of trump cards, which are naturally not comparable to ordinary earth-level strongmen.

Moreover, it is very difficult for the peak of the human level to cross to the earth level. It is not so easy. If there is no suitable opportunity, this woman may be stuck at the peak of the human level for a lifetime!

Recalling it, when attacking the squid just now, the tomb skill used by this woman seemed to be "wind". She used the fan in her hand to fan out an airflow that could attack the enemy.

She is a master of using fans.

"This woman needs to be watched."

"If there is a chance, you can even..."

A cold light flashed in Su Luo's eyes.

He will not be soft-hearted when dealing with the Japanese.


Su Luo retracted his gaze and looked at the surging black sea. His thoughts began to drift away.

Now the Skeleton Ship has passed through the most violent area in the storm zone.

Then next, you can see the Skeleton Ship.Skull Island?

Su Luo looked ahead of the bow. There was still sea on the sea level. As for the Skull Island, there was no shadow at all.


After looking for a while.

Su Luo suddenly found that there was a black object on the sea level in front of him.

The black spot grew from small to large.

It looked like... a ship?

"Hey! What is that?"

"It seems that something is floating over!"

"Hurry up and take a look!"

"No way, what else can float in this sea?"

"It's not another sea monster, is it? Everyone, take up your weapons and be on guard!"

"So scary!"


The people on the deck were in turmoil again.

Many brave contestants ran to the side of the ship, holding weapons, waiting for the thing to approach.

Chen Long and others also walked over curiously.

Su Luo came to the side of the ship and looked forward.

The thing was getting closer and closer.

Finally, the black shadow finally revealed its true face - it was really a ship.

It was a modern small transport ship, painted white and green, and looked well maintained. It should be a product of recent years.

"It's a ship!"

"Fuck, it's a transport ship!"

"How can we encounter a ship in this sea area?"

"Are we seeing things?"

"I can't believe it!"

"Are they one of the missing merchant ships?"

As the transport ship got closer, people on the deck began to talk more.

At first, people were just surprised.

But then they thought that there were countless ships missing in the waters of Skull Island in recent years, so it didn't seem strange to encounter a lost transport ship here.

"Captain, let the Skeleton Ship idle!"

"We have to help this ship!"

Several kind players quickly asked Kerry to slow down the Skeleton Ship.

In fact, the players didn't need to remind them.

When he saw the ship clearly, Kerry had already slowed down the speed of the Skeleton Ship to the minimum and moved towards the direction of the ship.


"Is it really a lost ship?"

Su Luo looked at the small boat with a complicated look in his eyes.

Chen Long beside him touched his chin and analyzed: "Maybe it accidentally broke into the waters of Skull Island, and then got lost and couldn't get out..."

"Hey, look, this ship seems to be empty!"

Just then, someone shouted.

The people on the deck were suddenly in an uproar!

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