Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 43 Preparation for Shooting

Mizuhara Yui looked at Kei Fujiwara and then at Taro Nishimura.

"Do you know each other?"

Kei Fujiwara smiled and said: "I used to work on the crew of "In the Name of Love" and worked with Nishimura-kun."

Nishimura Taro nodded: "Yes, Fujiwara-kun used to..."

Taro Nishimura was just about to say that Kei Fujiwara had worked as a director's assistant on the crew of "In the Name of Love" before, but then he thought, he has a higher position in the program team than him now, but you said that he had been his subordinate before. What's the meaning? Do you think your shoes are too big?

So shut up immediately.

"Nishimura-kun, we meet again." Fujiwara Kei smiled, "Please sit down, I will tell you again."

Kei Fujiwara felt quite friendly when he met Taro Nishimura again. Taro Nishimura had a gentle personality and he never encountered any difficulties when he worked as an AD under him. Moreover, he also has good working ability. Apart from falling asleep suddenly, he has no shortcomings.

Taro Nishimura remembers that when Kei Fujiwara was working as a director's assistant, he was very quick at work, and he didn't look like a newcomer at all. He seemed to be familiar with everything on the set.

At that time, Nishimura Taro just thought that this person might be born to eat this kind of rice, but he did not expect that he would become the main planner of the show so quickly.

In the past, he ordered Fujiwara to do things, but in the future it may be reversed...

"Then you are really destined." Mizuhara Yui smiled, pointed to the chair next to her and said, "Nishimura-kun, please sit down, Mr. Fujiwara, could you please tell me again?"

"no problem."

Kei Fujiwara turned around and continued to explain.

Kei Fujiwara will describe the difficulties, highlights, and problems that may be encountered during filming.

Sasaki Takagi was a little surprised. From Fujiwara Kei's narration, it can be seen that he seems to be extremely experienced in filming the show, which is not consistent with his age at all. And listening to his narration, it doesn’t seem like a plan anymore, it’s almost like a replay, as if he had watched the program “Anthropological Observation” and now he is just asking for a copy of the same thing.

Some people may be born to eat this bowl of rice...

Hasegawa Hide asked some questions, and Fujiwara Keiya patiently answered some questions.

The planning was discussed for nearly two hours, and Kei Fujiwara drank all the mineral water in his hand before it was about to end.

"This show must be very interesting." Sasaki Takagi suddenly said, his eyes seemed to light up a little. He has directed many variety shows. Although there are no blockbuster shows, he still has a good vision and has a keen intuition for shows with potential. .

"We are the main creative staff." Mizuhara Yui said, "I will also apply to the company for more staff and decide as soon as possible."

"Hasegawa-kun and I both have long-term partners, such as studio directors and filming directors. I will make sure of that." Sasaki Takagi said.

"Okay." Mizuhara Yui nodded, "As for the fixed guest lineup, Fujiwara-kun, we will decide it."

Kei Fujiwara nodded: "Okay."

Mizuhara Yui smiled helplessly: "You must have seen our situation, Fujiwara-kun. We don't even have a formal meeting room. So when we have fixed guests, don't choose anyone who is too popular."

Hearing what Mizuhara Yui said, Sasaki and the others laughed out loud, and there was more or less self-deprecation in the laughter.

"But I believe that the embarrassment is only temporary." Mizuhara Yui looked around the crowd and said, "Although it is only the night time period, I have observed that Fukuyama Channel's night programs have always been a shortcoming, although it is impossible to compete with prime time programs. Competition, but still able to be a leader in nighttime programming!”

"Hey~" Sasaki Takagi suddenly tensed up his muscles and shouted loudly. This should be his unique way of cheering up.

"Okay, get ready, everyone."

Sasaki Takagi and Hasegawa Hide both went to find people they knew well, and Mizuhara Yui also took him to the data room, which contained information on various artists.

Artist information is all presented in written form. Kei Fujiwara looked at the vast amount of artist information and felt a little irritated. This is the disadvantage of traveling back in time to an era when computers were not popular. Although personal computers have been introduced, they are not used in many situations. Come on, there isn't even a database of artist information.

Kei Fujiwara learned some simple programming when he was in school, but he has forgotten it all now, otherwise he would really want to roll up his sleeves and make one for them.

Fujiwara Kei looked through the artist's information, discarding one after another, and finally settled on a few names with suitable personalities, no scandals, and the prices were within the budget range.

Kei Fujiwara took a piece of paper and wrote down his name on it.

"Fujiwara-kun, what do you think of Mr. Yamashita?"

Fujiwara Kei stretched out his head and saw that Yamashita Nari, 66 years old, is a Noh theater actor and a frequent visitor to variety shows. He speaks very humorously and has a bit of an old naughty vibe.

Fujiwara Kei nodded and recorded his name on the paper.

After a busy day, Kei Fujiwara submitted the list he made to Yui Mizuhara, and then the two deleted a few more names, and then called the director's assistant one by one to confirm the schedule, and then make a decision if it was suitable.

Everything was being prepared in an orderly manner, and the director team and photography team were basically confirmed two days later. Sasaki Takagi held a meeting with the directors in the musty-smelling conference room.

A few days later, Mizuhara Yui also basically confirmed the guests. There are seven fixed guests in total, and there may be more in the future.

These seven people are the trio of comedians "Golden Apple", the famous Noh actor Yamagata Shige, Houtaro Hayami who played the young version of Oda Nobunaga in the Taiga drama, the young idol singer Naoki Kataoka, and The model was born as a rookie actor Kiko Araki with a proud figure and a sweet face.

Everyone else was decided by Yui Mizuhara, only Golden Apple and Kiko Araki were decided by Kei Fujiwara himself. Kei Fujiwara has seen the performance of the Golden Apple, and the three of them have strong on-the-spot adaptability.

Kiko Araki looks cute, and her personality is "stupid". Although she looks beautiful, she always looks silly and sweet. Pretending to be stupid is a common skill for Japanese girls, but Kiko Araki mastered this skill very well, and she would say "Hey, eh, eh" at every turn, which made Keiro Fujiwara think that her Kanto dialect was not standard and that others could not understand her.

I found out later that this is a special skill called "reading the air" mastered by Japanese girls. If you don't say "eh" twice, you will look a little blind.

The personnel are basically confirmed, and it's time for the official shooting.

First of all, the first shooting situation is: the girlfriend brought home by the son is a big eater.

Big stomach kings are not as easy to find as entertainers. There is a special information archive room. Mizuhara Yui went to a chain cafeteria that holds a big stomach king competition in Tokyo every year and found a suitable one among the top three every year. of guests.

"Fujiwara, I really didn't expect that." Mizuhara Yui said in surprise, "I didn't expect that most of the winners in the Big Eater Competition are girls, and they are the kind of girls with slim bodies. Can you imagine?"

Kei Fujiwara discovered this phenomenon a long time ago, but he didn't quite understand it. Is there any reason for this?

Mizuhara Yui found the girl with a big stomach. She is a little over 1.5 meters tall, wears glasses, has fair skin, has a cute smile, and is not fat. But Fujiwara Kei has watched her competition video, and one person It is estimated that a meal can eat Kei Fujiwara's rations for more than half a month...

"Who is the trickster?" Fujiwara Kei continued to ask.

Mizuhara Yui smiled: "It's Nishimura Taro. It just so happens that his parents are always urging him to get married and bring his girlfriend home, so he wanted to prank his parents."

Fujiwara Kei also smiled, he was really a filial son: "Okay, let him go back and get his parents away, and we will install a hidden camera in the room."

The first day of self-discipline

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