Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 360 Mental soothing agent

"Ride on the Back of the Silver Dragon" is one of the most famous works among Miyuki Nakajima's many works. It was also once regarded as a spiritual soothing agent for Japanese society.

This song was originally the theme song of the TV series "Doctor Wudao Clinic", and the "Yinlong" in the title of the song refers to the protagonist's bicycle named "Yinlong". The color of the silver dragon comes from the protagonist’s scalpel.

Because the TV series "Doctor Wudao Clinic" does not exist in this world, many people will be a little confused when they first hear it. What is "Silver Dragon"? Is it a false finger? Or does it have no special meaning, just to enhance the situation?

For this reason, Kei Fujiwara explained to the arrangement team that Yinlong was the name of the bicycle he rode when he was a student. Because the whole body of the bicycle was silver and white, he gave it such a name. This song was written by his mother to encourage him to pursue his dreams bravely.

Not only to encourage him, but also to encourage all young people on the road of struggle. Because his mother is a teacher, she was standing on the side of the road one day and saw countless students riding bicycles speeding past on the road, like a warrior riding on the back of a dragon, so she felt it and wrote this song.

And these words also touched the arranger team headed by Yagami Eikoro, but all teenagers who go to school in Japan must be accompanied by a bicycle in their youth. For many children who come from local areas, riding bicycles passing by fields and lakes is a deep impression on their minds.

When I thought of this and listened to this song, I suddenly felt a lot of emotion.

But what if we want the audience to understand the meaning of "Silver Dragon"? Iori Eikoro fell into thinking. Although he didn't understand the specific meaning of Yinlong, it didn't matter, but Iori Eikoro felt that in order to let the audience understand the original author's creative intention better, it is better to give a hint.

So the program team arranged for a young man in school uniform to ride a silver bicycle slowly across the stage while Rumiko was singing.

Some audience members understood the meaning at once, and some people didn't react, but it doesn't matter if they didn't, the song still sang into the hearts of the audience.

There is a unique power in the song that seems to inspire courage and tenacious will deep in people's hearts.

After finishing the song, Aoki Jinsuke's mother couldn't help but applaud, while Mr. Aoki subconsciously wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

Aoki Hitosuke remembered that his father had just laughed at him for being able to cry while listening to music, so he wanted to laugh at him in turn, but he swallowed the words before he could say them.

Because he knew that his father was definitely not the only one who cried when this song was sung today.

To be honest, at this moment, the Japanese really need a song like this.

Now, the entire Japanese society has finally woken up, realizing that the country and society are now mired in a quagmire, and it may be impossible to get out in a decade or two. It might be forty or fifty years, I can’t say.

In 1993, although big companies set off a wave of layoffs, there were still a large number of people who did not perceive the decline in society, and although some people sensed it, they thought it was only a temporary difficulty, and Japan would soon Get excited again and save money to buy America.

However, today, most Japanese people have finally woken up and realize that life is getting harder and harder, and it may get even harder.

However, sobriety and rationality mean pain. In recent years, the atmosphere in society has become more and more depressing. Many people live with a tight string, and they don't know when it will be broken.

The suicide rate is increasing day by day, and some suicide forests and suicide bridges have gradually become famous, and many people even discuss the topic of "painless suicide" on Internet forums. On a certain bridge in Kyushu, more than two digits of people committed suicide there within two years, which also seriously affected the local image and the performance of officials.

In order to reduce the suicide rate here, local government personnel and private volunteers hung and posted many posters and wooden signs discouraging suicide on the bridge, with some heart-warming words written on them.

"Always believe that life is beautiful!"

"Our future is bright!"

"Think of your parents, think of your family! Think of the people who love you!"

"Is there really nothing in this world worth living for?"

These measures were immediately effective. In less than two months, the number of people jumping off the bridge here hit a new high.

According to a suicide victim who was forcibly rescued by passers-by, he had no intention of dying, but when he saw those slogans, he suddenly lost control.

As a result, many people have also begun to realize that these dry slogans are definitely not enough to truly empower the people to persevere in desperation. Maybe only something more resonant can do that.

It just so happens that "Ride on the Back of the Silver Dragon" may have such power.

In the parallel world, the Japanese music scene has produced many such works, such as "I once thought about it too", which directly reduced the suicide rate in Japan, and there are many songs that have this effect, "Riding on the Silver Dragon" "On My Back" is one of them.

After listening to this song, Jinsuke Aoki felt something warm flowing in his heart.

Although he escaped the wave of layoffs, the past few years have been extremely difficult. Although he never thought about jumping to Tokyo Bay, sometimes he couldn't help fantasizing in his heart that Japan would be bombed by the atomic bomb again. The bastards were all blown to ashes...

This song reminded him of his boyhood, when he had to cycle to and from school for half an hour every day, but he didn't feel it was hard because he dreamed of becoming the backbone of the family and becoming a pivotal figure.

Although I have not become a big person yet, I am still young after all, and there is still a long time for me to fulfill my dream. And, am I not the breadwinner of the family now?

Speaking of which, Renzhu, you are really amazing!

Thinking of this, Aoki Jinsuke smiled slightly.

After singing "Riding on the Back of a Silver Dragon", my father wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and said, "You can change the channel now."

Aoki Jinsuke picked up the remote control, hesitated for three seconds, but did not press it. Instead, he put it down and said: "It doesn't matter, keep watching this. This year's Kohaku Uta Battle is much better than previous years."

"That's what I said." My father suddenly became happy. "After all, it is a program that has accompanied me and your mother for decades. You young people only follow the latest trends and don't understand what is a classic!"

He started preaching again... Hitosuke Aoki smiled, looked at his father, and realized that his father was also one year older.

The show continued to relax, and in the second half, Arima Guixiang finally arrived.

Arima Guixiang also sang a new song called "Song of Bamboo".

And after this song was sung, Hitosuke Aoki was shocked again.

This new song is great too! And like "Riding on the Back of a Silver Dragon", it is an inspiring song, encouraging people to be as persevering as bamboo.

After listening to this song, my father couldn't help but nod his head: "This song is also very good. Is this the idol that your younger generation likes? Well, it's not bad."

However, at this point, I added a special sentence: "But it is still far behind Miss Rumiko."

Aoki Jinsuke was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to look at the program list. At this time, he accidentally flipped through the newspaper and noticed the reporter's interview with Kohaku Utakai director and producer Eikoro Yagami on another page.

Eikoro Yagami emphatically proposed that on the night of the concert, there will be three songs composed by a deceased musician, and this musician also has a special identity, that is, the mother of the talented writer Fujiwara Kei.

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