Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 907: Make a big oolong

When Senxia woke up, it was already early next morning.


   This day can also be said to be the first morning Senxia came to the mainland.


   When Morinka woke up, he noticed that Yukino was sleeping next to him, just as he did after being attacked by night at home.


   But the difference is that Yukino is probably very shallow on weekdays, or else just pretends to sleep, but today Yukino sleeps very deeply.


   It's probably because I've been on the plane for a day, so I'm tired.


   But Morinatsu's words, at this moment, I feel refreshed.


   probably because of the bath last night.


   I have to admit that taking a bath with Yukino is a happy and happy thing, as long as Yukino doesn't do unnecessary things.


   Anyway, last night...


   Morinka felt like there was a blank in her head. She seemed to feel a little faint last night. As a result, what happened later, Morinka seemed to not remember.


   "Hmm... so what happened?"


   Morinata whispered.


   But there shouldn't be any strange things happening. After getting up, I feel refreshed.


   I want to say something is wrong...


   Morika glanced at the neat bed next door, then looked at Yukino next to her.


   Maybe Yukino took the opportunity to climb onto his bed when he was a little confused.


   Morinatsu shook her head, but did not wake Yukino.


   She leaned to the side of Morinka, her eyes narrowed, and her breathing was long.


   It was already dawn outside the window, but the curtains had already been drawn. Under the faint morning light, Yukino's face showed a lovely beauty.


   She was wearing a white shirt, but the buttons were not fastened, revealing a beautiful view.


   Yukino was sleeping, with a slight smile on her face. She probably dreamed of something interesting.


   Morinatsu gently got off the bed, only to realize that she seemed to be wearing Yukino's shirt at this time...


   This is a bit embarrassing.


   Morinatsu quickly changed her clothes, and then heaved a sigh of relief.




   Just after Senxia came back from washing, there was a knock on the door.




   Morika went over and opened the door, and then found that Iki was standing here at this time.


   "Good morning, Sister Iki."


   "Master, Gui'an."


   Iki greeted Morinka.


   After that, Iki was here and told Morinatsu the basic situation that had happened in a certain eastern country.


  Wang Qiwen is about to make a big news, Morinka is very concerned about the situation of a certain eastern country, so I entrusted Yiji to investigate this matter here.


   And at this time, Sister Iki came to report this matter to Morinatsu.


   After Sister Iki finished talking about the situation here, Morika returned to the room.


   At this time, Yukino finally woke up from his sleep.


   "Good morning, Yukino."


   Morinatsu greeted Yukino.


   "Hmm... Good morning, brother." Seeing Morinka's appearance, Yukino's face turned a little red.


   "What's wrong, Yukino?"


   Morinatsu said, packing up the luggage here: "Hey, Yukino, you cleaned up the table here."


Last night, there were Senxia’s notebooks, tea cups, paper towels and other things on the table. At that time, Senxia did not clean the table and rested, but at this time, Senxia suddenly noticed that the table is now cleared. It has to be clean, and even the trash cans are packed.


   Did the waiter come to clean up the room last night?


   Morinatsu is a little strange.


   "Yeah, I cleaned it up, I'm my brother's wise helper~"


   Xue Na shrank into the quilt, then pulled up the quilt to cover his eyes, and then looked at Morinya here.


   "Okay, it's time to get up, there is still a schedule this morning."


When staying in the bay, Senxia’s time was actually quite ample, but after coming to the mainland, the itinerary here was officially determined. Senxia had to visit the imperial capital first, and then with The leaders here had a cordial meeting and exchanged the clothes of both sides, and then it was time for Morinia's inspection and visit.


   "Hmm, but brother last night... I was a little tired from cleaning the room last night. Now my whole body is soft and I can't get up at all..."


   Yukino pouted and looked at Morinka.


   "No way! This place is so clean, even if you are tidying up, you won't waste most of your energy!"


   Hum, I won’t be tricked by you!


   Morika looked at Yukino, he had already seen through Yukino, because when he looked at himself, Yukino's face was obviously guilty.


   "It's not because my brother was too tough last night, I can't stand up now~"


   Xue Na looked at Morinka with a bit of resentment.


   "Huh? Is this still my fault?"


   Yesterday I was in a daze and asked Yukino to clean up the room?


   But even in that case, Yukino can stay in bed with this reason?


   "Questions and answers are useless! At this time you just get up honestly!"


   Morinatsu stuck her waist, and walked to the bed.


   But at this time, Yukino looked at Morinka with a pitiful gaze, and then stretched out his hand towards Morinka: "I can't do it anymore, I need to replenish my brother's energy to get up!"


   While talking, the dull hair on Yukino's head moved.


   "So don't always add inexplicable settings, it makes no sense at all!"


   Yukino always adds some strange settings to her side. These strange settings always make Morinatsu want to complain.


   Really, whether it's the senior sister or Yukino, one or two, it makes people unable to live safely...


   Morinatsu muttered in her heart.


   "I want my brother's energy, I'm going to die without my brother's energy! Ernie Chan, give me strength, let me Level UP~"


   "It's useless to be like a baby!"


   Morika rolled her eyes.


   At this time, there is absolutely no compromise. The more you compromise, the more Yukino will make progress.


   So no matter what, Morinatsu can't compromise.


   Then, Morinka's eyes met with Yukino.


   Those big eyes shining brightly, staring at Senxia at this moment.




  I can’t stand such gentle eyes...


