Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 385 Gorgeous Movie

When the explosion of fire appeared on the screen and Shuya Watanabe, played by Sai Arimama, stood in the ruins, Shinichi Chiba also shuddered subconsciously.

Shuya Watanabe knelt on the ground, crying out in pain. When this smart young man who didn't take human life seriously, the important thing in his heart was destroyed, he changed his previous indifference and became extremely flustered.

At this time, Yuko Moriguchi walked up to him slowly and said, "This is my revenge. The real hell, from now on, is the first step for you to be a new man."

Then, Yuko Moriguchi showed a scary smile again: "Just kidding."

The movie is over.

The screen went dark, the credits rolled up line by line, the lights came on, and some people began to applaud.

"It's amazing! This movie!"

"As expected of Fujiwara!"

Even Chiba Shinichi began to applaud, nodding repeatedly while applauding, this film is really of a high standard, and the film style is also unique in the film circle.

Chiba Shinichi looked at the reactions of the surrounding audience, and his faces seemed to show expressions of satisfaction and joy. When a person watches a good movie, he will feel happy from the bottom of his heart, and this happiness will be revealed inadvertently.

Similarly, after watching a bad movie, a person's eyes will become confused and empty, and he may even feel guilty about wasting his life.

Chiba Shinichi is very familiar with these two expressions because he has been in countless movies and has seen countless audiences' reactions to watching movies. So after the film ended, besides his own feeling that it was a good film, he also deliberately looked at the people around him to ensure that it was not his own personal perception due to his special taste.

According to his observation, most people's feedback on this movie is the same as his, and they seem to have a good experience watching the movie.

"It's really hard to see that Fujiwara is making a movie for the first time..." This is a senior NHK media person discussing with the people beside him in a low voice, "The technique is too old-fashioned. It seems that he has been immersed in the film industry for several years. people."

"Hey, [Heavenly Man] is so famous. This time it's the film industry's turn to be baptized."

The technique is sophisticated... Chiba Shen nodded, took out his notebook, and wrote down these four words in the notebook.

This evaluation is quite appropriate. This movie does not look like it was written by a newcomer. Although Fujiwara Keiya is indeed not a pure newcomer. After all, he is already a famous figure in the TV series circle, but there is a gap between TV series and movies after all. TV dramas are straightforward and it is almost impossible to fragment the narrative.

Chiba Shinichi thought that Kei Fujiwara would also use his previous experience in filming TV series when making movies, but he did not expect that the style would change so much.

The "Confessions" movie unfolds a whole story completely through the "confessions" of different characters, and various flashbacks, interludes, and montage techniques emerge in endlessly. And the whole movie is gorgeous.

To say it's gorgeous doesn't mean it's colorful. On the contrary, the entire movie is filled with black, white and gray, and the sky is always gloomy. However, the film techniques are extremely rich, with various lens languages ​​interlaced, background sounds and pictures constantly arousing the emotions of the audience, so it makes people feel gorgeous.

Although gorgeous, it doesn't make people feel chaotic; it's like the whole movie is pieced together from the perspective of different characters' confessions, but it looks very smooth.

This requires very deep skills to do.

It’s hard to imagine that this is the level that Kei Fujiwara can produce in his first movie.

But then, Chiba Shinichi smiled again, really, what was he thinking. Is this so hard to imagine? He is Kei Fujiwara... The first time he wrote a book, he produced "White Night", the first time he wrote a TV drama script, he produced "Long Vacation", and the first time he was a film director, he produced "Confession". Strange?

What's even more drastic is that this time the style has changed drastically compared to before.

Thinking of this, Chiba Shinichi slowly wrote in his notebook: Good movie, 9 points, recommended to watch.

After watching the movie, Nanako Togata didn’t slow down for a while. Mr. Fujiwara hadn’t created social works for a long time, but she didn’t expect that it would be another king bomb.

Although he has never been obsessed with the socialist school, as far as this school is concerned, no one in the current literary world is stronger than him. "White Night Walk", "The Devotion of Suspect X" and this "Confession", the three works have built an extremely high solid wall. If future generations want to challenge Kei Fujiwara's status as the social patriarch, they must If you climb over this wall, you will probably lose half a tube of blood.

