The next day.

The group split into three groups, with Uncle Jiu, Queqiao Shao, and Chen Yulou each leading their own troops to Pingshan to find a way to enter the tomb.

Let's talk about Chen Yulou first.

Chen Yulou had learned from yesterday's lesson, so he was much more cautious this time.

He first sent people to explore the surroundings, and then used the "Wen" character to find a piece of wasteland, marked it, and asked Luo Laowai to send people from the engineering battalion to dig in the wasteland.

It was said before that Chen Yulou was born with sharp five senses. Among the four skills of looking, smelling, asking, and cutting, he was best at "smelling".

The ability to identify the location by listening to the sound in the crack of Pingshan before used the "listening to the wind and thunder" in the "Wen" character. This time, he used the "listening to the ground" technique. With his sensitive sense of smell, he could judge whether there was a tomb underground by the smell emitted from the soil.

The wasteland he marked was the approximate location of the tomb he obtained through the "smell the land technique".

Luo Laowai had been dreaming about the treasure day and night. When he saw Chen Yulou marking the land, he asked people to gather explosives without saying a word. He blew up the land first and then dug three feet deep, vowing to find a way to enter the tomb.

Let's talk about Partridge Whistle.

Partridge Whistle took Hong Girl, the old foreigner, Hua Ling and a group of thieves to find the entrance from the bottom of Bottle Mountain.

There is a river at the bottom of the mountain, flowing out of Bottle Mountain.

Partridge Whistle and others took a raft upstream and followed the river directly to the dark river cave at the bottom of Bottle Mountain.

Going deep into the cave, they came to a slightly larger cave deep in the Bottle Mountain Cave. There was no way to go, but they saw traces of artificial excavation here, and Partridge Whistle knew it clearly.

So he reached out and took out the water bottle from his body, and slowly poured the water in the bottle along the rock walls around the cave.

Everyone looked at his movements in amazement, not knowing what was going on.

Each of them had their own unique skills. The environment in this cave was damp, and the method of looking at the soil and distinguishing the mud by unloading the ridge could not be used. So Queqiao Shao used his unique skill of moving mountains - the art of moving mountains and distinguishing armor!

Queqiao Shao was pouring water while observing the situation. When he came to a rock wall covered with sand and gravel, the poured water actually quickly seeped into the ground!

Queqiao Shao said, "This is it!"

Everyone gathered around when they heard what Queqiao Shao said.

Seeing this, Miss Hong asked, "What is this?"

Partridge Whistle said, "Look at the seepage in other places here, it swirls and stagnates, but only here, the seepage speed is very fast, which is caused by the hollowness of the mountain wall. If I am not mistaken, digging a stealing hole here will lead directly to the underground palace."

When the people in Xiangling heard this, they were all amazed. It was the first time they saw this mountain-moving technique.

Miss Hong saw that they were going to dig a stealing hole, so she waved her hand and said, "Go up and call some people down!"

"No need."

"Everyone take a rest first, I have my own way."

Partridge Whistle hurriedly stopped Miss Hong.

Miss Hong asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Partridge Whistle looked at the old foreigner and said, "Take the mountain-moving armor!"

The old foreigner smiled, said good, and then took off a bamboo basket that he had been carrying behind him.

The bamboo basket was opened, and inside was an object curled up into a ball. The old foreigner carefully placed it on the ground.

The ball slowly unfolded, and it turned out to be a living thing!

When it was fully unfolded, everyone could see clearly that there was more than one thing, but two pangolins, one big and one small. The small pangolin was curled up in the arms of the big pangolin!

It was the "Cangshan Cave Mausoleum Beetle" that moved mountains!

Hua Ling also squatted down at this time and took out a bamboo tube from behind. In this bamboo tube were the ants she collected, which were the food of the Pangolin Cave Mausoleum Beetle.

After the pangolin finished swallowing, it became active instantly, scaring Hong Girl and the others to retreat.

The old foreigner immediately stepped forward and took out an iron rope with a copper ring at the end of the iron rope. He quickly put the copper ring on the neck of the small pangolin, and the pangolin, which was originally a little restless, instantly calmed down.

Partridge Whistle said: "Don't be afraid, they are all locked in the acupuncture points by copper rings. Even if they have the power to move mountains, it is difficult to break free."

Red girl felt a little embarrassed and said disdainfully: "These two things are your unique skills to move mountains?"

The old foreigner heard this and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the best is yet to come."

He led the little pangolin to the digging site set by Partridge Whistle.

The two pangolins immediately hooked their toes and flew, attacking separately and jointly, digging hard soil as easy as digging tofu, and easily penetrated the mountain!

The people in Xiangling were amazed and felt that they had opened their eyes. They also saw the secret technique of moving mountains!

Let's talk about Uncle Jiu.

Lin Muye and Uncle Jiu led a group of people from Xiangling, and did not go directly into Pingshan to search.

But first inCheck the situation around Pingshan Mountain.

Speaking of Uncle Jiu's Feng Shui, it is really unique.

You can see the sun, moon and stars above, and check the mountains, rivers and plants below.

After Uncle Jiu explored all the situations around Pingshan Mountain, he used a branch as a pen to draw a simple Feng Shui map around Pingshan Mountain on the ground.

Then he closed his eyes and calculated.

Everyone around him felt that Uncle Jiu's method was magical, but they couldn't figure out why.

After a while, Uncle Jiu opened his eyes, put a stone on the lower right side of the circle representing Pingshan Mountain, and said, "This is it. If I guess correctly, it is safest to enter the tomb here."

Lin Muye saw that the place marked by Uncle Jiu was a cave at the foot of Pingshan Mountain.

They had seen that cave when they came to Pingshan Mountain.

At that time, Chen Yulou sent people to investigate, but did not find anything.

Moreover, the young guide Rong Baoyixiao also said that there were monsters and beasts living in the cave, so Chen Yulou finally gave up.

But unexpectedly, this was the safest entrance to the Pingshan Tomb!

The three parties had their own methods, and it was really "Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers."


How Uncle Jiu determined the entrance is not to be discussed for now.

As for Chen Yulou, he had already made some discoveries at this time.

It turned out that Luo Laowai's engineering battalion had dug up a lot of "human heads" on the wasteland circled by Chen Yulou.

Upon hearing this, Chen Yulou came over immediately. After some investigation, his eyes shone with excitement, and he said: "This is Beigua! It is also called Shitouman. It is said that this thing only grows underground where resentment is pent up. Where this thing exists, there must be a big tomb below! Luo Shuai, keep digging!"

After listening to Chen Yulou's explanation, Luo Laowai also said excitedly: "OK!"

So everyone continued to dig, and sure enough, they dug up a tomb door soon!

After some cleaning, the tomb door was revealed to everyone.

The tomb door was engraved with Yuan Dynasty characters, which were obscure and difficult to understand. However, the tomb door was heavy, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that there must be a treasure behind the tomb door, otherwise how could a thousand-jin boulder be used as a door?

Seeing this, Luo Laowai was also excited. He gave Chen Yulou a thumbs up and said, "Brother, you are worthy of being the head of Xiangling. I am convinced by this."

So he waved his hand and planned to let his men use explosives to blow up the tomb door directly.

Seeing Luo Laowai like this, Chen Yulou immediately stopped him and said, "Hey, Luo Shuai, have you forgotten what Brother Lin said?"

Luo Laowai then remembered that before everyone set out, Lin Muye had said, "Whether the three parties have found a way to enter the tomb or not, they must return to the Zanguan before dark and make plans after discussion."

Thinking of Lin Muye's method, Luo Laowai was also shocked and said, "Okay! Let's go back and discuss it."

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