Tokyo Police

Vol 10 Chapter 66: big buyer

"What do you think of the goods I gave you last time?"

See the MailTips message on the screen. Lin Xiu picked up the coffee cup unhurriedly and took a sip. Bitter on the palate, fragrant aroma, with just the right amount of acidity. The balance of the three immediately lifted Lin Xiuyi's tired spirit.

This time, it was the arena boss Nero who received the green poison email. A perverted human organ dealer who is also a drug dealer with a huge distribution channel.

"The goods are good, and they are much safer than Chinese white. I am very interested in this new product. But the question is how is your output. I am worried that once the enthusiasm of the market is aroused, you will not be able to collect it on time. If it is delivered, it will have a serious impact on my reputation. I think you should understand that in our business, we value credibility more than those who do so-called legitimate business. Because once we say it out, it doesn't count. Then no matter how good your stuff is, customers will lack confidence in you…”

Nero taught Green Poison a lesson in a familiar tone.

"Of course I understand this principle, but you must know that only I have blue ice now, and you can't find a second businessman selling blue ice in the world. And if you have done business with me in the past If you do, you should know that my reputation has always been good..."

Green Poison is trying hard to dispel Nero's concerns about him. He is in urgent need of returning funds, and very much wants to find a powerful buyer. Although Green Poison has accumulated a lot of contacts when running China Bai's business in the past, most of those guys can only buy a little bit, and the most will not exceed one kilogram. At that time, Green Poison could only rely on its own strength to make Chinese white, and the output and quality were very unstable. So there is nothing wrong with that kind of fragmented operation. But now, as long as the reactor and the production line do not stop, high-quality blue ice crystals will be produced in batches.

"Okay, for the sake of the Black Death and DPJ, how about I take a risk this time and try to do a business with you?"

"How much are you going to ask for?"

"It depends on how many you have!"

When Green Poison saw Nero asking about his output, he couldn't help but hesitate. He quietly sent another email to Gumantong, asking how much blue ice could be produced by one ton of U-48800.

Gumantong quickly told Green Poison the answer. If it is the most optimistic estimate, it can only produce 100 kilograms of high-quality blue ice. That means that the cost of one kilogram of blue ice is conservatively estimated to be around $10,000. However, due to the failure last time, Gumantong does not dare to produce at full capacity, so he can only process 200kg of U-48800 at a time. That is to say, next week, if all goes well, Humantong will There are 20 kilograms of blue ice produced.

"$2 million a kilo, that's my bottom line!"

Green Poison unceremoniously raised the price by 200 times.

"It's too high. It's more than 20 times the price of heroin. Do you think something so expensive will sell?"

"The price is already very cheap. You know the price of Chinese white in the past, and now you can buy blue ice that is better and safer than Chinese white for the same amount of money. All you need is granulated sugar. A small piece of blue ice is enough to keep the user cool all day. And it will not bring fatal danger to the body..."

When Green Poison sent his offer to the other party, Nero became silent. This made Green Poison feel a little panic. As the other party remained silent for longer and longer, Green Poison gradually regretted his offer. He really wanted Nero to contact him immediately and complain to him a few words. In this case, Green Poison would have a step up, and he was very willing to give the other party a new offer.

"How much stock do you have now?"

Just when Green Poison had already lost his confidence in waiting, Nero's mail was delivered to Green Poison's mailbox again.

"There are 20 kilograms. It will be ready next week. How much do you plan to ask for?"

When the local Green Capital received Nero's reply again, Green Poison kept forcing himself to calm down. He did not take the initiative to ask about the price, but first asked the other party's needs.

"If it's this price, you want to get a one-year blue ice franchise. No matter how much blue ice you produce, we'll buy it all at this price. If you agree, I'll pay it in a few days. You put down a deposit..."


"Yes, pay 10% of the deposit first, and then pay the remaining balance after receiving the goods. But I have to ask you how much blue ice you have..."

Seeing the question raised by Nero, when the pre-production before the sound of the green poison, Gumantong tried to make about 1 kilogram of blue ice, half of which was sent to the green poison, and the other half was still put in. in the London factory.

"Dude, do you mean you're going to give me $4 million today?"

Green Poison asked in astonishment.

"No, I don't plan to buy your 20 kilograms of blue ice all at once. I want to buy 5 kilograms of blue ice first. If the quality is really an issue, I will order 10 kilograms next time. Then 20 kilograms. In this paragraph You can also continue to produce over time, and I think doing so is much less risky than a one-shot deal!"

"Why is this..."

Green Poison complained to Nero with some Doesn't the market need us to spend time to cultivate it? Do you think it's right to put a ton of blue ice on the market all at once? If it can't be sold, it will be difficult for the price of blue ice to rise again in the future. "

Nero patiently explained to Green Poison.

There is nothing wrong with Nero's words. As the other party said, if a new product is brought to the market in large quantities when it is just launched, it is likely to cause the price to plummet. But if you consciously control the total amount of goods on the market, you can effectively keep prices high. Green Poison can still understand this truth.

Because Green Poison has never conducted a drug business of this scale before. So in many places he can only let Nero make the decision. At the end, after Nero ordered some important things, he immediately paid the other party a deposit of 100 bitcoins. After receiving the deposit, Green Drug did not hesitate to transfer the funds to the account of the London factory. Because he knows very well that the factory has no money to buy goods now.

Seeing the deposit received in his account, Green Poison can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

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