Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 946: Reader development plan

Although there are indeed a lot of things to do, and there are many feelings that I want to leave without regrets, there are some things that Senxia has to do.

Especially things related to the government.

"Finally, the preliminary policy is given above, and the mud bomb can still get subsidies. Our current cost can be reduced to one or two hundred, which is quite good."

It was Wang Qiwen who spoke.

At this time, Senxia returned to the State Guest House. Wang Qiwen was talking to Senxia about going to camp... Bah, looking for relationships... Uh, it’s not right. Anyway, walking around here to find someone at the back door. , I finally figured out what I wanted to do.

Although the cost of procurement and R&D may not be low, this product will be very advantageous if two subsidies can be added.

"It would be nice if it could continue to fall a little bit." Morinya murmured.

The price of GBA is only a few hundred, and it will appear soon. Compared with GBA, Morinia's reader has a huge performance gap.

Of course, Morinia also has an advantage. The large screen is Morinia’s advantage-but the corresponding cost has also increased a lot.

"It's okay, and this performance, even if it is put abroad, there is no problem." Wang Qiwen is quite confident, "This thing, I think it can be a big hit!"

"Don't think about it abroad. It's another question whether this kind of thing will become popular in a certain oriental country." Of course, Morinya hopes that this reader will become popular, but he is not sure what the specific situation is.

But in terms of configuration and design, Senxia feels that it seems not bad now.

"No, I think this thing has an advantage, much better than that GameBoy, even the home machine is not as good as this." Wang Qiwen feels that he has an advantage.

"The home machines you are talking about are FC and SFC, what can you do with such performance now?"

Super Nintendo, also known as SFC, is also a classic. Even on SFC, there are text adventures in the Galgame category, but it is all ten years ago.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Anyway, our side is mainly a text adventure game. It doesn't matter how other games are. Even if the performance of the machine allows, you can change the battery every half an hour here. Can you hold it?" Senxia That is indeed the problem.

Performance is sometimes possible, but the computer performance required between RPG and AVG is different. AVG can play for three hours, and action games may only be one hour or less.

"What's more, people have their own game consoles and better game manufacturers. Why should they pay for us?"


Wang Qiwen was speechless.

This is not to say whether there is cultural self-confidence, it is that the quality games that a certain oriental man can make these years are really limited. This is not just a matter of a certain game, but refers to the relationship of the entire environment.

If Moriha is playing games in a certain eastern country, he can indeed make a good game, but for the entire game industry of a certain eastern country... then nothing counts.

Oh, by the way, if Senxia controls the incineration department or something, there may be hope, but if it is a businessman, or a producer, then no matter what, this kind of thing cannot be done.

In Nihong, the chaebols have influence, but in a large eastern country, only those who engage in politics have influence.

"Stop talking about this, let's continue with the previous topic, according to your statement, that is to say, we can almost start doing it now?" Senxia asked.

"It's almost like that, but here may be a pilot or something, and more importantly, we can make some private products..."

This is not something that is completely conquered by the government, but an accumulated product with double subsidies. If you want to rely on the conquer with less attention, it is better to be self-reliant.

At this time, Wang Qiwen's solution was to develop a ‘reader’ closer to the handheld.

Well, yes, almost all of Wang Qiwen has gone insane in this regard. He is now wholeheartedly thinking about making this product out.

Although Senxia said that it is not possible abroad, Wang Qiwen feels that he still has a play in China.

Obviously he is a software maker, but Wang Qiwen has a soft spot for hardware.

Don’t you know the saying that a cook who doesn’t like being a programmer is not a good driver?

"But this may be a long-term process. We can do this kind of thing here, and it may not be possible for us to work in ten and a half months."

There are still a lot of processes to go, even international friends, there is no way at this time.

But Wang Qiwen obviously didn't think so. He was still actively trying to make more preparations. He sat next to Senxia, ​​and then poked Senxia's arm with his elbow.

"Xia Sen, I tried to contact some game manufacturers before, but they didn't say anything, which made me very embarrassed now."

Yes, before that, Wang Qiwen had contacted many Galgame game manufacturers in Nihbang, but unfortunately, although these manufacturers listened to Senxia, ​​there was no one.

After all, Wang Qiwen is from a great eastern country, and Nibang is in contact with a great eastern country. In most cases, people are fooled. If you want to use money to buy the best products from the mud, that’s basically not. Something too possible.

But Senxia itself is Neon Gold, and these game manufacturers themselves and Senxia are also stakeholders, so it is normal for them to have contact with Senxia.

The same is for readers. As long as Senxia asks these manufacturers to transplant, even if Senxia does not pay, those game manufacturers will agree to Senxia's request in order to sell Senxia.

Of course, it is impossible for Morinia to overdraw the credit of herself and Anmic in this way.

Only if she has enough profit to support her, Senxia will encourage others to jump into the pit.

As the saying goes, relying on the mountains and rivers, even if you have golden thighs for the time being, you have to at least think about the corresponding method after you lose the golden thighs.

"Here I contacted Alien Technology. They have experience in PC porting anyway. This time I prepared some games for porting. You can go there to see the specific situation."

Anyway, Anmic has a joint venture company with Alien Technology. It is more convenient to communicate with your own people than with outsiders.

"That alien technology?"

Wang Qiwen's face showed contempt.

No way, what Alien Technology likes to do most is to reverse transplant all the masterpieces in Europe and the United States to FC, and then make wonderful games. For those who really love games, companies like Alien Technology are fundamentally Can't get on the table.

