Tokyo underground city

Chapter 102/Values

Chapter 102 Values

At this point, Leonardo suddenly changed the topic and emphasized stubbornly:

"And in my opinion, you guys are not normal!"

"'We are not normal'?" Lin Huai'en was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Leonardo was talking about.


Leonardo nodded vigorously: "Your police team doesn't charge for rescuing people! Not only does the police team don't charge for rescuing people, but even firefighting is free! This is not in line with the laws of the market at all!"

After hearing Leonardo's words, Yuan Xiaole in the back seat asked in confusion:

"Does your country's fire alarm... actually charge a fee?"

Leonardo retorted with some dissatisfaction, "It's not just our country that charges! Most countries do! At least most countries don't charge completely! There is no police fee or overtime pay, why should firefighters risk their lives for you? ! Once they are not active in their work and let the scope of the fire expand, it will only cause more losses!"

"But...the salary and rewards of firefighters should not be state subsidies..." Yuan Xiaole said hesitantly.

"That's only a few dollars." Leonardo said with some dissatisfaction: "Moreover, police subsidies in many countries are related to local community taxes! Where community taxes are high, police salaries are high, so naturally Public security is good! In a place with low community taxes, the police force has low wages, insufficient personnel, and low motivation, so it will naturally be dirty and messy!"

"So, money is the most important thing! Why don't you understand!"

Leonardo said angrily.

Lin Huai'en suddenly continued what he said and said:

"So, you accepted the resurrection fee of 30,000 euros per time and the rescue fee of 60,000 euros per time?"

Lin Huaien's rhetorical question.

Leonardo was immediately confused.

He was a little tangled, lowering his head and picking at his nails:

"So...I simply can't figure out...what went wrong..."

"Why...we are obviously right...but now I feel that you are right..."

"Before I became a dungeon explorer, I studied abroad in Shangcheng for four years... At that time, I felt that there was something different between your place and ours..."

"Why is your resurrection fee so cheap... Why are your police so kind... Why do you only need to call the police and someone will be there wholeheartedly... risking their lives for you..."

"I don't understand it at all!"

Leonardo's voice was very low.

It's hard to hear clearly over the noise of the Warrior's engine.

But Lin Huai'en still understood what he meant.

Officer Shao in the front row played with the toad mirror in his hand and suddenly said:

"Leonardo, have you seen Saving Private Ryan?"

Leonardo collected his emotions and raised his head: "Spielberg's American World War II movie? Have you seen it? What's wrong?"

Officer Shao wiped the toad mirror in his hand and said softly: "My ex-girlfriend asked me a question."

"'Is it worth having more people die just to save one person?'"

"It's not worth it..." Leonardo hesitated: "It also depends on who is being saved... No, from a humanitarian perspective, no matter who the person is in distress, they should be saved."

Hearing this, Officer Shao suddenly laughed, "So don't you find it strange? Why do you obviously pay attention to efficiency, talk about value, and think that two lives are definitely worth more than one. But at the same time, you support humanitarianism and feel that a soldier is a The only son in the family, no matter whether he has to risk a group of soldiers, he must be brought back safely to the rear..."

"How should we explain the value principles here?"

"Which one do you think is 'more beautiful'?"

Officer Shao's question was gentle and slow, but it made people feel a faint sense of power.

Seeing that Leonardo didn't answer, Officer Shao nodded and continued talking to himself.

"In my opinion, the answer to what you said about 'why you risk your life just to call the police?' is actually very simple."

"Because we are the police."

He looked out the window calmly.

"Of course, this is not an empty slogan."

"In my opinion, the identity of 'police' actually represents a country's power to maintain law and order and ensure social stability."

"Your country also collects taxes. You should know that police salaries come from the taxes of each citizen."

"So, when a person pays 30% or even 40% of his salary to the state...what exactly are they plotting from the government and the police?"

"A safe and stable working environment?"

"Stable borders, efficient and fair social mechanisms, vast overseas markets and educational opportunities, lofty international reputation, convenient travel and trade visas, global circulation of bulk import and export materials, infrastructure, markets and financial platforms..."

"These are all public goods that a country can only provide at the government level."

"You can think that these things have nothing to do with any one of you. But through society, capital and national power, they have indirect and important connections with each of us..."

“And when a country is unable to provide these public goods normally, or due to various problems, it can only provide these public goods in an inefficient or even inefficient manner——”

"We call it the 'corruption of public functions of government.'"

“In other words, government agencies no longer have ‘positive efficiency’.”

"It has become a parasite that only gets in but cannot get out, lying on the heads of the people..."

"At this time, the people will overthrow them and replace them with a more efficient government to maintain the functioning of society."

Officer Shao let go of his right hand that was constantly wiping the toad mirror: "So, in your opinion, we policemen, just to save one person or arrest a criminal, died or injured two, three, or even more people." when……'

"You will feel that the gain is not worth the loss."

“But in fact, what we provide is the ‘positive efficiency’ of the police agency, and we strive to ensure that every penny of tax revenue invested by the people in us can become an important part of the national strength.”

"Instead of everyone from the police to the fire brigade thinking about making money and becoming a leader..."

"In that case, what we provide is not 'positive efficiency'... but 'negative efficiency'."

At this point, Officer Shao suddenly laughed: "In this country, not everyone regards money as everything. Not everyone is thinking about being a master, living a better life than others, and enjoying A more luxurious life.”

"That's why there is prosperity and harmony that you see in your eyes."

"There are always people who want to eat grass... and what they produce is milk..."

Lin Huai'en listened to Officer Shao's words and sighed silently in his heart.

There was silence among the warriors, except for the sound of the engine, no sound could be heard.

Everyone was silently understanding Officer Shao's point of view.

After a long time, Leonardo struggled and expressed his wavering——

"But...don't you feel unwilling? After all, everyone should want to live a better life..."

"What are you talking about?" Hearing Leonardo's words, Officer Shao suddenly laughed: "Live in the same house, eat the same food, and go to the same school as ordinary people?"

“What do you think we’re fighting for?”

“Isn’t it just to let all ‘ordinary people’ live a better life?”

"Why do you have to step on other people in order to feel that you are living well——"

"What about 'happier'?"

[I just want to treat you to this plate of vinegar dumplings! 】

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