Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 17 Stand-in shooting

"Miyano-sensei's works are still as good as ever."

Arima Guixiang was sitting in the dressing room, letting the makeup artist fix her makeup and hair while flipping through the magazine in front of her.

Mika Miyano is the current best-selling mystery queen in Japan, and her works are very famous in the broadcast and film circles. She is the writer with the most film and television adaptations among contemporary Japanese writers.

Arima Guixiang once played the second female role in Mika Miyano's works. She is a fan of Mika Miyano, and she also has the opportunity to cooperate again.

Miyano Mika is currently serializing her new novel on "Spring and Autumn Bunsho", and Arima Katsura is naturally also expecting nothing.

Arima Guixiang was watching, while her manager started reading another magazine.

Arima Guixiang glanced at the book in the agent's hand. It seemed that there was also the word "Spring and Autumn" in it, and asked doubtfully: "Which issue do you have this in? I don't think I have read it."

"It's this month's, oh, this is not the Spring and Autumn Literature Awards, it's a supplement to the Spring and Autumn Literature Awards, Qiankun Spring and Autumn."

The agent showed Arima Guixiang the full title of the book.

"Oh..." Arima Guixiang was not interested in the supplement, and continued to flip through the magazine, intending to read the works written by other people in the magazine.

"Spring and Autumn Literature Appreciation" is a very important fiction periodical, and it is ranked among the top three fiction periodicals.

Different from comic periodicals, the weekly comics magazine with the highest sales volume is "Weekly Shōnen Jumping" which has a much higher sales than the second and third place. However, the sales volume of "Spring and Autumn Literature Appreciation" and the other two periodicals are often about the same. .

As an actor, of course, she must always pay attention to what kind of stories the audience and readers like, which affects her choice of scripts. Moreover, many of the works in the "Spring and Autumn Literature Appreciation" have been adapted into film and television, and some of them have won the Japanese Academy Award for "Broadcasting Award", which deserves more attention.

The agent's mobile phone suddenly rang. She answered the call and after saying "hello" twice, her tone suddenly rose: "What did you say? Okay, okay..."

Arima Guixiang put down the magazine, looked at her manager and said, "What happened?"

The agent hung up the phone and looked at Arima Guixiang: "The male lead...Mr. Kimura is injured, and the shooting may be delayed."

"Injured?" Arima Keixiang frowned. They were filming and broadcasting at the same time. For the creative team, time was extremely tight and there was no time for him to recover from his injuries.

"Is the injury serious... When can I return to filming?"

"It's hard to say, I'm still in the hospital, it's said that I'm in a coma..."

"how so?"

"Kimura-san's agent said that he had an accident while riding a motorcycle, but in fact..." The agent glanced at the door of the dressing room and continued: "I heard that he took a girl he just met to a love hotel and was raped by her boyfriend. They were stopped and a conflict broke out.”

Arima Guixiang was furious: "I have heard that this person has bad conduct, but after all, during the filming, he can't control himself so much? Don't you know that he will drag other people down?"

In Japanese culture, it is a great sin to involve others, so the manager didn't say anything.

Arima Keixiang threw the magazine on the dressing table: "Miss Takahashi, we still don't want to cooperate with this person in the future. What should we do now? What do the producers and supervisors say?"

"I was going to ask about the situation..."

"Let's go together, Kimura's mistake alone cannot make all of us pay for it." Arima Guixiang got up and said.

On the other side, director Sato Sato and producer Shimizu Jiacuo also went crazy at this time.

They also just got the news that the male lead was injured. They heard that he was hit on the forehead by a vodka bottle and was rushed to the hospital.

As for the reason, it is also very annoying. Hayato Kimura was a bad guy. He went to a love hotel with a woman he met in a bar for less than 30 minutes. Several of the woman's boyfriends found out. They started a group fight and beat Hayato Kimura unconscious.

The producers and directors were all anxious. Although there were still films in their hands, there were still several episodes to be filmed.

And even if Kimura can be discharged from the hospital and continue filming with a bandage, his injury will definitely affect his acting skills. The male and female protagonists of this drama are both protagonists. Since they are young actors and lack acting experience, some complicated scenes will appear a bit awkward. I can't stand it, and now I'm injured, I'm afraid my acting skills will be even more compromised.

However, fans of Hayato Kimura don’t think that there is a problem with their idol ability. Many people are still talking nonsense, thinking that the director’s ability is insufficient, and Kimura-san’s acting skills cannot be brought out...

How abominable!