   Morinatsu sighed softly, then sat down on the bed, and gently patted Yukino's head: "Yoshiyoshi, Yukino is good~"


   Yukino squinted her eyes, as if she was a cute little animal, enjoying this beautiful and comfortable touch.


   "Oh, it's all right, it's time to get up now, remember to dress a little more formal today."


   After all, I have to deal with people at the national level, and I still need to prepare for this.


   "Hmm, I feel so troublesome..."


   Xue Nai muttered.


   "Well, no way, who told us to be a commercial delegation..."


  Yes, we are a business delegation...


   Morinatsu found out that she had been tricked by a certain eastern power.


   Although at the beginning, Morinka did have a delegation or something, but at that time Morinka still had the mood to play around.


   However, after coming to a certain eastern country, Morinya frowned and realized that things were not that simple.


After some exchanges here yesterday, Morinya learned that the previous Wei Zehua was actually a very powerful person, and today, Morinya’s main person in the delegation has to be with someone from the Ministry of Commerce. These officials communicated.


   When thinking about this, Morinka feels a little guilty at this time.


   If you say that they are a real business delegation at this time, then it's actually okay. Mori summer feels that her heart is still quite big.


   But the problem is, Morinka is not here at all...


   This is the biggest problem.


   Fortunately, Takahashi Ryuya and the others don't know this.


Although Senxia is here for everyone to come and join in the fun, Senxia's reason is to "come to a certain oriental country to investigate, open up the market, and travel by the way." Well, at least on an official level, Senxia did not follow everyone. Said, I am just here to fool you...


   Well, so, except for Morinia, although the others did not report much confidence, some of them really hope to open up new markets here.


   Morinatsu is now a little grateful that when she was talking about things here, she didn't straightforwardly tell the manufacturers about this matter, otherwise, this matter might be exposed.


   In fact, these people, including Takahashi Ryuuji, are a little nervous now.


   Yesterday, during the daytime, they were still a little confused.


After all, when I went to Duiwan, although everyone ate and drank well, everything was within the reservation. Everyone was laughing and joking, and there was nothing strange about it. Even here, everyone started discussing with the manufacturers of Duiwan. It’s about business cooperation, and Animi even started a Daewoo company.


   Therefore, after everyone came to the mainland of a certain eastern country, everyone actually had similar ideas in their hearts.


   But when they understood what was going on, they suddenly became yellow...No, they were panicked.


   Because they understand at this time that they are discussing issues with this country.


  The representatives of the manufacturers of these little butters here suddenly became calm.


   You said, how come we who make little butter came to a certain oriental country on behalf of our country?


   Last night, they made long-distance calls back to the mud bomb.


At that time, the manufacturers here also hurriedly held a meeting overnight. Fortunately, there is a QICQ that allows everyone to chat in real time. Everyone held a voice conference on QICQ, and finally decided to tell the government here. .


   After all, this incident also meant something oolong to them, and everyone never expected that they would receive such a high-level reception here.


   Then, this matter also got to the Ministry of Industry and Economics.


   Sankei is also confused here.


   Could this be a misunderstanding?


   But the whole thing, it sounds pretty reliable!


At this time, the relationship between a certain eastern power and Nihbang was the best. At this time, Nihbang made a decision, and then informed the delegations here: "Lord, here is already The research has determined that you start now, it means that the empire will be blown up by the mud on our behalf!"


   Well, yes, the manufacturers of Little Butter, at this time, have really become a mud-bang business delegation.


   Iki just came over to tell Morika about this matter.


In fact, last night, Iki came here to look for Mori summer, but at that time Mori summer was probably fainted in the bath, so in the end, Iki and the delegation members here decided together this matter.


   In addition to reporting the situation in a certain eastern country, Iki also told Morinatsu about this matter.


   After everyone found out that they were really oolong, they hurried to have a small meeting together.


   In the end, everyone finally came up with a plan: We are making small butter, but at this time, we shouldn't make this matter clear to a certain eastern country?


   When everyone first started, they all had the concept of "we are here to investigate the market". But after entering the national level, things can't be messed up.


   In private, we said that we make small butter, that is no problem.


   But now, this is not the case.


   But fortunately, Iki still has a solution.


   "We do electronic graphic novels" Now, they say so.


   is actually not bad, because everyone basically makes text AVG games. In a sense, this kind of thing is called "audio electronic graphic novel" or something, there is really no problem.


   And let’s not say, this kind of plan sounds very interesting.


Well, we suddenly became In this year, among the many works on the mud bomb, if you don't bring in a little gentleman's stuff, it is simply not a mud bomb. Even in various TV dramas, there will be pictures of girls without holy light.


   However, this does not mean that everyone does not understand what ethics is. It’s just that the ethics of everyone around is very low, so our current low ethics doesn’t really matter.


   But now it's different. On the side of a big eastern country, the discipline is naturally much higher.


   Especially when dealing with the government.


  Most of these gamers are originally otaku!


   Otaku or something, when you encounter this kind of government-level things, you can't calm down.


   So in the end, everyone decided that what they said would not be as messy as before, so everyone must be serious and come up with a little regular dry goods.


   "Well, that's it, Yukino, after you change, let's go to eat breakfast first, and then go to see the person in charge of a certain eastern country..."


   At this time, Morinka finally changed his clothes. He looked at himself in the mirror, and then nodded...




   Two in one chapter, this is today’s festival, meow meow~


   I have been so busy recently, when things are settled, I must burst into a wave of character...

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