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"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!......"

In an instant, countless arrows shot out from all directions, like a violent storm......

Wu Sansheng was not as weak as Wu Tianzhen, on the contrary, he was quite skilled.

The knife in his hand almost formed a circle of light, knocking down the flying arrows one after another.......

Everyone was secretly surprised. Although they all knew that Wu Sanxing was quite skilled, they didn't expect him to be so amazing.

However, no one knew how the arrows were set up. It seemed that they were endless.

Wu Sanxing was fighting against the arrows while moving towards the dark tunnel.......

Qin Yan knew that this guy wanted to sneak away, so he squatted down, picked up the arrow on the ground, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"Come and see, these arrows can't hurt anyone at all."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and gathered around.

After a look, they suddenly understood.

It turned out that the arrow's tip was very cleverly made. The arrowhead could be retracted. As long as it hit something, the sharp head would retract, and then several claw-like iron hooks would turn out from the head of the arrow and hook onto the person's body, creating an illusion of being shot by an arrow.

"This is a lotus-shaped arrow, it can't hurt anyone, it seems that the tomb owner just wants to warn people who go in, so that they will retreat."

Menyouping picked up an arrow and said to everyone

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Qin Yan urged everyone for the first time. He was really worried that Wu Sanxing would run away. If this guy ran away, who knows what kind of trouble he would cause. In order to calm everyone down, Qin Yan was the first to step into the mechanism.

He protected his face and let the arrows hit him.

"Puff! Puff!……"

There was no harm...

Everyone felt relieved upon seeing this and hurried to follow. The fat man saw that everyone else had left and had no choice but to give up those big porcelain jars, but he was thinking about how to come back and take these things away.......

Wu Sanxing was about to disappear into the darkness, and couldn't help but look relieved.

Just when he was feeling proud, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.


Wu Sansheng was startled and turned around quickly, only to see Qin Yan looking at him with a smile.

When he looked again, he saw that Qin Yan's body was full of arrows, and he was stunned......

Just as he was about to speak, he found that the people behind him had also followed him. They were all stabbed like hedgehogs. He was completely confused and looked at everyone with an incredible look on his face.


Wu Sansheng was stunned, and was shot in the chest by an arrow.

He subconsciously touched his chest.

He found that it didn't hurt, and there was no sign of injury. Wu Sansheng was so smart that he reacted immediately.

There was no joy on his face, but a hint of depression.


Everyone passed through the arrow trap smoothly, and everyone was happy, but Wu Sanxing was silent.

Chen Wenjin felt a little distressed and patted Wu Sanxing's

"Old Wu, although......It was all in vain, but thank you anyway, you are very brave."

After receiving Chen Wenjin's praise, Wu Sanxing could only force out a smile, but he sighed in his heart:

I didn't work in vain, I have no words to complain...

At this time, others tried to get closer to the big porcelain cautiously.

But Huo Ling walked to Qin Yan with a smile:"Brother Qin, this time it's all thanks to you."

Before Qin Yan could say anything, the fat man's big head squeezed over like a thief.

However, before he could squeeze between the two of them, he suddenly shouted. It turned out that the big porcelain jar stuck at the door of the stone gate suddenly rolled towards him with a thud, scaring him to step back in a hurry.

However, the big porcelain jar turned around, and rolled directly into the dark corridor in an arc.

Everyone looked at each other, and kept listening to the sound rolling in for a long distance, and then there was another"clang" sound, as if it hit something and stopped.

Without thinking much, everyone followed in immediately......

However, this time Wu Sanxing was dragging his feet and fell behind.

Qin Yan knew that this guy wanted to take the opportunity to leave the team again, so he stepped forward:

"Third Master, why don't you leave?"

Wu Sansheng was stunned, and quickly smiled and said,"It's Master Qin, I.....I'll cover you all!"

Qin Yan smiled slightly:

"Master San, you worked hard in the rain of arrows just now, how can I let you cover the rear again? Qin is not talented, so let me do it."

Wu Sanxing:@#%…

Damn, if you are not talented, we are all useless. Does this guy know something, but there is no reason. Is it really just a coincidence?

Wu Sansheng was a little confused, but he forced a stiff smile on his face:

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

Wu Sanxing felt so miserable. His plan was ruined, and he still had to thank him......

The crowd chased into the tunnel, which was pitch black. They quickly turned on their flashlights and found that it was a tunnel made of white marble bricks.

The tunnel seemed to go down and was a bit uneven. To put it bluntly, it looked more like a shallow staircase.

The darkness in the tunnel seemed to be solid. Even with a flashlight, visibility was extremely low, and the jar disappeared into the darkness.

········Asking for flowers

The mechanism at the entrance of the corridor has been broken, but everyone is still walking cautiously along the wall.

Zhang Qiling led the way, followed by others, and Qin Yan was the last, approaching the large porcelain jar that seemed to have stopped.

Everyone walked very slowly, for fear that something would suddenly jump out of the darkness.


Zhang Qiling raised his hand to let everyone stop, because he had already seen the large porcelain jar.

The large porcelain jar was stuck in front and did not move.

Zhang Qiling approached slowly, first shining a flashlight into the mouth of the large porcelain jar, and indeed found that there seemed to be something inside.

However, he was very skilled, and he picked up the black gold ancient knife and went straight to the mouth of the jar.

Everyone's heart was in their throat, but they saw Zhang Qiling heaved a sigh of relief, and the black gold ancient knife in his hand slowly dropped............0The fat man following behind saw this and knew that nothing should happen. He also took a closer look, sighed, and cursed:

"Damn, there's only an empty wooden box, which made me nervous for no reason."

The others also hurried to catch up, only to see the fat man directly take out a double-phoenix-carved baby coffin the size of a violin case from the large porcelain jar.

The coffin lid had been dropped to one side, and the white coffin bottom inside was still well preserved, but the body inside was gone. No wonder the fat man thought it was just a box.

Zhang Qiling said,"This is not a box, it's a kind of coffin."

The fat man suddenly realized and asked,"You mean, this is the coffin of the little Zongzi?"

Everyone took a closer look with flashlights and found that there were several holes in the coffin, and there was a black mark extending from the hole to the ground. It seemed that some liquid had flowed out of the hole.

And there were sparse black hairs in it, just like the hair of a black cat, but thicker.

"This is?!"

"This is corpse oil and corpse hair. It seems that the corpse inside has turned into a dumpling. It must have escaped."

Zhang Qiling answered lightly, but his mind was not on this at all.

Because he found that when he shone the flashlight on the ground, the beam of light seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, and the walls around were also dark. The area more than ten meters away was pitch black.

It was impossible to see the situation in the corridor at all, as if it had fallen into endless darkness.

Everyone's mind was on the big porcelain jar just now, so they didn't notice it, but now they all discovered this strange situation.

The fat man touched Qin Yan's side and leaned close to his ear:

"Master Qin, why do I feel that this situation is strangely familiar?"

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