What is even more worrying is, what if this incident is known by the media and widely reported? There is no need to worry about Hayato Kimura's stardom, this guy is to blame. But what if it delays the normal end of the show? But there are still several episodes left to air!

Sato calmed down for a while, and said to Shimizu Jiacuo: "Now that things have come to an end, this is the only way to do it..."

"Use a stand-in?" Shimizu Jiacuo hesitated for a moment. He used a stand-in to shoot in the early stage, and added a frontal shot of Hayato Kimura in the later stage. Under the cover of the long shot and the foreground composition, he can often get away with it.

But it can only deceive the unwary audience. There are still a small group of people in the audience who watch the drama with magnified lenses. People's strong dissatisfaction was criticized in the columns of major newspapers.

This small group of people have a common name: film critics.

"In the Name of Love" is broadcast during prime time on weekends, and the station takes it very seriously. At the beginning of the broadcast, the producer Qingshui Jiacuo was also confident that they would be making a high-quality drama.

Therefore, this drama uses the highest level of production funds in Taiwan. Although it is a TV series, every shot is very sophisticated. The use of stand-ins, dubbing, and post-production head replacements are not allowed by the crew and will affect the overall quality of the show.

So as of last week, the quality was still on the level, and film critics didn't particularly make things difficult for them.

But the main creative team did not dare to slack off at all. This group of film critics are like hyenas. Big hit dramas are their prey. Once the prey shows poor condition, this group of people will notice it immediately and join hands together. Step forward and bite.

Film critics know what audiences want to see in the entertainment section of a newspaper. They don't want to see all the praise. They like the film critics' biting sarcasm. Step in the mud and pull out their guts.

As long as their favorite stars and works are not ridiculed, they like to see criticism more than praise.

It is a creator's natural instinct to please the audience and readers. The creators of TV dramas will do everything possible to shoot what the audience loves to watch, and film critics will also do everything possible to cater to the preferences of the readers.

I'm going to be scolded... Qingshui Jiacuo shook his head helplessly and thought.

"Mr. Shimizu, Supervisor Sato, have you received the news?" Arima Keixiang came over at this time.

Sato Wataru nodded, "We already know about it and are now trying to figure it out."

"Is Kimura-san seriously injured?" Katsura Arima asked, the subtext being that if you still have a breath, come over and film!

"There will be no way to come to the set for a while." Qingshui Jiacuo said, "We plan to use a stand-in."

"Ah..." Actually, Arima Guixiang also guessed it, but at the same time, she also expected that once the drama series using doubles was broadcast, it would be criticized by those film critics overwhelmingly.

Although she was not the one using the stand-in, she is one of the protagonists of the show after all, which will more or less affect her evaluation.

Sato Wataru saw Arima Guixiang's worry and comforted her: "Don't worry, Miss Arima, I will do my best and it will not affect the quality of the broadcast."

That being said, it's almost impossible not to have an impact.

But the matter has come to this, and it is useless to talk more, so Arima Keixiang can only agree.

Seeing that Arima Keika had no objection, Sato Wataru quickly called Nishimura Taro and asked him to choose someone with a similar image to Kimura Hayato among the male passerby actors to be his stand-in.

Nishimura Taro hurriedly selected among the passers-by actors who had signed contracts in the station. However, Kimura Hayato was tall, with broad shoulders, and his figure was much better than that of most Japanese.

It's almost impossible to pick out any passerby actor who has a similar back or even figure to him. There is only one special actor who is almost as tall as Kimura, but this person is really too strong and has a figure like Kamima Dongxi. Although Kimura Hayato is tall, he is The figure is actually on the thin side.

He reluctantly found five or six people, brought them to the director and producer, and said bravely: "Supervisor, this is the closest one we can find."

Sato looked at the group of stand-ins in front of him. They were either fat, thin, or short. One of them had a similar figure to Kimura Hayato, but he was actually black.

"Is there nothing else?" Sato asked.

Nishimura Taro shook his head helplessly.

Wataru Sato didn't embarrass him. He had also been an executive director all the way. He knew how stupid a director who only made demands and didn't care about the actual situation was, so he stretched out his fingers to find the one closest to him in the crowd.

"Supervisor Sato, let's see how that person is doing."

Just when Sato Wataru was struggling, Arima Keixiang suddenly pointed at a person in the crowd.

Sato Wataru looked in the direction of Arima Keixiang's finger and saw that the man was helping the lighting engineer adjust the equipment. He was not a passerby actor, and he still had an AD badge hanging around his neck.

"Who is that person?"

"The director's assistant sent out for high-skilled production, his name is..." Nishimura Taro thought for a while, "Fujiwara Kei."

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