In a natural cave.

All the stars are like those rock climbers who challenge their limits.

They use their hands and feet to quickly climb up the huge Hydra cypress.

But what is more exciting than the rock climbers is that there are four six-winged centipedes in the air not far away, staring at them! !



They make strange noises from their mouths.

Maybe the previous wave of venom attack failed to hit, so they are very angry at the moment!


The next second.

Their jaws bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that they are accumulating strength for a big move.

Seeing this, Su Luo, who was climbing, could not help but remind: "Pay attention, they are going to spray all the venom in their bodies at once, giving us a venom rain!"


"Venom rain?"

"If it is a spray of venom, how can we hide?"

"It's over, it's over, this time we may really die here!!"


Listening to Su Luo's words, everyone fell into despair.

Because the venom sprayed by the centipedes just now was in the shape of a water arrow, it was easy to avoid.

But if they were to spray a large area to cover them, I'm afraid that the stars would be hit no matter how they avoided it...!

But now everyone is climbing on the tree.

What else can be done?

It's impossible to take out an umbrella from the air, right?

Even if there is, can something like an umbrella really resist these venoms?


Everyone didn't have time to prepare for it.

The four six-winged centipedes in the air finally finished accumulating power, and large mouthfuls of venom sprayed out of their mouths, and then formed a mist-like poisonous fog in the air, spraying towards the stars on the tree.


"I will die!!"

"I don't want to die yet!!"

"Mom! My bank card password is 5953..."

"Ah ... !

Puff puff puff!!

As soon as the golden light shield was formed, the venom came immediately!!

Puff puff puff!

Countless venoms fell on the golden light shield like raindrops!!



The stars were shocked.

But a miracle happened. The venom sprinkled on the light shield was like touching the most solid shield!

All the venom could not invade again!


"What is this!!"


"Reba, is this your golden light spell!?"

"Miracle, this is definitely a miracle!!"


The stars on the tree exclaimed at the same time.

This golden light spell is really awesome!

It can even defend a group!

And the defense effect is not weak!

So cool!

"Sister Reba is so cool!"

"Is this the Golden Light Curse? It feels even better than Brother Feihong's Wind God Leg!"

"Sister Reba can be a support in the future!"

"Single-target defense, and group defense? What a great skill!"

"I am a little curious, with Reba's level 1 tomb power, how long can this Golden Light Curse last?"

"Yes, I am also curious, if it can be maintained forever, wouldn't it be invincible!"


The appearance of the Golden Light Curse made the live broadcast room explode again.

The gorgeous effect also made netizens feel the charm of the tomb skill for the first time! !


Reba's face was pale and she gasped.

The Golden Light Curse is originally a single-target defense skill. If you want to use it for group defense, you need more tomb power.

And Reba's current tomb power stage is level 1.

Under the blessing of level 1 tomb power, the group defense state of the Golden Light Curse is consumed very quickly!

In just a few seconds, Reba's grave power was almost exhausted!


Finally, after resisting the venom attack, the golden light completely disappeared.

"Reba, are you okay?"

Seeing Reba's pale face, the big Mi Mi next to her hurriedly asked.

Reba shook her head: "It's okay, but this large-scaleI can only use the group defense of the model once in 24 hours, so I can't use it again next time. We have to leave here quickly..."


"Hehehehe! !"

In the air.

Four six-winged centipedes screamed angrily.

The reason is that the venom attack just now didn't work, so they are very angry!


One of the centipedes didn't care and rushed directly towards Wu Jing in the crowd.

"Damn it!"

Although Wu Jing has the first-level tomb power, he suffers from the lack of tomb skills.

So, he can only take out the revolver at his waist.

"Go to hell!"

He pointed the gun at the centipede flying towards him and pulled the trigger!

"Bang bang bang! ! "

Five bullets were fired instantly!

Ding ding ding!

The bullets hit the hard shell of the centipede, splashing sparks.

But unfortunately, all the bullets were deflected by the shell and failed to penetrate the shell to cause damage to the centipede!

"This shell is so hard? ?"

Wu Jing was shocked.

But the centipede had already flown close to him, and he had no choice but to smash the revolver in his hand, which had no bullets, at the centipede's face!


The centipede opened its bloody mouth and bit the gun directly!


The iron revolver was directly bitten and deformed!

The centipede spit out the deformed revolver and opened its mouth to bite Wu Jing's head.

"Damn it, I'll fight you!"

Wu Jing was not a coward. He loosened his right hand, flipped to the side, and crawled away.


The place where he just stood was bitten by the six-winged centipede.

"Swish! "

Wu Jing quickly pulled out the saber from his waist and slashed at its neck!

Because Wu Jing had noticed before that there was a gap of about half a centimeter at the neck of the six-winged centipede, and that gap was not covered by the shell!!

As long as the knife can be inserted into it, it can definitely cause damage to the centipede!!


The six-winged centipede immediately retracted its head when it saw the saber coming.


Because the centipede adjusted its position, Wu Jing's knife still pierced the shell, and the tiger's mouth was shaken and hurt.

"Brother Feihong, save me!!!" "

Wu Jing looked up desperately and shouted at Brother Feihong.

Brother Feihong did not disappoint him, because just when Wu Jing was fighting with the centipede, Brother Feihong came up with a countermeasure and took out the wine bottle from his waist.

Unscrew the bottle cap.

Brother Feihong poured the strong liquor inside.

Gulp Gulp——

The strong liquor was all poured on the six-winged centipede.


The centipede felt the liquid on its body and then looked up, only to see Brother Feihong holding a burning fire starter in his hand.

"? ? ? "

"Go to hell!"

As soon as Brother Feihong let go, the fire starter fell down.


As soon as the fire starter touched the strong liquor on the six-winged centipede, it immediately caught fire!

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