Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 391 The Past Glory of Japanese Movies

Tokyo University of Arts is boiling again.

Due to the influence of Kei Fujiwara, the entire Tokyo University of Literature and Art, especially the Video and Film Department, has almost become a fan club for Kei Fujiwara, supporting every work of this senior.

They naturally have a close relationship with Kei Fujiwara, which is naturally due to Kei Fujiwara’s appearance at Tokyo University of Literature and Art. Of course, there is also another reason, that is, Kei Fujiwara can give priority to internships and jobs for alumni.

Therefore, in this environment where the employment situation is not good, students at Tokyo University of Literature and Art, especially those who are about to graduate, are looking forward to Fujiwara Kei making more works. The more the better, the more they can give to these graduates. Provide positions.

Although it is said that this is the golden decade for the development of Japanese TV dramas, this does not mean that ordinary practitioners can also reap dividends. On the contrary, as the unemployed population increases, there are a large number of temporary workers on the market who have not received formal university education but have certain skills and are cheap and easy to use. These temporary workers have also squeezed the job search space for graduates to a certain extent.

The release of "Confession" aroused the enthusiasm of students at Tokyo Bunge University for watching the movie. After watching the movie, the students also began to discuss the movie excitedly.

"As expected of Mr. Fujiwara, this is a really good movie!"

"The story is indeed quite good, but I feel like Fujiwara-senpai is a bit deliberately showing off his skills..."

"Since you have this technical ability, why not show off? Many directors want to show off their skills, but they don't have the ability yet!"

"But I still feel..."

"How dare you question Mr. Fujiwara? Notify the law enforcement team and clear them out immediately!"

Although "Confession" has a good reputation, it is not the kind of film that has few negative reviews. For a film with such a strong style, some people will definitely like it, and some will not. You must know that there are still a lot of Stephen Chow movies that are popular in the Chinese entertainment industry. People think it is cultural waste, which is understandable.

However, within Tokyo Bunge University, the evaluation is generally on the high side. Even those who do not like the film personally are not willing to make negative comments about their senior. The highest achievement as an artist is to use the "charm" skill on everyone. Even if you don't like the work, the public will find ways to brainwash them - it's not that the master's work is bad, but that they can't understand it.

Kei Fujiwara was the first to achieve this achievement for his juniors.

The professors at the Tokyo Academy of Literature also began to use "Confessions" as a teaching plan to explain. Not only the video projection department will teach, but even the art and music departments will also use the pictures and episodes in the movie to explain.

In order to understand the course, more and more students were affected by the campus atmosphere, so that almost all the students of the Tokyo University of Arts bought a movie ticket.

On the fourth and fifth days, the box office of "Confessions" decreased daily. Although the decline was not large, it continued to decline, from more than 100 million on the first day to 80 million on the fifth day. In this way, this movie has accumulated nearly 500 million in box office revenue, and has reached the standard of blockbuster.

Under this circumstance, it stands to reason that theaters should appropriately increase film schedules and promotions to stimulate the movie's box office and achieve new growth.

However, the theater chain focused on another movie. This movie was a gangster movie, which was invested and distributed by Matsuri Pictures. Therefore, it is inevitable that the theater chain of Songni Pictures will treat the two movies somewhat differently, just like a biological son and a godson.

Although the number of film schedules in a day does not vary much, you will find that at the prime time after 7 o'clock in the evening, most of the theater's film schedules are given to the gangster movie called "Black Rock". Even the movie poster of "Black Rock" is displayed prominently in the theater. Only during the day, when the number of moviegoers is relatively small, will the schedule of "Confession" be appropriately increased.

Even Fukuyama Channel has stopped airing commercials for "Confession" recently, and has instead aired more commercials for "Black Rock". Although Fukuyamadai and Kei Fujiwara still maintain a close cooperative relationship, and are also one of the investors in "Confession". But after all, the new director is from the film school, so he will obey Nobi Shisuke's orders more.

"Black Rock" was released a few days earlier than "Confession", but the box office of the two films is now on par. It seems that "Confession" has gained a staged advantage. However, the daily box office of "Confession" is gradually declining, so it is impossible to judge what the final result will be.