"Don't underestimate these weird companies. Without these companies, our promotion speed here would be at least twice slower, and the cost would be even more terrifying." Senxia did not underestimate each other because of prejudice, because Senxia knows that sometimes she can't do things without them.

Alien Technology is considered to be a leader, and their compilation level is also very good, worthy of Senxia's investment.


After asking this sentence, Wang Qiwen didn't speak any more, he fell silent unexpectedly.

"What's wrong with you?" Senxia asked concerned.

"It's okay." Wang Qiwen shook his head, "I just suddenly felt a little uneasy in my heart."

Not practical?

Isn't this his Meow Meow reader made by your side? !

Senxia had some broken eggs.

"This is your own thought, what are you worried about?" Senxia was inexplicable.

"Hey, because of this, I'm even more worried." Wang Qiwen sighed, "Is such a thing really reliable?"

Morika: "..."

After being silent for a little work, Morinka spoke: "Why do I feel like you have robbed my lines?"

Senxia has always thought that all this is unreliable. After all, Senxia is really flustered with this kind of national affairs.

In fact, Senxia is not a "main actor" in many cases. A certain oriental power and the mud bombing government are the masters of this drama.

"Why don't we find a few more manufacturers to avoid risks and carry them together if we are responsible?"

Concerned about gains and losses, Wang Qiwen proposed a solution to reduce the threat.

"Impossible." Senxia shook her head, "We are not suitable for those who have something, and I don't want to do it. The most important thing for us now is to find a way to clarify this matter first, only to be sure. With specific regulations, we can do things well."

Whether a certain oriental power can succeed here depends on the mood of conquering here.

Otherwise, you said that you have made a world-class game that rivals Pokemon, but it has been completely settled by a ban. How do you think you should feel at this time?

"This is indeed..." Wang Qiwen also realized that he did seem to be a little anxious. "Then what do you think we should do here? Oh, yes, as far as the shape design is concerned, the leaders here seem to be all Not satisfied, let's find a way to find someone to redo the design."

Although the previous hurdles have been passed, as long as a leader of a certain eastern country feels that it is not possible, many things on Senxia must be carefully readjusted and revised.

"But this is really hard to do." Senxia sighed.

"Yeah, we can only follow the normal route here, but I'm not reconciled." Wang Qiwen sighed, "It's rare to have such a good hand, we don't cherish it now, what can we do... My current stage The goal is to revitalize the game industry in a big eastern country. Handheld is just my first step!"

"Then this matter is really bad, because the game industry of a certain eastern country is about to collapse. If you know the inside information, you can definitely understand this."

Senxia is merciless.


Wang Qiwen, who just wanted to talk, was immediately stuck.

Although it hasn't come down yet, it is indeed coming soon-the ban on electronic game consoles.

"So, our machine can only be a ‘reader’, Do_you_understand?"

Wang Qiwen has nothing to say.

Indeed, as Morinya said, the situation here is not very good. The reason why Wang Qiwen cares so much is that this part of the matter can be regarded as a reason.

"Yes, I_am."

I don't know what's wrong, Wang Qiwen here began to cooperate with Senxia to speak English.

"Well, let's start with the machine itself. Since it is a reader, we have to plan the specific situation and whether it is possible to act as a game machine."

Senxia said again.

"Huh? What?"

"So, let's see if we can find a way to make this thing play games or something..."

Senxia whispered.


So what are you going to do?

Wang Qiwen looked at Senxia.

"In short, let's make trouble!"

Mori Xia said of course.

"What's wrong with this? The only allowed version above is the simple version. The version with keyboard is available, but there is no subsidy!"

Yes, both versions can be available, but there is a problem, that is, the full keyboard version will not be subsidized.

Wang Qiwen came to Senxia, ​​and one of the problems he wanted to solve was this, but afterwards, Senxia turned the topic crooked.

"Extend!" Senxia said, "Expansion is enough!"

"Let me straighten out my head, wait, wait..."

Wang Qiwen felt that his brain was not enough.

What the **** is this?

"It's like RPG, it consumes energy and heats, and it can't dissipate heat. But add a fan, and then get a power supply, isn't it all right?

What you said makes sense.

Well, that's right, Senxia's move is copied from Nintendo!

If there is anything in this world that Senxia can plagiarize without guilt, Ren Hell and Certain Du Niang are definitely the best.

Not only is there no burden, on the contrary, it is also very pleasant!

It deserves a Chinese version! Deserve to be ashamed!

As for why a certain degree mother was stunned? In this regard, Senxia believes that if the story is a book, then out of 100 readers, 200 of them would definitely agree that Senxia pushed Du Niang to the ground and listened to Du Niang's wailing.

Well, it's so happy, Du Niang must be stunned! The topic is a bit off.

"Anyway, that's the case, we can add a peripheral device so that the screen can be projected on the TV..."

Morinya talked eloquently and expressed his own thoughts.

Of course, Morinka’s side is different from a certain hell. A certain **** is a home computer with a handheld device, while Morina’s side is the opposite, a handheld computer plus an extension...well, or a reader.


Teacher Huang Yi passed...

Today’s update.

The outline was not accidentally shot, and it can only be said that the radio waves are not up to date.

I only slept for two hours from the day before yesterday to yesterday, and I couldn’t hold three bottles of Red Bull...

All in all, two in one chapter, meow meow meow.

My head still hurts...

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