Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 309: Not taking the initiative, not refusing, not being responsible

On the third day after the premiere, the movie version of "White Night Walk" was officially released. Matsuni Pictures has rich theater resources. It has many commercial theaters in Tokyo and Kyoto, and they have given "White Night Walk" High-definition films were arranged.

Due to the popularity of the novel "White Night Walk" in Japan, the movie became a hit before it was broadcast, which saved Matsuni Pictures' publicity department a lot of work. They didn't even have to deliberately publicize it. As soon as the three words "White Night Walk" were revealed, they Attracted enough attention. Therefore, other theaters also introduced this film one after another, and deliberately improved the film schedule.

Many theater operators believe that this film may become this year's blockbuster movie. Before the official release, they posted movie posters for "White Night Walk" in the theaters. Some operators with clever ideas even did some tricks. Started the activity of buying movie tickets and exchanging paper-cuts with ticket stubs.

The content of the paper-cut is two little people holding hands, corresponding to the content of the story. Paper-cutting is also an important prop for the male protagonist in the story "White Night Walk". This marketing effect really has an extraordinary advertising effect. Many viewers went to that theater to watch the movie in order to get the paper-cutting.

Peripheral culture is very popular in Japan, and the theater owner also cleverly took advantage of this phenomenon and made a small fortune.

"White Night Walk" took in 87 million at the box office nationwide in the two days it was released. This is a pretty good result. If this momentum continues, it is very likely that the film's investment expectations will be met.

In Japan, a movie with a box office of more than one billion is considered a blockbuster, and there are very few local Japanese movies that can achieve this result.

The "two billion" box office expectation put forward by the top management of Matsuri Films is quite high, and the confidence comes from the super popularity of the novel itself. However, the ultra-high expectations of "two billion" are also intentionally high, in order to motivate the team. The two billion is both the expectation and the goal, just like the carrot hanging in front of the donkey's eyes.

Kei Fujiwara's four TV series have also played more than half, and they are coming to an end. The team is about to start preparing new dramas again. Kei Fujiwara's tentative scripts are "101 Marriage Proposals", "Spicy Teacher" and "Legal Heroes".

They are arranged in the ninth gear of the month and the prime time of the two weekends. This time I won't shoot late-night dramas, and focus on the most valuable time slots.

Kei Fujiwara single-handedly consumed the three most valuable time slots on the ninth day of the month and the prime time slot on weekends, which also made other producers of the TV station quite critical. But at the producer meeting, I didn’t dare to pat the table to make Fujiwara Kei spit out the time slot, not afraid that he would not spit it out, but afraid that if he really spit it out. The person who takes over the stage can't shoot his results, but he will be ranked first by the director.

It's better to be patient, this guy's contract is about to expire anyway... everyone said in unison.

Regarding the renewal of Kei Fujiwara's contract, station director Kashi Yoshida and the personnel of the Human Resources Department have been working hard since the beginning of the year, trying every means to get rid of Kei Fujiwara.

However, from the beginning to the end of the year, there was no strategy success. Fujiwara Kei is like a scumbag. He doesn't take the initiative, refuses, or takes responsibility. He has never made it clear that he will not renew the contract, but he also does not agree to sign. This makes Fukuyamadai's top management represented by Yoshida Kafumi very uncomfortable.

A group of TV station executives also held several secret meetings in private to discuss ways to successfully capture Fujiwara Kei. This guy is the magic of the country in the broadcasting industry. If you hold him captive, you will not be afraid that you will not be able to unify the people. However, there was still no result.

Executives estimate that there should be a large number of TV stations and production companies that have extended an olive branch to Kei Fujiwara because he wants to increase his worth.

Although this idea is understandable, it is more or less indifferent in the eyes of Fukuyamadai's senior executives. After all, we've been together for two years, shouldn't we have more feelings for Fukuyamadai? No matter what, you should choose Fushantai first among the many suitors, you indifferent person!

But the senior management was too embarrassed to complain to Kei Fujiwara in person. After all, although Kei Fujiwara did not express his intention to renew the contract, his work attitude was very sincere during the duration of the contract. Obviously, he was only responsible for the Yuejiu drama at the beginning, but with half a year left in the contract, he suddenly added a burden to himself and was responsible for the creation of four dramas at the same time.

