As Uncle Jiu kicked the coffin lid away, he reached out and grabbed one of the four chains that pulled the hanging coffin.

Seeing the coffin lid open, Uncle Jiu pulled the chain hard, and the whole person went to the hanging coffin, turned over in the air, and his feet stepped steadily on the coffin string.

Seeing this, Lin Muye, Queqiao Shao, and Chen Yulou also got on the coffin string.

There was a smaller coffin in the coffin, soaked in a silver liquid.

It was mercury!

Seeing this, everyone pulled up their masks to cover their mouths and noses.

They also understood that coffins of this size are generally divided into two parts, namely the inner coffin and the outer coffin.

Uncle Jiu kicked open only the outer coffin lid, not the coffin lid.

And between the outer coffin and the coffin, there is a layer of mercury as a means of anti-theft.

Mercury is what we now call mercury.

There are many benefits to using mercury in tombs.

First, it can prevent corrosion. After the death of ancient kings, princes and generals, many would soak their bodies with mercury, and then use jade to plug the seven orifices of the bodies to achieve the purpose of corrosion.

Second, it is to prevent theft. As we all know, mercury is highly toxic. Mercury poisoning generally has two ways. One: mercury evaporates to form mercury vapor, which is inhaled into the body and causes mercury poisoning. This is also the reason why everyone covers their faces with towels.

Second: through the wounds on the body, it directly enters the body and poisons people. You know, there are many traps in the tomb. Without superb skills, it is difficult to see the tomb owner unscathed. If there is a wound and accidentally touches mercury, it will inevitably be a death.

Without further ado, Lin Muye and the other four saw this scene, looked at each other, and came up with a countermeasure.

Chen Yulou turned his head and said to the people below: "Guardian, get the rope hook. Let everyone stay away, put on masks, those who are injured, go up to the coffin, and the rest wait for my order."

Hua Maguai immediately understood what he meant, so he found four ropes with huge iron hooks from his brothers and threw them to Chen Yulou.

Chen Yulou reached out and caught them steadily, and handed them to Lin Muye and the other four.

The four people understood, hooked the hooks on the strings of the coffins, and then threw the ropes down.

When the people below saw the ropes thrown down, they immediately picked up the ropes and stretched them straight. Then they were ready to go, just waiting for Chen Yulou's order.

The group of bandits from Xiangling and the soldiers under Luo Laowai who went to the tomb together this time, there were thousands of people in total. Although some of them were killed and injured under the rain of arrows from the city wall, they were still a large number.

It's a pity that the rope is limited in length, and only a hundred people can use it.

On average, there were less than 30 people per rope.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Chen Yulou clasped his fists towards Lin Muye and the other two, and jumped down from the coffin first. Lin Muye and the other two followed closely behind.

Chen Yulou gave an order: "Get started!"

Upon hearing this, everyone pulled in all directions with all their strength.


"Hua La La --"

Under the joint efforts of more than a hundred people, the coffin finally couldn't withstand the pulling force and broke apart in an instant, and the mercury inside also flowed down.

Then there was another loud "clang", and the hanging coffin finally fell to the ground.

After the mercury dispersed, Lin Muye and the others stepped forward first.

I saw that this hanging coffin, carved with dragons and phoenixes, was carved from a whole piece of huge stone. There was a bead inlaid around the coffin wall. The beads were in four colors, one each of green, white, brown and red.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu's face changed and he said, "Four Symbols to suppress corpses!"

Seeing everyone looking at him in doubt, Uncle Jiu said, "The so-called Four Symbols are the Azure Dragon in the East, the White Tiger in the West, the Black Tortoise in the North, and the Vermillion Bird in the South. These four symbols are sacred beasts that can suppress a region. The four beads on this coffin represent these four symbols."

"One Four Symbols bead can suppress an ordinary corpse, but this coffin has four beads. I'm afraid the corpse in this coffin is extraordinary!"

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, the expressions on everyone's faces became obviously solemn.

"The Butcher King of Hell" Luo Laowai was even more frightened. He believed in Uncle Jiu and Lin Muye, the two strange men. Now even Uncle Jiu said that the corpse in the coffin was not simple, which must not be groundless.

Lin Muye actually didn't know what was inside the coffin, but judging from the many gold, silver and jewels taken out from the eight coffins on the ground, there must be a treasure inside the coffin. No matter what it was, as long as it had a treasure value, it wouldn't be a loss.

So he said, "Open the coffin! If something changes, try to buy time. Uncle Jiu and I are sure to cover it."

Everyone felt relieved when they saw Lin Muye say this. They looked at each other, nodded, and worked together to open the lid of the stone coffin. Uncle Jiu also made a spell with his hands and was ready.

But what everyone didn't expect was that there was no corpse in the stone coffin as they imagined!

OnlySome burial objects.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu was thoughtful, but Lin Muye was attracted by two things buried under the gold and silver in the coffin.

The coffin was full of gold, silver and jewelry, and under these jewelry, two jade boxes could be seen faintly.

Neither Lin Muye nor Queqiao Shao came for gold, silver and jewelry, so they both picked up a jade box at the same time.

Queqiao Shao opened the jade box, and there was a black bead inside.

Seeing this bead, the three people of Banshan were instantly excited, but then they were disappointed again. This bead was not the Zhuchen Bead.

This bead is somewhat similar to the Four Symbols Beads inlaid on the outside of the stone coffin.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu walked quickly to Partridge Whistle, took the bead and examined it carefully. After a long time, he said in a serious tone: "It seems that the matter is more serious than I thought. This is not the Four Symbols Bead, but the Five Sacred Beads!"

Seeing Uncle Jiu like this, Chen Yulou also asked: "Uncle Jiu, what does this mean?"

Uncle Jiu said: "The so-called Five Sacreds, in addition to the Four Symbols Sacred Beasts, there is also the Qilin! These sacred beasts are auspicious and have the ability to suppress evil. With the addition of the Qilin, even if the coffin is suppressed by Thousand-year-old zombie king, you have to be honest, but there is no corpse in this coffin now! "

"And the Qilin Holy Pearl should be transparent, but looking at this pearl, it is full of cracks, and the color is also black, which means that it has already absorbed a lot of corpse gas and death gas. The person in the coffin may have already broken out of the coffin."

As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, everyone felt their scalps tingling and their backs chilled. They looked around unconsciously, fearing that the person in the coffin Uncle Jiu mentioned would suddenly jump out of the darkness.

Lin Muye was not worried.

Who is Uncle Jiu? Zombie nemesis! As long as it is a corpse, Uncle Jiu will have a way to deal with it.

So Lin Muye also opened the jade box in his hand.

As soon as the jade box was opened, a strong medicinal fragrance emanated, and everyone was attracted by it.

In the jade box, a brown pill was in it, emitting a faint light.

Lin Muye reached out and picked up the pill, and in an instant, a system prompt came into his mind.

[Ding. ]

[A thousand-year-old pill was detected. ]

[The host can absorb the medicinal power and improve his own skills. ]

Lin Muye listened to the system prompt in his mind, and for the first time, a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

After searching everywhere, it was easy to find!

Sure enough, this trip was worth it!

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