
After what happened just now.

There was a strange atmosphere on the boat.

As the eldest brother in the team, Feihong suspected that there were scary things like "ghosts" in the river, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

And Da Mi Mi and Reba also guessed something in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say much.

As for Huahua and Kunkun, they were already a little sluggish because of fear, and they could only sit there in a daze for a while.

Only Su Luo.

He closed his eyes and leaned on Reba, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Child's privilege.

It's really good!

"Sleep well, it's not easy to come to such a place at such a young age..."

Reba touched Su Luo's head with gentle eyes.

Looking at Su Luo's rosy little face and long black and curled eyelashes, she felt a sense of overflowing maternal love in her heart for some reason.


I don't know how long it took.

The small wooden boat has been rowing in the cave for a while.

"That's not right, Brother Feihong."

At this time.

Wu Jing found something wrong.

Brother Feihong next to him asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"We rowed for a long time, why is there no sign of getting out?"

Wu Jing stretched out his hand and gestured, saying: "I have experience in rowing. We have rowed a long distance just now. Logically speaking, we have exceeded the distance of the mountain! But why are we still in the cave?"

"Maybe this mountain is big. Aren't there some tunnels on the highway that are more than ten kilometers long?" Brother Feihong lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said: "We can't row more than ten kilometers, right?"

"Tunnels of more than ten kilometers..."

Wu Jing thought about it and it made some sense.

Maybe this mountain is big?


Just as the two were discussing.

Kunkun exclaimed from the stern: "My basketball!"

Hearing his voice, the stars were stunned at first, and then looked at the river in front.

I saw a basketball floating on the dark river!

That basketball.

It was the one that Kunkun had just dropped!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

You know, they rowed for nearly 40 minutes!

Even if the speed was slower, they rowed 7 or 8 kilometers in this hour!

Since they sailed so far, how could they touch the basketball that fell before? ?


Regardless of the fact that the program was being recorded, Brother Feihong directly cursed: "It seems that I really encountered a ghost wall..."

"Ghost wall?"

Reba and Yang Mi were also stunned.

Everyone realized the seriousness of the matter.

Their boat... was actually spinning in place? ?


Kun Kun reached out and fished the basketball out of the water.

On the basketball, there was a signature of his favorite star.

This basketball was indeed his own.

Kunkun looked a little desperate: "We rowed for more than half an hour, how come we are back again?"

"Look for hair under the water!"

Wu Jing shouted at this time.

Everyone immediately looked down at the water surface.


There was nothing on the water surface, just like when they first came.

"Since it's not the hair that's causing trouble, what's going on?"

Da Mi Mi was a little scared.

She had already imagined a female ghost standing somewhere in the dark, looking at them with resentment...

So scary!

"Su Luo..."

At this time, Reba gently shook Su Luo in her arms.

Seeing Su Luo slowly open his eyes, Reba hurriedly said: "Our boat is spinning in place and can't get out... Do you know what's going on?"


Su Luo yawned.

Then he got up and walked to the side of the boat to take a look.

Sure enough.

The boat was still in the same position where the Fiery Talisman was used before.

Su Luo was startled.

It seems that the dirty things here are not so easy to deal with...

You said that as long as the evil things in this world can be seen with the naked eye, then we can think of ways to deal with them, even if they are useless ways.

But the ghost wall is a strange force that cannot be seen or touched!

Since it cannot be seen or touched, how can we deal with it?

To be honest.

There is no such thing in "Sixteen-character Feng Shui Yin and Yang Secretary".



Just then.

There was a little movement on the water.

Everyone on the boat looked up and saw that something seemed to be floating towards this side on the water.


When that thing floated to the boat

The stars were all shocked!

It was actually a female corpse in a long red dress!!!

The female corpse was floating on the water, with the back of her head and back exposed. Her skin was pale with bruises, and her hair was very black and very long, which made people shudder!

"Female ghost!! Female ghost!!!"


"It's this female ghost!!!"

Huahua and Kunkun were so scared that they almost fainted.

No matter how dangerous the previous expedition was, at least they didn't see anything too scary up close, but this time, a weird female corpse in red was right in front of them. That kind of visual impact is really unbearable for normal people! !


Huahua screamed, and felt her crotch getting hot, and a warm current suddenly flowed out.

That's right.

He had urinary incontinence, or to put it simply, he was frightened to pee...

Da Mi Mi and Reba were not feeling well either, and they were also frightened to tears, hugging each other tightly!

Wu Jing and Fei Hong took out their weapons and were ready for battle.

And Su Luo frowned.

He looked at the female corpse and muttered curiously: "White-clothed soul, red-clothed ghost, but since ancient times, floating corpses have always been men lying on their backs, but why is this female corpse lying face down on the water?"

Su Luo vaguely felt that something was not simple.

It seems that there is a vengeful ghost with profound Taoism in this water cave.

The Fiery Talisman just now did not scare it away, but instead made it grudge against it. This female ghost now appeared in person, probably to kill everyone on the boat!


Su Luo smiled.

That's right.

The corners of his mouth really rose.

You know, he has the blood of the Qilin in his body now!

In the previous life of "The Pen Stealer", the female ghost of the Western Zhou Dynasty who had thousands of years of Taoism could be frightened by the Qilin blood and kneeled down to beg for mercy. Who are you, a mere female ghost in red, trying to scare here? ? ?

As he said, Su Luo stood up and took out a dagger from his pocket.

Just when he wanted to release some Qilin blood to kill this evil ghost.

Unexpectedly, he looked down.

The female corpse on the water surface disappeared...

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