Such a workload would be unimaginable for anyone else. You must know that for many screenwriters, writing one play a year is considered a normal progress, and producing two works a year is considered a model worker.

Because Fujiwara Keinori contracted the entire September 9th period, he wrote one work after another. It was said that four works came out in a year. This is already very scary. This year, he also created four dramas at the same time in one quarter. Amazing move. This not only crushes peers in terms of performance, but also dwarfs colleagues in the broadcast industry in terms of work efficiency.

The contract is about to expire, and everyone in the industry knows how difficult it is to maintain such a strong enthusiasm for work and ensure results while creating four dramas. Once Kei Fujiwara stars in a drama, he will break his undefeated record, thus affecting his worth. However, he still does it without hesitation for the sake of the performance of the TV station. Under this situation, it would be inappropriate for the TV station to say anything about him.

In order to promote the movie "White Night Walk", Kei Fujiwara also mobilized the power of his own TV program.

Half a month before "White Night Walk" was released, Fujiwara Kei had already made preparations. First, let the male lead who played Kirihara Ryoji in "White Night Walk" guest star in an episode of "Furuhata Jinzaburo" as a murderer.

The actor was also extremely happy when he made a guest appearance, because only popular artists and social celebrities can "kill people" in "Furuhata Jinsaburo". This is already a consensus in the industry... There is even an unwritten rule in the entertainment industry now, It is that when some producers measure the artist's worth and pay for the film, whether he has appeared in "Guhata Ren Saburo" is actually an indicator.

Artists who have participated in "Ren Saburo Guhata" are outdated than those who have not participated, and at least they are paid hundreds of thousands more per episode.

Kei Fujiwara had never heard of such a thing before, and was surprised to hear it at first.

"The Lonely Gourmet" also shot, Fujiwara Kei filmed an episode of Inokashira Goro eating theater snacks in the movie theater. The food featured in this episode is vanilla ice cream and popcorn sold in a cinema in Osaka. Regular customers of this cinema know that the ice cream cones here are cheap and delicious, so they are used to buying one before watching a movie. tube into the screening room.

After the crew of "The Lonely Gourmet" collected this information, Kei Fujiwara immediately thought that the content of this episode could be used to promote the movie "White Night Journey", so he sent the crew to Osaka for filming overnight.

When this episode was officially broadcast, it happened to be the second day after the release of "White Night Journey". Inokashira Goro in the play was sitting in the cinema, enjoying the sweet combination of ice cream and popcorn with an intoxicated expression, and then the camera shot in the cinema It stayed on the big screen for a full six seconds, in order to impress the audience watching the show with the movie version of "White Night".

This is not considered Kei Fujiwara carrying private goods, using the resources of the TV station for his own benefit. After all, the contract he signed with Matsunichi Pictures was a one-time payment for the film and television adaptation rights. No matter how big the box office of the movie was, whether he made a lot of money or lost all his pants, after the copyright fee was paid into Kei Fujiwara's bank After opening the account, I have nothing to do with him. So promoting "Bai Ye Xing" can't actually help him earn a penny.

On the contrary, Matsuri Pictures, as the holding company of Fukuyama TV, belongs to Fukuyama TV's father company. It is also right for a son to think about his father's income, and it is considered filial piety. Fukuyama Station didn't dare to say anything... As for helping to increase the commercial value of Kei Fujiwara's works, it was just a matter of incidental help.

In fact, starting from Kei Fujiwara's selfishness, I also hope that the movie version of "Bai Ye Xing" in this world will be a big hit.

And after this episode of "The Lonely Gourmet" was broadcast, the effect was indeed very significant. The number of customers in that cinema increased nearly 3.5 times compared with usual, but most of them came for ice cream and popcorn. Many customers even came just to buy cones and did not watch the movie at all.

The line for cones is much longer than the line for movie tickets. The owner of the movie theater is naturally very happy, earning money for snacks is faster than earning money for movie tickets. In fact, according to surveys, selling snacks such as popcorn is as profitable as selling movie tickets for movie theaters.

This is obviously not the result that Kei Fujiwara wanted to see, and the situation that he and Matsunichi Films did not want to see has also occurred. On the fourth day of the release of "White Night Journey", both the number of moviegoers and the theater schedule began to appear. A substantial decline.

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