"We're here!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

Everyone looked up.

They saw a huge ship docked on the sea in front of the pier.

This ship is really huge, and it looks like an aircraft carrier docked on the sea, which is very shocking!

"This is the 'skeleton warship' jointly built by the World Alliance."

"It is for this trip to Skull Island."

At this time, the broadcast on the dock sounded:

"The deck of the 'skeleton ship' is 332.8 meters long and 317 meters long between the two columns."

"The ship is 40.8 meters wide."

"The draft is 11.3 meters."

"The ship is built completely according to the parameters of the aircraft carrier level. The overall material is made of high-strength steel, and the power is also provided by nuclear power, which is stable and efficient."

"The ship is enough to withstand the nine-level strong wind and six-level waves on the sea!"

"It's not an exaggeration to call it a sea fortress!"


Listening to the broadcast and looking at the shocking giant ship in front of them, everyone exclaimed in different ways.

This skeleton ship has sharp edges and corners, like a steel behemoth.

It looks very safe!

All the contestants boarded the ship amidst bursts of exclamations.

The ship has a lot of space, with many rooms, entertainment rooms, restaurants, courts, and arcades.

For a moment, people felt that they were not on a ship, but a condensed small city.

"Good luck to you!"

"You must return triumphantly!"

Leaders of various countries stood on the dock and waved goodbye to the players on the ship.


The Skeleton Ship was officially launched.

The huge steel battleship slowly sailed out of the dock and headed east...

"You must come back alive and well!"

Yan Min also stood on the dock and said goodbye to the Dragon Country players.

Looking at the gradually receding Skeleton Battleship, Yan Min's heart was surging.

This time.

Can Su Luo and his team successfully land on the island and uncover the thousands of years of mystery of Skull Island?


On the blue sea.

The Skeleton Ship slowly sailed towards the east.

Hundreds of players stood on the huge deck.

Some were enjoying the sea view, some were checking their equipment, and some were even playing the classic Titanic pose facing the sea.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

At this time.

The broadcast on the ship sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a white uncle in his 50s speaking with a megaphone at the bow.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am the captain of the Skeleton Ship. My name is Kerry."

"I am a navigator with decades of sailing experience. I have a lot of experience at sea. If you can listen to me at sea, your survival rate will definitely double."

Kerry took the megaphone and looked at the small notebook in his hand.

"According to the requirements of the World Alliance, please check whether the live broadcast equipment of various countries has started working?"


In the Dragon Country team.

Chen Long opened a small box with a brand new photography elf in it.


Press the button.

The photography elf flew into the air, suspended in the air, and the indicator light also lit up.

"The live broadcast is on."

Chen Long looked at the photography elf and waved to Kerry in the distance.

The personnel from other countries also started the live broadcast equipment.

"I need to introduce you here."

"This live broadcast is a merged global live broadcast."

"The World Alliance has opened a global live broadcast room on the Internet. In the global live broadcast room, there are exclusive channels for each country."

"Netizens can switch channels freely to choose to watch."

"I will take a look at the number of live broadcasts now..."


Kerry took out his mobile phone and clicked on the global live broadcast room to take a look.

"Oh my god, Houlixie, Wardfa..."

"There are 3.1 billion online people!!"

Kerry was amazed.

It seems that this trip to Skull Island has attracted the attention of the whole world!

"Let me see which country's channel has the most people..."

Kerry clicked on the channels of various countries to take a look.

On the popularity list, the first one is the Dragon Country channel!

Online people: 1.2 billion! !

Kairui sighed: "The number of people online in the Dragon Country channel alone accounts for one-third of the total number of people... It's crazy."


It is true.

The number of people in the Dragon Country channel is indeed full.

The barrage of comments floated in the live broadcast room:

"I'm here to see Brother Xiaohai!"

"I'm here to seeBrother Chen Long, I'm his fan!"

"Oh my god, Su Luo is still so handsome!"

"This ship is so big! It must have cost a lot, right?"

"At first glance, I thought it was an aircraft carrier! The World Alliance must have spent a lot of money this time!"

"Such a huge ship, I don't believe it can't reach Skull Island!"

"I feel that no wind or waves can blow this skeleton ship..."


"Hello everyone, I am Yan Min, the director of "Secrets of China"!"

Just then.

A small window popped up in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room.

In the small window, Yan Min was waving and greeting the camera.

"I am the commentator in charge of the Dragon Country Channel. I will give real-time commentary based on the live broadcast situation, and will invite experts from all walks of life to analyze the guests' situations! "

He slapped the table and shouted excitedly: "Here I officially announce that the second season of "China Secrets" - Skull Island, is officially launched!"


The Skeleton Ship was sailing slowly on the sea.

On the vast deck, Captain Kerry called all the contestants together, and then continued to speak on the loudspeaker:

"We are about to go to a forbidden place that has never been set foot on by humans."

"Skull Island."

"Let me first explain to you why Skull Island is a forbidden place that humans cannot reach."

Kerry stood on the side of the ship and said:

"The main reason is that the island is surrounded by low-pressure groups, which are the so-called storm areas."

"These low-pressure groups are like a wall, surrounding Skull Island."

"Many years ago, many explorers from all over the world also forced their way in by ship, but in the end they were never seen again. "

"Not only that, many merchant ships from all over the world will also disappear inexplicably when passing through the waters near Skull Island. According to statistics from the World Alliance Intelligence Bureau, as many as 367 ships have disappeared near Skull Island!"

"So over time, Skull Island has become a forbidden place for humans!"

"Even the waters around the island, no human dares to set foot! ! "


Listening to Captain Kerry's words, the players on the deck all showed horrified expressions.

As many as 367 missing ships?

So many?

If Skull Island is so terrifying, wouldn't it be tantamount to suicide for me and others to go there?

"But don't worry."

Kerry saw everyone's worries and continued, "The Skull Ship we are on now is a super battleship built by the joint efforts of countries around the world!"

"Its strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary ships!"

"Please rest assured, we will definitely be able to land on the island smoothly! "

Carey waved his fist, full of confidence in this trip.

"Captain, is that the storm wall you mentioned?"

Just then.

Someone in the crowd of contestants stood up and pointed to the sea ahead.


Carey turned his head and looked forward.

On the sea level ahead, dark clouds connected together, like an out-of-control beast, devouring every piece of sea, with howling winds mixed with thunderous power, just looking at it makes people... feel scared!!

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