And seeing that the weekend is coming, the number of people watching movies will increase significantly on weekends, and maybe there will be more people watching movies at that time.

On Friday nights, Uchiki Taniguchi was touring his movie theater, sometimes going into the screening room to check the number of people watching. If the theater is full, he can enjoy the whole night and have a drink to celebrate; if the theater is empty, he will start to worry and worry, and have a drink to relieve his worries.

Regardless, wine is meant to be drunk.

Taniguchi Uchiki is the owner of a private theater. His theater is located in Sakyo District, Kyoto City. It is a veteran theater that has been in operation for more than 20 years. But his cinema doesn’t look old and dilapidated. Every few years, he will invite a decoration team to renovate it, so as not to be abandoned by young people who pay attention to environmental experience.

He cautiously opened the door of a screening hall, stood on tiptoe and looked towards the movie viewing area. It is now 8 o'clock in the evening, golden time, and only about one-fifth of the seats in the movie hall are full-in fact, Not bad, since this is a medium-sized theater after all.

But Uchiki Taniguchi couldn't help but miss the scene from 40 years ago, when he was still a child, and Japanese movies were still in the studio era and were developing like a raging fire.

At that time, Japan's first monster movie came out, causing a sensation in Japan. Thousands of people flocked to the cinema to watch this stunning visual effects blockbuster. At that time, Japan did not have as many screens and cinemas as it does now. In order to sell more money, some theaters even offer standing tickets. The key is that there are actually people who are willing to buy it. The cinema is full and the audience would rather sit in the front row and feel dizzy and go to the toilet to vomit after watching it than miss this grand event in the film industry.

The film's final box office of 150 million does not sound like much, but that was 40 years ago, and the ticket price is far from as high as it is now. The film has a staggering nearly 10 million viewers. If calculated according to the current box office standards of 1,000 yen for students and 1,800 yen for adults, if this movie were placed today, the box office revenue would reach about 16 billion.

This is an impossible number at all, but in the original studio era, it was a real achievement.

At that time, Uchiki Taniguchi was also a member of the army of movie watchers. He was shocked by the magical and gorgeous world of movies. He had watched the monster movie five times but still couldn't get enough of it. The young boy's little mind was completely occupied by the movie.

When I grew up, I wanted to work in a studio, but I persisted for two years, but found that I didn't have the talent to make movies. However, he still wanted to engage in film-related work, so he opened this cinema with his own savings.

Business was really good at the beginning. In the early 1980s, I was still able to make a small amount of savings by opening a theater. But gradually I could feel that the film market was becoming sluggish. The popularity of television is only one aspect of the impact, the most important thing is that the Japanese can't make good movies anymore. This is the most intuitive feeling of Taniguchi Uchiki.

Japan lacks truly talented, master-level directors. In his mind, the so-called master is definitely not the kind of filmmaker who likes to make movies that are incomprehensible and amuse himself at niche film festivals, but one who can truly make ordinary audiences happy from the bottom of their hearts. People who are happy and willing to spend money to buy tickets, this kind of talent is the film master in Taniguchi Uchiki's heart.

It's a pity that there are almost no such masters in Japan in this era.

On the contrary, "Yanghuazao" began to rise, and American movies were welcomed by Japanese audiences. Looking at the faces of all foreigners on the movie screen, Uchiki Taniguchi felt as uncomfortable as eating flies. Even if it's Chinese movies, Korean movies, or even Vietnamese movies? He didn't even feel that bad. Anyway, they are all black pupils and black hair...

Although I was reluctant, in order to ensure the profits of my own cinema, I had to play more movies like this. Over time, I became depressed and my enthusiasm for movies began to fade away.

Taniguchi Uchiki sometimes misses the era of film studios, but he also knows in his heart that it is not the bankruptcy of the studio system that leads to the decline of the film market; it is the decline of the film market that leads to the bankruptcy of the studio system.

But is Japanese film really going to be in such a slump from now on? It would be great if, like in the movie, there is a hero who can step forward to save the sluggish Japanese movie at this time.

Taniguchi Uchiki said with emotion.

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