Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 57 The forum exploded

The next day, Togada Nanako came to the Literature Club, and the first thing she did was to recommend this book to her companions.

"Go and read it, it's definitely a value-for-money book! Its story is unimaginably exciting!"

Togata enthusiastically recommended it to his close friends.

Her good friend Ogata Shinyo said: "Who wrote this? I have never heard of this book."

"It's a work by a new author, but it's really beautiful!" Togada said persistently, and suddenly thought of something: "And this is a work recommended by Mika Miyano to enter the Naoki Prize."

"Recommended by Mika Miyano?" Ogata Shinyo said, "In that case, it seems worth a look."

Ogata Mayo is a fan of Mika Miyano, and she will definitely consider reading the works recommended by Mika Miyano.

"What about the book "Aurora 2"? Have you read it?" Ogata Shinyo is also a fan of Watanabe Ikemae.

Nanako Togada hesitated for a moment and said: "I think this book has nothing new, and it cannot be compared with "White Night Journey"."

"Ah, how could this happen?" Ogata Shinyo looked a little disappointed.

Togata quickly comforted his companion: "This is just my personal opinion. Maybe you will like this book."

Ogata Shinyo nodded. When he turned his head, he saw a senior from the club who was also reading a book. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be "White Night Journey".

"Senior, are you reading this book too?" Togada asked quickly.

The senior sister turned back with red eyes and nodded: "I have finished reading it. This is the second time I have read it... This is really a good book."

Nanako Togada nodded desperately: "I think so too. Among all the mystery novels I have read over the years, I think the story of "White Night Journey" is the most touching..."

The senior sister pushed up her glasses: "I cried the first time I watched it, and I still couldn't help crying when I watched it again. My tears were for Kirihara Ryoji, and I watched it the second time also for him... ...I want to find evidence between the lines that Yuki Sui loves him."

"Does Yukiho really love Ryoji?"

The senior sister nodded: "I think so."

Ogata Shinyo watched the two people discussing passionately and couldn't help but be a little stunned. Are these two women crazy?

What kind of book is "White Night Journey" that has such magic power?

I'll buy a copy and read it too.

After returning home, Togada Nanako couldn't help but turn on her computer, log into the online forum, and began to read the discussion thread about "White Night Journey".

At this moment, the discussion about "White Night Journey" in online forums is gradually becoming more and more heated.

Among them, the emotional issues between Karasawa Yukiho and Kirihara Ryoji were naturally the focus of their discussion.

Has Yukiho ever loved Ryoji? Have you always loved, or have you ever loved? Or has she ever loved someone else? Does she feel like this?

Is she born a bad person? The experience of being sexually abused as a child inspired her evil? Or the evil that created her? If she lived her life like an ordinary child, would she be a kind person?

What will happen to Xuesui next? Will she surrender? Will she continue on the path of a villain?

Netizens who had read the book expressed their opinions on the Internet. Later, they even divided into pros and cons, and began to exclude dissidents. The smell of gunpowder in the forum gradually became stronger.

Nanako Togada also expressed her opinion: She believes that Yukiho loves Ryoji, and their love goes beyond the ordinary love between a man and a woman, but a more solid dependence. This can be seen from the description of the two by police officer Sasahara. He said that the two were like gobies and shrimps. This description is really appropriate.

However, this opinion post was refuted by others not long after it was published. The words of the other party when refuting her were not very friendly. Togada was not good at arguing with others and was too scared to speak out.

Just when the war on the Internet about "White Night Journey" was about to break out, an anonymous post attracted everyone's attention and quickly settled the dispute.

"After watching "White Night Walk", I cried all night. Because I am the real-life Yukiho Karasawa, who was sexually assaulted by my stepfather when I was in elementary school."

"But I don't have Liangji who protects me in the dark, I don't have a good policeman who is dedicated to finding out the truth, and I don't have the courage to retaliate against others."

"In the years since I was sexually assaulted, I have been relying on sleeping pills to fall asleep. In fact, it is not difficult for me to fall asleep, but I am afraid of dreaming, and I am afraid of dreaming about my stepfather. Although he has died of cancer, I am still afraid He came to life in my dream.”

"I want to die. I want to die all the time. But I'm afraid of meeting him after I die."

""White Night Walk" is a wonderful but unrealistic dream for me. I hope I can become Yukiho Karasawa and make this world that has hurt me pay the price."

"But I have to say that being a bad guy also requires courage and talent, and I don't have such things. I'm really sorry."

As soon as the post was published, it quickly gained huge popularity. Countless people commented on the post, all trying to comfort her. Some people even identified themselves as psychiatrists and were willing to provide free psychological treatment to this poor girl.

This post caused a huge response in the online world. Even though the influence of the Internet on reality at this time was still quite limited, this post still appeared in an NHK program, and the discussion was about how to protect minors. People are not subject to illegal infringement.

Once the program was aired, it caused a great response. The host’s words in the show were shocking:

"Look at our country, there are many people who are hurt in this way. Among them are children, adults, single mothers, even elderly people, and sometimes men. Why are there always people who are hurt like this? Why are there always dirty things that want to enter other people's bodies? Our country's porn industry is often criticized for teaching bad things to children, but aren't those criminals adults? People who rent pornographic discs in rental stores are not Are they all adults too? Instead of thinking about how not to teach bad children all day long, I think it is most important to think about how to prevent adults from becoming bad."

"The 40,000 copies of "White Night Walk" have been sold out and need to be reprinted."

Itagaki Kazuhiko tried his best to suppress his excitement and said to Kawaguchi Nobu.

Nobu Kawaguchi said: "I know, the factory has been notified, and the second batch will be out soon."

"Minister, how many copies do you plan to print in the second batch?"

Kawaguchi Nobu thought for a moment and said, "One hundred and fifty thousand copies."

Itagaki Kazuhiko's face was overjoyed. He originally thought that the second batch of printed copies would be good if it reached 100,000 copies, but he didn't expect that it would be 150,000 copies.

It can be seen that the response to this book is really good!

"The bookstore has urged our company many times, and the editorial department's phone is almost buzzing with calls." Nobu Kawaguchi pinched Yamane and said, looking a little troubled, but in fact he could hardly hide his joy.

"Itagaki, you did a very good job this time." Nobu Kawaguchi smiled approvingly at Itagaki Kazuhiko.

At this moment, Ohno Nagaharu was a little confused looking at the empty bookshelf. Seeing that the last copy of "White Night Journey" was also bought, the clerk said to him excitedly: "Boss, you are so prescient. This time But after making a lot of money, how do you know this book will sell well?"

Ohno Nagaharu was silent for a long time and muttered silently: "How did I know... I thought I would lose money..."

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