The entrance of the tree hole suddenly exploded, which scared Su Luo.

He looked up.

He saw a pair of resentful eyes, peeping at him from outside the hole.

Under its eyes, there were several tentacles that were wriggling, and a slightly opened bloody mouth.

There was also a strong fishy smell coming towards him...

"Six-winged centipede!"

Su Luo was startled.

Then he saw the red color on the centipede!

This centipede was one of the three that ate Zeus!

Because it had eaten human blood, its blood was awakened to a certain extent, so both its speed and defense were several levels higher than before!

If calculated according to the level of human tomb power, it must have a strength of level 3! !


The six-winged centipede outside the tree hole screamed twice, and then its neck retracted.

This was its attack posture.


The next second, the entrance of the tree hole was smashed.

Amid the flying wood chips, Su Luo pulled out his black gold ancient knife.


Su Luo threw the black gold ancient knife in mid-air towards the centipede's head.


The black gold ancient knife was as fast as lightning and went straight to the head!


Seeing the black knife flying, the six-winged centipede was not panicked at all. It just shook its head and used the hardest shell on its head to push the black gold ancient knife!


Sparks flew everywhere.

The black gold ancient knife was shaken away and fell to the ground beside it.

"The black gold ancient knife can't break the defense..."

Su Luo's expression froze.

Then, he pinched his right hand.


The black gold ancient knife flew up again.

Su Luo made a cross gesture with his right hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

Under the control of Su Luo's tomb power, the black gold ancient knife began to swing and shuttle in the air!

The target was the six-winged centipede!


The first knife stabbed the centipede's back, but couldn't break the defense.

The second knife stabbed the centipede's tail, but couldn't break the defense.

The black gold ancient knife slashed and stabbed in the air, too fast, like a black knife array covering the six-winged centipede! !

Ding ding ding ding ding! !

Sparks flew in the dark tree hole.

No matter where the black gold ancient knife stabbed, it was always blocked by the six-winged centipede's shell!

"It's so hard..."

Su Luo couldn't help but sigh.

This centipede can really withstand being chopped.

I'm afraid its defense is greater than its attack, right?


The six-winged centipede got angry after being chopped continuously.

It howled to the sky, shook the black gold ancient knife away, and then stared at Su Luo!


The six-winged centipede opened its bloody mouth, rushed to Su Luo like lightning, and bit Su Luo's head directly! !

The stench hit him in the face.

Su Luo reached out and recalled the black gold ancient knife on the ground.

Just when he was about to take action.


There was a strange sound beside him, and Su Luo saw a golden flame-like light shield immediately emerged!

"Golden Light Curse!"

Reba held the magic formula in her right hand, with a serious expression.


The next second.

The six-winged centipede's attack came immediately, and its sharp mouth full of fangs bit directly on the defensive light shield of the Golden Light Curse.


The color of the light shield immediately dimmed.

Reba's face was pale, and she said to Su Luo: "We don't have much time, the light shield can only withstand its last attack..."

"That's enough."

Su Luo smiled slightly.

Then he held the scabbard in his left hand and placed his right hand on the handle of the ancient black gold sword.

He bent his right leg forward and straightened his left leg, and the whole person was in a diving posture of drawing the sword!


The six-winged centipede was furious, waving its tentacles and opening its mouth to bite again!

Looking at the bloody mouth coming towards him.

Su Luo's eyes were filled with murderous intent!

"Draw the sword!"



Drawing the sword at the speed of light, Su Luo mobilized the power of the tomb and chopped straight forward! !

"Hold on!"



"Hold on, dodge!"


Like a thunderclap, it exploded in the tree hole! !

Leaves fell on the ground.

In a flash, there was only a "bang" sound, and a big blood hole burst directly on the upper jaw of the six-winged centipede! !


Blood burst out and splashed all over Reba.


The six-winged centipede was shaking all over, and the severe pain from the upper jaw made it tremble all over!!

Pah pah pah!

Its body twisted wildly, and its mind began to blur.


Finally, it screamed, turned its head and flew to the ground.

"Want to escape?"

Su Luo was so angry that he would never let it go.

He took two steps forward and came to the entrance of the tree hole.

Looking at the six-winged centipede that was shaky and flying to the ground,winged centipede, Su Luo threw the black gold ancient knife directly into the air.


Su Luo raised his hands!


Under the control of Su Luo's tomb power.

The black gold ancient knife rose up like a rocket.


The next second, Su Luo clasped his palms together, and then swung it down at the back of the six-winged centipede's head! ! !

"Go to hell!"


The black gold ancient knife in the sky was like a magic needle, stabbing towards the direction of the six-winged centipede! ! !


Looking at the black gold ancient knife falling from the sky, the six-winged centipede finally showed fear in its eyes! !

But... it was too late! !

The black gold ancient knife was like a black meteorite, smashing hard on the back of the six-winged centipede's head!

With a puff.

The black gold ancient knife pierced through its back of the head, and the tip of the knife pierced through its lower jaw! !

"Jie Jie Jie!!"

In the screams of the six-winged centipede.

The remaining power of the black gold ancient knife was not enough, and it directly brought it to the ground!


2 seconds later, the black gold ancient knife pierced the ground, nailing the six-winged centipede to the altar! !

"Jie Jie Jie!!"

The six-winged centipede screamed in pain.

The centipede was also twisting wildly on the altar, trying to break free, but the black gold ancient knife pierced through its head and was inserted into the ground half a meter deep, so no matter how it struggled, it was useless! !

"Jie Jie Jie..."

After screaming twice more, its body finally stopped moving...



Inside the tree hole.

Su Luo held the position of the hole and breathed slightly.

Although it was not too difficult to kill this centipede with the third-level Grave Power, it still consumed a lot of Grave Power.


Su Luo turned around and looked at Reba.

Reba was covered in blood and was staring at him blankly.

Su Luo smiled bitterly in his heart.

The scene just now probably scared this woman silly.

"Are you okay?"

Su Luo asked.

Reba did not respond, but stared at Su Luo's left hand blankly.

"Su Luo, your hand..."


Su Luo raised his left hand and looked.

It turned out that after the fight just now, the bandage that Reba had wrapped around his left hand fell off.

In order to deal with the red-clothed female demon in the water cave before, Su Luo cut the palm of his hand with a knife. Now the wound has not healed completely. After the fight just now, the wound has split open and blood is flowing out again.

"It's a small matter."

Su Luo waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

He reached into his arms and touched the Ghost Seal, wanting to confirm whether it had been lost in the fight just now.

Unexpectedly, this touch.

Suddenly, a strange throbbing appeared in his heart.


Su Luo took out the Ghost Seal.

He saw the blood flowing from his palm being slowly absorbed by the Ghost Seal...

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