Tokyo underground city

Chapter 148/Choice

Chapter 148 Candidates


Someone covered his face, screamed, and fell to the ground.

Marilla stood beside the injured, covering her mouth with a pale face, looking at the others, and defended:

"I just want to ask him if the fruit on the goblin's hand is edible..."

As a result, the Berry Tree Demon was alerted and attacked the injured...

Lin Huai'en looked at the tall man who was lying on the ground, covering his eyes and rolling on the ground in pain, and couldn't help but shake his head.

After hearing the movement here, Catalina also came over.

She asked with a serious look on her face: "Didn't I say that?! No one is allowed to touch the berry tree demons without my order! Let alone remove their fruits! Why do you still make such a stupid mistake?!"

Seeing Katarina, the Windrunner explorer hurried over and whispered something to her.

After Catalina listened, she nodded solemnly: "Are you the non-staff consultant that the crew hired... You don't know the situation in the dungeon... Even so, no one! Don't approach the Berry Tree Demon within ten meters. !”

"As for the injured man." Catalina glanced at him contemptuously, "Carry him down and let the doctor take a look at the situation."

On the other hand, Yuan Ximu looked at the unlucky man in the distance and shook her head without any surprise: "How dare you provoke Marilla... You are so cowardly... You should be taught a lesson now."

Hearing what she said, Lin Huai'en couldn't help but be curious: "Provoking Marilla? Is that gentle little girl so difficult to deal with?"

In Lin Huaien's impression, Marilla always made him feel soft and weak. Although it sometimes made him feel uncomfortable, he didn't think too much about it.

But Yuan Ximu shook her head and said calmly:

"In school, I would rather avoid Marilla than Yingmi Ling."

"Ying Miling has a rather upright personality, that is, even if she troubles you in person, because she has the support of teachers and brokerage companies, they don't dare to go too far - rather, Ying Miling's heart of 'giving people a lesson' is still there. The level of elementary school students is the same as 'humiliating in front of your face and ridiculing behind your back'."

"But Marilla is different."

"Before joining Ying Miling, she was targeted by several girls from the same agency, who kept causing trouble for her."

"It turns out that these girls either had accidents or were treated as targets of bullying by their classmates - even Yingmiling came to them after knowing these things to help Marilla vent her anger..."

After hearing this, Lin Huai'en almost understood what Yuan Ximu meant:

"So, Marilla is very good at taking advantage of her weak position to inspire other people's desire for protection?"

Yuan Ximu nodded, then shook her head:

"It's not that simple. Marilla and I have never had a conflict, but from the perspective of a bystander, Marilla is not so much good at using her vulnerable position to inspire others' protective desire - it is better to say, She is very good at using a supporting role to drive others to take action——"

Yuan Ximu thought for a while and tried to explain this concept clearly to Lin Huai'en: "I don't know if you can understand..."

"In the theory of drama, every action of the protagonist is usually not made by themselves."

"Because the audience is not the character, the audience cannot empathize and understand the character's heart. Therefore, the screenwriter usually uses some external conflicts and environments to drive the character to do something they want the character to do."

"For example, being fired by your boss, encountering cancer, etc. These are the motivations and driving forces of the character."

"At the same time, when the character is trying to cross a certain obstacle and do something that is impossible to do in a normal social environment-"

"For example, 'murdering', 'drug trafficking', or 'saving the world', there will be a barrier in the hearts of the protagonist and the audience."

"And Marilla is very good at breaking down this kind of barrier as a supporting role——"

Yuan Ximu nodded, seemingly satisfied with his explanation.

She raised the index finger of her right hand and curled it slightly:

“For example, ‘Heroes save beauties’.”

"Marilla's 'hero saves the beauty' can even drive Ying Miling and Princess Dai, who are also girls, let alone other boys. Ordinary girls can't compete with her, so I suggest you, it's best to Stay away from her."

Lin Huai'en frowned as he listened to Yuan Ximu's explanation.

I have a bad feeling in my heart.

And as if to respond to his premonition, Marilla stood helplessly in the crowd and looked around, but she didn't see anyone she knew.

Until her eyes locked on Yuan Ximu and Lin Huai'en beside her.

Then she held her hands and walked towards the two people crying:

"Miss Xiyang Xixue, Mr. Lin, you know I didn't do it on purpose, right?"

Lin Huai'en looked at the girl in front of him with some embarrassment. If he hadn't heard Yuan Ximu's explanation before, he might really think that Marilla was just careless.

She subconsciously looked at Yuan Ximu next to her, but she didn't expect that she showed a distressed expression almost the moment Marilla opened her mouth. She took out her handkerchief and wiped the splash on Marilla's face. Poison powder and tears arrived:

"Okay, okay, that swordsmanship consultant is an annoying guy anyway, no one will blame you."

