Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 940: Fans who came to watch

Of course, even though Morinka wants to let Mrs. Iki train her skills to overwhelm the girls, it is probably after returning to China. Now Morinka is here and is still busy with the "big wedding". .

Originally, Morinka’s things were just small things in her own home. At most, everyone got together and played a "role-playing" game.

But in the end, the whole thing became big news.

"Wow, there are so many people!"

Lily was standing with Erika at this time.

Morinya and the others were very formal, so the other people from Anmic also made cameo appearances.

Senxia's "wedding" this time was mainly based on the Tang Dynasty, and then integrated the characteristics of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In a sense, this is a true special wedding of a certain oriental country.

Of course, a wedding can't be done, so Morinka has three types.

Lihua in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Qianjia in the Tang Dynasty, Xue Nai in the Han Dynasty, and Senxia ran three games alone.

The so-called wedding was originally the consciousness in the twilight period, so it evolved to mean "marriage". Of course, the actual meaning is more complicated than this, but it is probably the meaning.

Of course, the weddings of the Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties are actually very different, so the theme is carried out according to the Tang Dynasty, which is basically the ceremony of the fan, the legal ceremony and so on.

Simply put, it is to lift the hijab, worship heaven and earth, and then cut the hair together.

what? You mean making trouble in the bridal chamber?

Sorry, there is no such thing here.

Erika mainly looks at Lily here.

Because the whole ceremony became a "big news" relationship, Morinka was very wary of this second Lori.

There is no problem with Secondary Two, but on this kind of documentary program, Secondary Two is over.

——Especially after Lily heard that she would shoot a documentary, she immediately changed into a gothic loli costume, then painted a pale white foundation, and then put on vampire dentures——Where did the goth from a big eastern country come from? Loli vampire!

Oh, by the way, the vampire plastic dentures were bought by Lily at the small shop in front of the elementary school when she was passing by the magic city.

So when everyone else was in a lively visit, Erika was here to hold Lily, who had been dressed as a vampire in the second stage.

"There are so many people..." Erika stared at the onlookers standing outside the road.

To say it, this thing is really inexplicable.

If it is a real wedding, there may not be much interest to everyone, but if it is such a "performance", then the whole matter will be out of the question.

Wang Dehai is an onlooker.

As a student of Zhejiang University, Wang Dehai did not go home during the summer vacation. Instead, he worked in Suzhou and Hangzhou, eating and living with relatives, which saved money and trouble.

Wang Dehai's family is not poor, but Wang Dehai has a hobby, that is, watching the new animated series of mud bombing, and then playing mud bombing games.

Of course, Wang Dehai had never said anything about it, because this kind of thing, from the point of view of a certain eastern country, is not doing business properly.

But recently, there is a QICQ software on the Internet, which is good and allows everyone to communicate together.

Of course, if you want to talk about software that can communicate together, there are actually quite a few, but QICQ's experience is the best, especially the group system and voice chat system. Through QICQ, Wang Dehai can communicate with other people on the Internet.

There are international friends who want to organize such an event in Suzhou and Hangzhou, Wang Dehai also learned about it from the Internet.

Wedding! Restore and innovate in ancient weddings!

International friends actually like the culture of a certain oriental country. This is of course very exciting for this passionate college student!

A certain oriental country now lacks cultural self-confidence, and this matter seems to them to be a booster.

Of course, if only this was the case, it wouldn't be enough for Wang Dehai to come over and join in the fun.

He joins in the fun entirely because of another news that his netizen revealed to himself: that these international friends are actually members of Musashino and Anmic!

This netizen's uncle is an employee of Shanghai Film Studio, so he knows some inside information.

As a fan of mud bomb animation and games, Wang Dehai is naturally very concerned about this news.

Both Musashino and Anmic were led by Mr. Xia Sen.

Who is Teacher Xia Sen?

As long as people who know Riman, they will definitely not know.

Some time ago, the film "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" can indeed be said to have caused a sensation, especially when I heard that the country will introduce this film recently-well, in fact, the Northeast side is already preparing to introduce negotiations, dubbing and The translation is almost done.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is Anmic and Musashino itself.

what? I heard that Teacher Xia Sen is also there? !

what? The "Mud Bomb Young Industrialist" broadcast on the news channel some time ago is Mr. Xia Sen? !

Although the Internet can connect the world, it is indeed not so easy for foreign news to spread in.

After all, the language difference lies there.

But there is always someone who can spread the news from outside to the country.

Therefore, when Senxia appeared on CCTV, someone immediately recognized Senxia.

After all, Mori Xia once engaged in signing, and when it comes to the bosses of "Animic" and "Musashino", then there must be only the legendary teacher Xia Sen.

What's more, the name "Xia Sen" is used in the news-well, if you just invert the Chinese characters of your name, it becomes the Chinese name of a certain oriental country. Sen Xia is so casual.

Speaking of it, this news is also quite violent, because Moriha is still a high school student, but already has hundreds of millions of assets. Many public intellectuals took the opportunity to write articles in the newspapers and praised the students there. The education is so good, and at this time, someone moved some "Summer Camp Contest" to make everyone sigh: Neon Gold was raised as a Gundam since childhood!

Of course, for netizens, they rarely read the nonsense chicken soup for the soul in newspapers, especially the more people online, the lower their reliance on paper media. At this time, they care more about Xia Mr. Mori himself.

Since Mr. Xia Sen is face to face, how can he not watch? Walk around!

In this way, Wang Dehai met with a few netizens in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and then came to watch.

"That's the groom officer, right?"

