Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 358 The Great Dark Day

Kei Fujiwara looked up at Mori Inoue and said, "Well, that's right."

Inoue Mori sighed again: "Teacher Fujiwara, can you please tell Masai that I am still a child and do not intend to fall in love, so he does not need to come to me to confess. Of course, if he does not give up, he can Come try it, and then I can refuse him face to face."

You don't look like a child at all... Kei Fujiwara slandered inwardly.

"By the way, there is one more thing. If there is a chance, Mr. Fujiwara, please apologize to Ms. Guixiang for me, please?"

Inoue Mori said seriously again.

"Apologize?" Fujiwara Kei was really puzzled this time.

"That's it..." Inoue Mori sighed softly again, "I was... not very polite to Miss Guixiang before, so I wanted to apologize to her, but I was a little embarrassed."

"Have you ever had any conflicts?" Kei Fujiwara asked.

"Well... no, it's mainly because of me." Arima Guixiang shook her head and said, "I have always had some opinions about Miss Guixiang because of Teacher Fujiwara."

"Because of me?"

"Yes... Actually before..." Inoue Morimata blushed, "I always wanted Mr. Fujiwara to be my father. I originally hoped... Mr. Fujiwara could be with my mother..."

Kei Fujiwara was already mentally prepared, and he didn't appear overly surprised, but just smiled: "Have you changed your mind now?"

Inoue Mori nodded again: "Yes, mainly because now I know this is impossible. It is impossible for Mr. Fujiwara and my mother. No matter how I create opportunities, I can create opportunities for you and my mother to chat together." , Fujiwara-sensei will not like my mother, of course, my mother will not like Fujiwara-sensei."

At this point, Inoue Mori added: "Let me tell you the truth. In fact, when you sent me home for the first time, didn't I fall asleep? I was pretending that time. I just wanted you to be with me." My mother talks more."

"Although it is impossible for Mr. Fujiwara to become my father in the legal sense, from now on, I will still respect and honor Mr. Fujiwara as my father. Mr. Fujiwara, if you get old in the future and have a stroke like Mr. Matsushita, I will definitely take good care of you. I will never let you be bullied by the nurses in the nursing home." Inoue Mori said seriously again.

"...Thank you." After a while, Kei Fujiwara uttered a few words between his teeth, and it seemed that he was going to teach Inoue Mori to avoid prophecy again. You know, there was an editor in the Spring and Autumn Society who made a 180-degree turn in his life because he uttered too many prophecies.

"But speaking of it..." Inoue Mori cut another piece of dessert omelette and put it in his mouth. He hesitated and asked: "I still want to ask, how did Mr. Fujiwara fall in love with Miss Guixiang? What is it about Miss Guixiang? What attracts you? Besides being pretty.”

Beauty is not Arima Guixiang's biggest advantage, but it is indeed remarkable.

"I don't know, Inoue, it's hard to find out the reason for liking someone." Kei Fujiwara shook his head and said, "It would be too boring if there was a standard answer for liking someone."

"I see... maybe I will meet someone in the future that I can fall in love with for no reason." Inoue Mori nodded again.

"It must be possible." Kei Fujiwara said.

The meal was quite enjoyable. At the end of the meal, Kei Fujiwara sent Inoue Mori home and returned home. Looking at the back of Inoue Mori walking into the house again, Kei Fujiwara thought to himself: If a daughter like Inoue Mori is born in the future, it would be great. Pretty good...

Less than a week later, the Great Dark Day finally arrived.

Dahui Day is the end of the year, December 31st every year. The word "hui" represents the waxing and waning of the moon in the lunar calendar, describing the moon's gradual change from bright to dark. In the lunar calendar, the most obvious day when the moon changes from bright to dark is the last day of each month, so this day is also called the dark day. The last day of the year is called the "Great Dark Day".

The Japanese also have a tradition of celebrating the New Year, or many countries in East Asia have a tradition of celebrating the New Year. Of course, this tradition comes from China. However, unlike China, which still retains the Lunar New Year, Japan has moved New Year's Eve to the end of the year after abolishing the lunar calendar and switching to the solar calendar.

Therefore, although the New Year's Eve in Japan and the Chinese New Year's Day are not the same day, New Year's Day is the real first day of the Lunar New Year in Japan.

Although Kei Fujiwara is not used to this way of celebrating the New Year, he follows the local customs and has no choice but to celebrate the Gregorian New Year with the people around him every year.

Speaking of which, this is already the fourth New Year since Kei Fujiwara came to this world.

On the 30th, Mitsuko Yagami once again conducted an informal rehearsal, aiming to allow the singers to maintain a stage feel and try not to make any mistakes on the day of the live broadcast.

Different from the common "lip-syncing" at Chinese New Year's Eve parties, Japanese audiences do not accept lip-synching and think it is fraud, and the Japanese program production team does not allow it. Of course, lip-syncing was not allowed at Chinese evening parties in this era, and cheating was a bad habit that gradually emerged later.

Kei Fujiwara has no objection to the act of lip-syncing, and he is ashamed to say that before time travel, he also directed and took charge of some large-scale evening parties, and also let artists lip-sync on stage. Whether to lip-sync or not is nothing more than a choice between "real" and "perfect". Compared with real singing, some organizers are more unable to accept errors in the performance. It can be fake, but it cannot be wrong.

The investment in NHK's Red and White Song Festival this year is higher than in previous years, and the ostentation is much bigger. However, the top management of the station is still very pessimistic in making predictions. This year's ratings are expected to be even lower than the previous year. Three percentage points.

The reason is also very simple. The next-door civilian broadcasting station TTV’s New Year’s Eve party this year cannot be underestimated. Many of the artists originally planned to be invited to the Red and White Song Club were preempted by them.

And these artists will definitely take away a lot of ratings.

Because of the Chinese New Year, Kei Fujiwara also gave the crew more than a week's leave. The camera was temporarily sealed and filming would resume after the New Year.

In order to show his affection, Kei Fujiwara also bought souvenirs for each crew member at his own expense, such as beef, ham and expensive fruits. After a simple meeting, the crew was temporarily disbanded.

The rest of the crew went home to spend the New Year in peace, but Kei Fujiwara and the Arima siblings were still nervous. To a certain extent, a large-scale live broadcast event like the Kohaku Utakai Festival was much more stressful than filming.

Although Kei Fujiwara was not a member of the performance, after all, he sang three songs at this party, and he also accompanied the staff backstage to watch the performance.

The red and white song show starts at 7:30 pm and ends at 11:45 pm. The program lasts more than four hours and is divided into two parts. The first half is from 7:20 to 8:55, and the second half is from 9:00 to 11:45.

Kei Fujiwara stood backstage at the NHK performance hall, surrounded by TV station staff. As time passed, Kei Fujiwara's attention gradually focused, and the sound of "click" as the second hand moved gradually sounded in his ears.

The staff around me also began to subconsciously look at the time on their watches. As the minute hand pointed to 4, a "rumbling" noise sounded in their ears - it was a helicopter outside the studio.

At the same time, the real-time display also showed a helicopter overlooking Tokyo, and this was also the display screen of TV viewers across Japan.

The female host did not appear on camera, but her voice sounded from behind the camera: "Good evening, viewers, this is NHK TV station, and what you see now is the Tokyo International Forum building..."

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