She also seemed to know who the man who was hurt by Marilla was, and when she mentioned him, she showed the same disdain as Catalina:

"I just don't know how his condition is. I will be filming a few scenes of teaching Feng Feng swordsmanship soon. If he can't get better today, the schedule will be postponed."

Hearing this, Lin Huai'en couldn't help but be curious:

"Is there no backup candidate?"

"Well... there was originally a backup candidate, but for some reasons, he couldn't come today."

Yuan Ximu thought for a while and explained to Lin Huai'en:

"The old man is quite persistent in these matters. Although the person who fell to the ground just now is not a very good character, he is indeed one of the higher-level martial arts consultants. In terms of swordsmanship alone, he may be the strongest."

"And he can be a stand-in himself and can also perform, so it's really hard to find a better replacement..."

Having said this, Yuan Ximu couldn't help but sigh.

Although she doesn't like injured people, it's not good if it affects the entire crew's filming schedule.

Popular actors like Ying Mi Ling have very tight schedules, and often a delay of 1 to 2 days will affect the next set.

So when the time comes, they will leave early.

In this way, it is inevitable that a few scenes will have to use stand-ins or be deleted, which will reduce the shooting quality of the entire movie.

This is what she least wants to see.

Rather than who will be the leading actor, she cares more about whether the movie itself can present the best effect.

And Marilla was obviously aware of this problem.

She sobbed and asked Yuan Ximu to wipe away her tears. Then she took the tissue that Yuan Ximu handed her and carefully wiped off the poisonous powder on her hands.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at Lin Huaien:

"I wonder what Mr. Lin is like? He should be a swordsman too, right? I think if Mr. Zhang is injured and cannot recover, given Mr. Lin's condition, he can also teach Xiaofengfeng swordsmanship..."



Lin Huai'en and Yuan Ximu were both stunned for a moment.

He and Yuan Ximu looked at each other, feeling a little weird.


About thirty minutes later, Katrina summoned all the main actors and relevant persons in charge.

In front of everyone, she announced the injury status of the swordsmanship consultant:

"Teacher Zhang's eyes were burned by the poisonous powder, and he won't be able to recover for probably two or three days. Fortunately, Marilla, who was with him, didn't suffer too much damage."

The old man behind Catalina coughed in a low voice, and she stepped back in time, giving up her position to Shen Wanshan behind her.

The gray-haired old man stood up, coughed slightly, and took a step forward.

"I believe all of you are well aware that there was a slight accident on the crew and the distribution of roles needs to be readjusted."

"I sought the opinions of several leading actors and heads of departments."

"Except for Ms. Catalina, who suggested that the crew contact the logistics department on the ground and order them to send the swordsmanship consultant who was absent before to the underground city, there are a total of three candidates who have been recommended."

Shen Wanshan opened the note in his hand and said slowly:

"Respectively, Catalina and Mu En recommended a Windrunner explorer who is good at swordsmanship."

Lin Huaien noticed a strong man next to Mu En and took a step forward.

He is 1.9 meters tall and holds a very terrifying giant sword in his hand.

"Nalan Mingde was recommended by Ying Miling, Princess Dai, and Zhou Tianang."

Lin Huai'en saw Follower No. 2, whom he had met before, take a step forward.

This surprised him. He didn't expect it to be this gentle young man who seemed to be gentle and gentle.

However, he noticed that the gentle young man gave him a fierce look when he walked out of the crowd, which made him a little confused.

"at last……"

Having said this, the chief director paused. It seemed that this was the candidate. Even he was a little surprised:

"It's 'Lin Huaien' recommended by Xiyang Xixue and Marilla."

Lin Huai'en took a step forward helplessly. When Catalina sent someone to find Yuan Ximu and refused him entry, he had a bad feeling.

But he never expected that it was not just Marilla who recommended him to become a swordsmanship coach, but Yuan Ximu was also involved.

He noticed that Yuan Ximu, who was hiding behind Shen Wanshan, stuck out her tongue at him inconspicuously.

"Is it a prank..."

Amidst the voices of others asking each other, "Who is 'Lin Huai'en'?", he stood up calmly.

Anyway, there are three backup candidates. No matter how you think about it, it's impossible for him to get his turn.

After seeing the three people coming out, Shen Wanshan nodded, coughed slightly, and put the note away:

"Except for these electors, everyone else chose to abstain."

After all, not everyone has a companion who is skilled in swordsmanship.

Rather than saying that Yuan Ximu and Marilla saw his superb swordsmanship, he would rather believe that these two people had ulterior motives.

However, Lin Huai'en was also a little curious:

"I don't know that compared to other dungeon explorers, I have been taught by the Mummy Swordsman..."

"Which one is strong and which one is weak."

【Update 4000 first】

[The next chapter should be at least 3000]

【But no modification(】

[Old practice, if you find any problems, remind them as soon as possible, and the comments will be deleted later]

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