Next to Wang Dehai is his friend Zhang Youquan. He is a companion he met on QICQ, and everyone is a fan of Teacher Xia Sen.

Because there was already a circle of people in front, Wang Dehai and the others couldn't squeeze in at all.

But this is not a problem, because they are equipped with telescopes.

Although it is a long distance, it can actually be seen clearly with a telescope.

"The real person is better than the ones on TV, and the girl next to Teacher Xia Sen is of high quality..."

Wang Dehai also saw Senxia in the distance.

Because it is an experience, not a real wedding, the worship is held in the open air, and the parent is the leader of Suhang.

This is one of the reasons why this matter is complicated.

"Eh eh eh, Lao Wang, look at the girl in Hanfu next to her, she looks like Teacher Xia Sen!"

At this moment, Zhang Youquan was surprised.

"Let me see-eh, really!"

That girl looks a lot like Teacher Xia Sen... Oh, yes.

"Ms. Xia Sen seems to be twins, that's his sister." Wang Dehai thought of the news over there.

Many students studying in Nihong are fans of Teacher Xia Sen. The name "Mr Xia Sen" was first called by the foreign students, and then spread to the domestic side, and it became like this. I heard that the "Fate of the Sky" written by Mr. Xia Sen recently has been very popular recently. There are many people talking about it among the international students. Unfortunately, this article is not in Chinese. Oh, by the way, the foreign students also said that this article seems to be on the Naoki Award or the Akutagawa Award...

It is also because of "Fate of the Sky". At this time, the international students from the mud bomb also added some anecdotes about Teacher Xia Sen to the onlookers in China. It turned out that Teacher Xia Sen himself was a member of the twins, and still The brother of the Dragon and Phoenix twins.

"I heard that the dragon and phoenix twins look the same, but Mr. Xia Sen and his sister, apart from the difference between menswear and womenswear, there is really no difference..."

Wang Dehai sighed.

The twins are very similar. This is basically common sense, but they are talking about identical twins, but the twins of dragon and phoenix are similar, that is really rare.

"But it's quite easy to understand-look at that breast." Zhang Youquan showed a squinted expression on his face.

"Well, indeed."

The mind is still different...

"But I heard that women with broad-mindedness don't look good after putting on clothes, but Xia Sen's sister, this is really good."

"Well, really, it looks suitable. Not only the sister of Teacher Xia Sen, but the girls next to her, they all seem to be pretty good." Wang Dehai exclaimed.

Although there is a concept of three-dimensional tailoring in a large oriental country, milk bags and the like are still rare.

What's more, Senxia's clothes are not entirely Hanfu. In fact, their clothes have been modified based on visual effects-not to mention, their clothes will not be red. You know, in the Tang Dynasty, even cyan wedding dresses were more common than red...

"So it's like this...hehe...hehe..."

I don't know why, Zhang Youquan suddenly made a wretched laugh. This laughter made Wang Dehai shiver here: "Lao Zhang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just wondering whether "Fate of the Sky" was adapted from teacher Xia Sen's real experience."

Although "Fate of Space" has not been translated into Chinese, the news of this work is still quite popular in a certain oriental country.

Because it seems that the sky is going to compete for the Akutagawa or Naoki, and there will be a movie. I heard that it seems to be released next year or the year after.

It's not TV animation, but animation movie.

For many people, TV animation is naive, but animated movies are artistic. When it comes to TV animation, you can say "Four Zhai Steaming Goose Hearts", but when it comes to animated movies, it's a gentleman topic. It's not the "gentleman" that Morinka often talks about.

It is for this and that reason that the overseas students in a certain eastern country also spoiled the plot of this book-in short, this is a story about the taboo between brothers and sisters.

Hey, wait a minute...

Wang Dehai's face showed a suddenly realized look.

If you really think about it this way, isn't this wedding...

Fuck, I don't know why, why do you feel so sensual about such a taboo thing?

This makes me want to watch "The Fate of the Sky"

Wang Dehai's heart was shouting.

But at this time, he heard another sordid laughter from around I said Lao Zhang, you don't have to laugh like this, right? "

Although very emotional, Wang Dehai didn't have that wretched thoughts at all, but what happened to Lao Zhang, he actually laughed like this.

"Nothing..." Zhang Youquan also realized that his expression was really wretched, and he restrained his expression.

But Zhang Youquan was obviously still very concerned about this. He pulled Wang Dehai to his side, and then winked at him: "Old Zhang, haven't you thought about pushing the twins together? It's super cool!"

So you were thinking about this!

Wang Dehai understood.

Indeed, Mr. Xia Sen is really a rare and beautiful boy, and it is not an exaggeration to describe his sister as the country's beauty and heavenly fragrance...Huh, wait, beautiful boy?

Wang Dehai looked at Zhang Youquan: "Ms. Xia Sen is a man, right?"

"It's because it's a man!" Wang Dehai raised his eyebrows, "The dragon and phoenix twins are interesting! If Teacher Xia Sen is a female, it would be dull and tasteless!"


For some reason, Wang Dehai suddenly felt his chrysanthemum tighten.

Speaking of it, Zhang Youquan seems to like to talk about topics related to cute boy papers on the Internet, and he also likes to call group friends "little girls"-but in fact, in their QICQ group, there is nothing No one is sister paper!

Wang Dehai took a step back calmly, he felt cold sweat on his back.

Obviously I was able to meet with netizens, and I clearly saw Mr. Xia Sen as an idol. The two happiness overlapped and brought more happiness, but... why did it become like this?

Wang Dehai...The chrysanthemum crisis...


Two in one chapter, meow meow~ meow meow~

April is coming soon, try to find meow~

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