"This wood is actually the Kunlun sacred tree?" Hu Bayi was shocked.

He had heard his grandfather mention that this was a sacred object that was only recorded in ancient books.

"Legend has it that even if there is only one section of the Kunlun sacred tree, even if it is away from the soil, water, and sunlight, it will not dry up. Although it will no longer grow, it can always remain the same. If a corpse is stored in the Kunlun sacred tree, it can be immortal for ten thousand years! This is the top-grade coffin wood!"

"Could it be that the body of the Queen of Jingjue is in this sacred tree of Kunlun?" Hu Bayi asked.

Yang Xueli's voice was trembling with excitement.

"There is no mistake, it is here, the scene in the dream, that stone beam, the queen’s coffin, that sacred Kunlun tree!"

"Legend has it that the Kunlun sacred tree is as old as Kunlun Mountain. It is said that Qin Shihuang also wanted to find the Kunlun sacred tree to make a coffin, but he didn't find it. Unexpectedly, the Queen of Jingjue was so amazing that she used such a large piece of Kunlun sacred wood to make a coffin. I am afraid that no one in history has a coffin more valuable than hers!"

After hearing what Shirley said, everyone became even more excited and wanted to go forward to take a closer look.

Especially Hao Aiguo, he was the most reckless. Previously in the Zagorama Valley, he knew there was danger, but he went to check the bodies of foreigners regardless of everything. He didn't take the danger seriously at all. If it weren't for Feng Yuanqing, he would have died by now and could only be buried in the yellow sand, and the body could not be taken back.

In the hot desert, it will rot and stink in two days, and it will take at least three or four days to get out of the desert.

Who can bear to carry a rotten corpse in the car?

Hao Aiguo immediately took the lead, taking Chu Jian and Sadipeng, and went directly to the plank road on the wall of Wangdong.


Professor Chen turned around to stop him, but he stopped talking just after he said two words.

He stepped on a gravel and sprained his foot, almost falling to the ground.

Feng Yuanqing stepped forward to support Professor Chen and prevented him from falling.

Hao Aiguo, Chu Jian and Sadipeng also turned around and returned to Professor Chen.

"Teacher, how are you? Are you okay?"

It seems that the injury was serious. Professor Chen could not walk directly. He could only stand on one foot and jump forward. His injured left foot hurt a lot when it touched the ground.

""Hiss~" Even if he didn't move, the pain was piercing.

Feng Yuanqing helped Professor Chen sit on the ground, lifted up his trouser leg and saw that his ankle was swollen and swollen due to blood clots.

It looked like he wouldn't be able to follow everyone along the stone beam on the plank road to see the queen's coffin up close.

Professor Chen sat on the ground and said,"You must be careful and don't destroy those things, especially the strange flower on the coffin!"

"That flower? It looks like a taro. Could it be that the queen planted herself as a seed and it sprouted and bloomed? Otherwise, how could there be a plant growing on this coffin?"The fat man asked curiously.

At this time, Feng Yuanqing said,"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. This is the corpse-scented konjac! It's not an ordinary flower, otherwise it wouldn't be here!"

"Xiao Feng is right. This flower is called Corpse Amorphophallus. It is an extremely rare plant. There is probably only one left in the world. And it is very dangerous! You must be careful!"

Professor Chen rubbed his injured ankle and said.

"Konjac? I know konjac, it's delicious, haha~" the fat man joked

"But is this corpse-scented konjac so dangerous? This corpse-scented konjac certainly did not appear out of thin air. Maybe it was planted when the Queen of Jingjue was buried. It must have been more than two thousand years old now. It is possible that it has become a spirit!"

Among the people present, except Professor Chen, only Feng Yuanqing knew something about the corpse-scented konjac.

When they heard the name, they were a little stunned.

The name of this flower is very strange. It means corpse and fragrance. Can it make a corpse emit fragrance?

Everyone looked at Professor Chen.

"Teacher, what is this corpse-scented konjac? What is its origin?"

Hao Aiguo was very curious, so he asked directly.

"This plant is actually very dangerous! Professor Chen took a breath and continued

"When I was studying the civilization of the Western Regions, I saw this in some surviving murals and historical records."

"The corpse-scented konjac originally grew in the Later Yuezhi Kingdom, and later flowed into China through the Silk Road. However, it became extinct because it was not suitable for the local climate."

"This corpse-scented konjac is said to be able to keep corpses from decaying and make them emit a fragrance. It is very precious."

"It is said to be dangerous because it is said that there are evil spirits in the corpse arum. Once it grows up, living people can no longer get close to it!"

Seeing this, Chu Jian, Sadipeng, Ye Yixin and others took out their notebooks and began to record.

This is another new knowledge. If it hadn't been encountered this time, I'm afraid Professor Chen would not have mentioned it specifically.

After all, everyone thought it was extinct, so there was no need to mention it.

We are not studying paleontology, specializing in this thing

""Swish, swish, swish~"

The three held pens in their hands and wrote non-stop, writing down every word that Professor Chen said without missing a word. They also took a special look at the corpse-scented konjac and drew a rough picture of its appearance. It will be perfect with photos later. Pictures speak louder than words!

In Professor Chen's words, the corpse-scented konjac is really miraculous.

Although the legends are exaggerated, the corpse-scented konjac is really dangerous.

The general corpse-scented konjac is the size of ordinary plants, but it is still very dangerous.

Look at this one in front of you, it has grown so huge.

It has been growing for two thousand years, and it is growing on the legendary sacred object of Kunlun Sacred Tree.

Then it is even more incredible, and its danger has been multiplied by who knows how many times.

"The smell of this corpse konjac can cause hallucinations if you breathe it in too much. Its pollen has a strong hallucinogenic effect. Everyone, please pay attention and cover up any exposed skin on your body and don't touch it. This corpse konjac grows in the Kunlun sacred tree, so the effect may be even stronger!"

""Everyone, put on your gas masks. Although I don't know how effective they are, they are better than nothing!"

Feng Yuanqing continued.

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly took out their gas masks from their backpacks and put them on. They didn't care about the heat from the long journey.

They immediately put on their long-sleeved coats, hats and gloves, and tried not to expose their skin directly to the air.

After putting on their clothes, they checked each other to see if there was anything that was not protected. After

Hao Aiguo put on his own clothes, he helped Professor Chen put on his gas mask and gloves.

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