Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 364 It’s time

These three songs were really popular.

The most popular song is "Ride on the Back of the Silver Dragon". Because the lyrics and music are full of high morale, it immediately spread virally in society.

Although "Bamboo Song" and "Hanabi" are also very popular, these two songs are more or less restricted by circles. For example, a large part of people who like "Hanabi" are young people, especially students. group. However, "Ride on the Back of the Silver Dragon" is loved and sought after by audiences of all ages.

It is reasonable for this song to become popular. As mentioned before, the reason why these songs that can inspire people's fighting spirit become popular is that they naturally bear a certain mission in Chinese society and can strengthen social cohesion.

China also has many such songs, which can even become the collective memory of a generation, such as "Sailor" by Zheng Zhihua and "Invisible Wings" by Angela Chang.

For Japan who is going through a blunt knife to cut their flesh, they really need such a song to inspire them to have the courage to face life.

Including these three songs, Kei Fujiwara wrote a total of more than a dozen future songs and gave them to Koushiro Yagami, asking him to adapt and distribute them. He also reached a formal cooperation with his record company, in which NHK also has a stake. Yes, so it can be considered a disguised cooperation with NHK.

The record has not yet been officially released, but the public is already full of expectations. Mainly because of the three songs at the Red and White Song Concert, which have had a great impact and spread widely.

It is precisely because of this that the Red and White Song Festival still had a lot of ratings when it was rebroadcast. This also surprised TTV's annual music festival program. They were already preparing for a counterattack, but suddenly a few dark horses came out and did this. One out.

The fact that these three songs improved the ratings of the Red and White Song Festival is secondary. Anyway, even without these three songs, TTV would not be able to surpass NHK's decades of accumulated programs this year. It was originally intended to be a success. A little bit of catching up.

However, this year's Red and White Song Festival suddenly became famous with three new songs, completely reversing the declining reputation of the Red and White Song Festival, and also increasing the sense of expectation for this program in the minds of the audience. This made TTV executives who were determined to counterattack NHK feel Very stressful.

Kei Fujiwara accepted several interviews in which he talked about his mother.

In order not to reveal his secrets, Kei Fujiwara wrote a "biography" belonging to his mother before formally accepting the interview. In order to avoid any loopholes in the content you fabricated, someone would catch you.

The content of the character biography mainly relies on the memory of the original owner and her own fabrication, portraying the image of the mother as a talented woman who is indifferent to fame and wealth but cares about society. She hides alone in the countryside and silently writes one masterpiece after another, but in the end she suffers an accident due to misfortune. passed away.

This story really appealed to my liking, so many media outlets began to create columns to report on the legendary life of this talented singer.

What if Kei Fujiwara doesn't accept an interview? It doesn't matter, just make it up. Anyway, news is also a manufacturing industry to a certain extent.

After the Chinese New Year, the crew began to resume work in an orderly manner.

And NHK's documentary about Kei Fujiwara's mother began to be broadcast as scheduled after filming for a period of time.

The program was filmed at the school where Kei Fujiwara’s mother used to work. Many colleagues and students of her mother were interviewed. They knew that the popular song was written by a former acquaintance. They were very surprised. In front of the camera, they all felt sorry for this deceased person. colleagues said they miss him very much.

After the documentary was released, it also caused a sensation in Japanese society. The album was launched and directly topped the sales list of the month. The sales volume was more than double that of the second place, and the gap was gradually widening.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect Kei Fujiwara's late mother to be such a great musician." One person commented under a related post on the forum.

"I bought that record today. The songs were sung by several different singers. Although each song has a different style, there is no doubt that they are all good songs. It has been a long time since I have encountered an album of such strong quality. "

"This mother and son are here to subvert Japan's cultural industry. It's really scary."

"To be honest, I feel a sense of powerlessness. I am in a band, and my boyfriend is a novelist. He often tells me that reading Kei Fujiwara's novels makes me feel inferior, and I feel that I will never be able to read such a good story. I couldn't write it. I didn't understand how he felt at the time. Now I finally understand. I can't write any of the songs on this record."

"Is the power of genes really so terrifying?"

"We also need to reflect on why we didn't know the name of such a talented person during her lifetime. How many such buried talents are there in our society?"

"Will Keio Fujiwara's child be a peerless genius in a certain field? Oh my God, Fujiwara will become the number one family in Japan's cultural world in the future, right?"

"Well, the recent serialization of "Gambling Apocalypse" by Fujiwara Keishin is also very exciting."

Thanks to the stunning debut of these three songs in the Kohaku Uta Competition, the popularity of Arima Katsura, Inoue Morimata, and Arima Masai has also grown tremendously. There are even voices in the public hoping that these three people can transform into singers.

It is impossible to transform into a singer, but it is indeed Kei Fujiwara's original intention to achieve an increase in popularity because of these three songs. Seeing that his goal has been achieved, Kei Fujiwara is also quite pleased.

But this is not enough, Kei Fujiwara must continue to work hard.

As time goes by, two-thirds of the film's pre-shooting work has been completed, and half of the editing has been completed. It will be officially completed soon.

At the beginning of this film, since the team was just formed and there was insufficient integration, it was always a little hectic at the beginning. Kei Fujiwara also wished he could stay on the set eighteen hours a day. Now that things have gradually calmed down, Kei Fujiwara finally has to worry about other things of his own.

For example, the acquisition of Shuibo Productions.

The sale of shares of Mizuha Productions does not seem to go very smoothly. According to Kei Fujiwara's inquiries within the company, no one accepted the price initially proposed by Mizuha Productions President Uchida Kurami.

But this was within his expectation. When bargaining, you first set the price high to give people room for counter-offering. The final goal is always to sell at a high price.

However, other people are not fools and will not be fooled by his method, and this method also has side effects. Some people feel that he is not sincere in offering such a high price, so they simply don't talk about it.

In fact, Uchida Kurami also wanted to use some Spring and Autumn writing techniques at the beginning. For example, before Fujiwara Kei's contract was completely over, he quickly sold the company and deceived some people who didn't know the inside story. But the fools in the Japanese shopping mall had long since He had already died in the first round of the economic crisis. Those who survived now were all human beings and would not be easily deceived by him.

Therefore, the price Uchida Kurami recently proposed to those who are interested in purchasing is much more down-to-earth than in the past, but it is still a little tricked.

Keinori Fujiwara feels that now is the time to take action.

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