Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 326 Gossip Magazine

The two of them each finished a plate of fried noodles, sobered up a bit from the wine, and chatted about movies before saying goodbye to each other.

Sitting in the taxi, Kei Fujiwara closed his eyes and thought quietly. It seems that this time he can't just worry about the creative aspects. If the budget of the movie is 200 million, it should be completed, right?

How much can Matsuri Pictures produce? 100000000? Or 50 million? Or just abandon Matsunichi Pictures and find another production company?

But immediately, Kei Fujiwara gave up the idea. Matsunichi Pictures has no confidence in suspense films, which does not mean that other production companies have it. The failure of "White Night Journey" not only frustrated Matsuni Pictures' confidence in suspense genre films, but also the confidence of the entire market.

Therefore, even if Kei Fujiwara turns around and goes to Tojin and Toei, they may not be willing to offer better terms than Matsunichi Pictures. They may even ask: Given your background in Fukuyamadai, what is your relationship with Matsunichi Pictures? They should be closer to each other, so why would they want to come to us for investment instead?

It will be hard to answer then.

The next day, Kei Fujiwara came to Fukuyamadai. Eiji Shirai had not replied to his letter yet. Kei Fujiwara was not in a hurry and waited silently for the news.

The three new dramas have been in production for a while. Seeing that Kei Fujiwara is about to leave Fukuyama TV, the executives have become inexplicably anxious during this time. Yamaguchi Tsutoyo also formed a study group among the young directors within the production bureau. They did nothing all day long and just observed in the crew where Fujiwara Kei was responsible for the creation. Afterwards, he analyzed why Fujiwara Kei wrote this scene like this. What are the benefits of writing this way? Why do audiences like to watch such plots?

As Shiraishi Monet was the only person who gave up his signature to Fujiwara Kei in his works, the production company also attached great importance to it and immediately gave her a short-term contract as an episode screenwriter, as long as she showed enough talent within the six-month short-term contract period. The ability to work will be converted into a long-term contract immediately. And have the opportunity to become the main creator within three years.

Shiraishi Monet worked at Fukuyamadai for several years as a screenwriter's assistant. Within a few months of following Kei Fujiwara, his rank jumped. He was very grateful to Kei Fujiwara. At the same time, I also feel puzzled. Since Mr. Fujiwara likes me, why does he just pay silently and not let me know his heart?

Fujiwara-sensei, you can’t be so honest. You have to be brave enough to express your heart, you can't do it blindly.

Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise Fujiwara-sensei's thoughts would have been wasted.

How about... I take the initiative? Shiraishi Monet thought to himself.

"Eh? Real or fake?"

"There's a photo in the magazine, it's very clear, it's Fujiwara-sensei and Arima Katsura..."

Shiraishi Monet caught the keyword, his ears twitched, and he looked in the direction of the person who said this, only to see two female clerks discussing something excitedly.

Shiraishi Monet hesitated for a moment, stood up, walked over and said, "Sister Meixiang, has the contract requested by Producer Shimizu been sorted out?"

"Not yet, is Producer Shimizu in a hurry to ask for it now?"

"It doesn't matter. Just give it to me before noon tomorrow. I can also help." Shiraishi Monet said, and then pretended not to care: "By the way, I just heard you say what happened to Mr. Fujiwara?"

"By the way, Monet, you have been working with Mr. Fujiwara before? You should know Mr. Fujiwara very well, right?" one of them said at this time.

Shiraishi Monet was taken aback for a moment, then became a little awkward, "Well, it's okay..."

"Then have you met Mr. Fujiwara's girlfriend?"

Shiraishi Monet suddenly became guilty. Could it be that Mr. Fujiwara's secret love for her was found out?

If this matter is exposed, will it make everyone think that she can serve as an episode screenwriter in "Tokyo Cinderella" because Kei Fujiwara likes her, and thus cast doubt on her ability?


"Then have you ever seen Fujiwara-sensei meet with Arima Guixiang in private?"

"Arima Guixiang?" Shiraishi Monet was a little confused.

The two female clerks then spread out a gossip magazine in their hands for Shiraishi Monet to read. Shiraishi Monet looked over and saw several photos printed on the magazine, with a man and a woman clearly showing Kei Fujiwara. and Arima Keika's faces.

The two went in and out together, smiling happily, and the woman's arm was holding the man's, looking very intimate.

And the report under the photo reads [Famous writer Fujiwara Kei and popular actress Arima Guixiang went in and out of the hospital, the woman’s lower abdomen swelled, which aroused daydreams]

In order to avoid the legal risk of a lawsuit, the editor of the magazine did not directly say [the woman is suspected of being pregnant], but chose to hint readers.

Shiraishi Monet subconsciously opened his mouth wide and looked at one of the photos. The magazine editor deliberately chose a photo with a special angle. That day, Arima Guixiang was wearing soft knitted fabric clothes. The wind blew into the cuffs and the air bulged. He did push up his clothes, showing his bulging belly.

"Fujiwara-sensei and Arima Keika are really together."

"The relationship between the two of them was very good from the beginning. I remember that Fujiwara-sensei's first drama had Arima Keika as the main protagonist."

"These two people together can be regarded as a talented man and a beautiful woman..."

"No, this is not true!" Shiraishi Monet suddenly said decisively.

The two eldest sisters turned to look at Shiraishi Monet. Seeing Shiraishi Monet's determined look, they were a little confused: "But they were all photographed."

"I got a photo... I got a photo..." Shiraishi Monet's face turned red for a moment. Indeed, the two people in the photo did look very intimate. It didn't look like an ordinary relationship at all. "It's not like I got a photo." It must be true... Maybe it's just a coincidence, and it's not like they were photographed staying in a hotel together."

"Besides, Mr. Fujiwara should already have someone he likes." Shiraishi Monet couldn't help but blush when he said this.

She is a person with a lot of inner drama. One of her daily hobbies is to perform small theater at home by herself. Ever since she learned about the great discovery that Fujiwara Kei had a crush on her, she has performed small theater at home countless times.

Today's Japan has not produced a "dream girl" once, but people like Shiraishi Monet are not uncommon. Moreover, being pursued by "Kei Fujiwara" through fantasy also inspired her. Recently, she is preparing another trend drama work, and she plans to show it to the producers of the production bureau after it is finished.

Seeing that the object of his fantasy had another object, Shiraishi Monet seemed to have a crack in his head, and he didn't want to believe it for a while.

"Huh? Mr. Fujiwara has someone he likes? Who is it?"

Baishi Monet blushed and said, "I...I can't say."

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the two senior clerks in front of him, Baishi Monet finally couldn't hold back his breath: "Yes...they are from our station..."

One of the female clerks opened her eyes subconsciously, then made a fist with one hand and hit the palm of the other hand: "I knew it! It's the producer of Suwon, right?"

"It's Miss Suwon, so it's not surprising. I already felt that there was something wrong with them!"

"But...Miss Suwon is quite a few years older than Mr. Fujiwara, can the two of them succeed?"

"What's wrong with your age?" As an older single mother, the female clerk didn't agree with this. She also wanted to find a young and rich boyfriend, so she quickly refuted, "Time is treasure, and I'm only seven years older. That's not the case at all." question!"

Shiraishi Monet: "..."

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