What's more, Fujiwara-sensei is still young and strong, and this wall is still getting higher.

At this time, Togada Nanako heard a sigh in her ears, it was teacher Mika Miyano.

When Miyano Mika saw Togada Nanako looking over, she also smiled and said: "You are really a great mentor. You were a newcomer three years ago, but now you have grown to this point... This movie is very good. , is not only a good movie, even if it is adapted into a novel, it is also very good."

Mika Miyano is quite sharp. POV character writing like "Confession" is actually a common technique in suspense novels. The original work of "Confession" is indeed a classic novel by the famous writer Kanae Minato.

Many novels have used this technique, piecing together a story through the oral confessions of different people or from a single perspective.

However, compared to novels, it is much more difficult to use this technique in movies. It is an extremely big test for the director. In fact, the narrative technique of "White Night Walk" is also close to this kind of POV point of view writing, so as the director's level improved, the quality of the film shot suddenly dropped compared to the original work.

At the end of the movie, the host and the film's production team came on stage, with Kei Fujiwara at the front, followed by several main actors.

Arima Keika holds the microphone in one hand and puts the other hand gently on her wrist, standing closest to Fujiwara Kei.

In fact, she was feeling a little nervous. After all, her latest movie failed, so she was actually feeling a little worried. Just now, she was silently observing the audience's reaction, and found that the audience was very immersed in the movie. There was a reporter who was familiar to her. She remembered that when "White Night Journey" was released, she frequently looked at her watch, but this movie kept her eyes glued to it. He looked at the screen without looking at the time.

This also boosted her confidence to a certain extent.

After the main creative team took the stage, the media people began to take pictures, and under the guidance of the host, they asked questions to the main creative team.

"Teacher Fujiwara, I would like to ask, what was the final outcome? Was Watanabe's mother really killed by Miss Arima? Or was it just a lie that Mr. Moriguchi used to punish Watanabe?"

"There is no definite answer." Kei Fujiwara replied.

"In other words, is this a movie with no ending?"

"It's not so much that there is no ending, but rather that there are two endings. Both endings exist in my mind. I don't want to give the audience just one ending, so I chose an open-ended approach and combined the two endings. All presented to the audience.”

Fujiwara Kei replied with a smile, Ono Changji nodded approvingly, this answer is very clever.

"Mr. Fujiwara, how and why did you come up with this story?"

"Teacher Fujiwara, the image of Teacher Moriguchi in this movie is completely different from the image of teachers portrayed in your previous work "Spicy Teacher". I feel like you are using this work to ridicule the image of teachers in previous works, so what kind of teacher is that?" Who is the perfect teacher in your mind?"

"Teacher Fujiwara, hello..."

There were endless questions from the reporters, and Kei Fujiwara had prepared all these questions before he came, so he answered them in an orderly manner.

After answering reporters' questions, the host will ask some guests about their feelings about watching the movie. The remarks made by these people at the screening are like recommendations printed on the cover of a book. The crew will use their words for publicity. : So many celebrities like to watch our movies, which shows that our works are very good, come and watch them too!

Under the guidance of the host, Miyano Mika stood up. When many reporters saw the well-known writer, they also turned their cameras towards him. Miyano Mika smiled and said: "It's a very beautiful movie. Fujiwara-san is indeed amazing. He is Not only has the ability to write with pen and paper, but also can write with a camera, and the level is still very high, which really makes me admire..."

Hattori Junshan said: "I feel very lucky to see such an outstanding newcomer appear in the Japanese reasoning world. My feelings towards Fujiwara-san are very complicated. It's like seeing a super powerful car. When I first turned around, the sports car was still far away from me on the starting line, but before I could turn around again, it had already run over me..."

"Ms. Hattori is really absurd, please don't say that again, it is too frightening." Kei Fujiwara waved his hand, expressing that he does not accept flattery.

"It's not a compliment. I think Fujiwara-san is indeed the best and most promising popular writer of this era. His writing ability is indeed very strong. But..."

Hattori Junshan changed the subject: "Your mahjong level is indeed very poor. The last time you represented the Mystery Association in the Mahjong Masters, you didn't even pass the preliminary round. It's really embarrassing..."

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