Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 879: Set off

Going to a certain eastern country is an established matter.

After the final exam, Morinya is finally packing up and leaving.

"Well, I'm going abroad soon, but why don't I feel at all going abroad? When I went to the UK before, I still felt very good..."

Senxia and the others got up early in the morning. At this time, Qianjia was checking her makeup in the mirror. She drew a light makeup today and a light foundation on her face.

The originally immature face seemed to become mature after putting on foundation and lipstick.

How to put it, it's as if the whole person has suddenly changed from a student to a social person.

"Because we went to the next door." Senxia shrugged, "Everyone's styles are actually the same. Well, if you don't go to Dilawan and then go to the mainland, the situation will be much better. Um, it’s a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise we can go to the northwest side..."

The main places that Senxia went to were north to Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The demons were the first stop, then to the magic capital, finally to the imperial capital, and then went back to the palace.

But if there is not enough time, Senxia still wants to go inland.

"Well, it's right, so there is no real feeling... Well, but over there, it is the most familiar stranger. Thinking about it this way, it seems to be interesting." Although a certain eastern country is next to rb, To be honest, rb really has more exchanges with the Western world than with a certain eastern country.

"Brother, I'm ready!"

At this moment, Yukino, who was ready, also rushed to the living room.

In fact, Xue Nai prepared a cheongsam with a red bottom and gold trim.

But no matter how conspicuous clothing Morinka looked at, he felt that it shouldn't be worn when traveling. Under Morinka's strong suggestion, Yukino honestly put on a white dress.

Well, sure enough, Yukino is very suitable for this kind of warm-toned clothes. Although it is just a very ordinary dress, when worn on Yukino's body, there is a very pure feeling, like a white narcissus.

Well, if you can, add a wide-brimmed straw hat, the effect will be better.

"Rena and the others should be here, too?" It was Lihua who was talking. Today, Lihua also drew a light makeup like Qianjia.

After all, these two people are no longer students. They are now the person in charge of the same company. Although Qianjia is very unreliable many times, Qianjia will still make some preparations at this time.

As it is now.

Looking at the time, it was almost seven o'clock in the morning, and there was still plenty of time.

This time, Qianjia really mobilized a huge amount of manpower. In addition to Senxia's side, people from the Shiyan side will also come together.

Well, this thing is very simple, because everyone is traveling...cough cough.

After getting on the plane, everyone will rush to a certain eastern country.

"Huh, just wait for a while now."

Qianjia finished her makeup and then sat on the sofa.

Yi Ji and the other three maids had already headed to the airport to make arrangements, and Yi Ji would drive over later.

Although he is still preparing, there is nothing to take care of in Morinia. The luggage and other things have all been taken away, and there is basically nothing left here.

"Speaking of it, Senxia-kun, you haven't said your opinion of the Duiwan side?" Qianjia asked Senxia before the others came.

"Didwan, I actually have what I want if I can. But things like that are not really important, so I didn't say anything." Senxia shrugged.

To be honest, Senxia still has a lot of impressions about the games on the Duy Bay side.

Hantang's "Knights of the Flame Dragon", "Heaven and Earth Tribulation", "The Legend of Heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties"; Spectrum's "The Wealthy World"; Daewoo's "Monopoly", "Xuanyuan Sword", "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", "Amao Agou" ", "Angel Empire"; "Jin Yong's Heroes" by Zhiguan, etc.

Morinia can say a lot of things to say.

It can be said that before 2005, the stand-alone game industry in Daywan has always been extremely prosperous and lively-of course, this is relatively speaking.

However, later, especially after the advent of the Internet era, the stand-alone industry in Dayan also began to decline. After the 10s, the stand-alone industry there was almost not decent.

"Daiwan has limited potential. At best, it has a population of 10 or 20 million. No matter how powerful it is, it is not strong anywhere. The games on their side are actually dependent on the mainland. The game companies themselves may There is value, but their real value is actually the popularity that those games bring." Mori Xia said, "Although these popularity comes from the game itself, it is more from the likes of people in the mainland."

Yes, although the mainland is poor, there are many people. The great leader once told us that many people are powerful. Senxia believes in this.

"But Senxia-kun, the mainland market that you are optimistic about, does not seem to be very good?" Lihua also joined the discussion.

Senxia nodded: "For now, our most important and most important part is actually rb and North America. But we must keep in mind our ideal-to fight for the gentleman's career for life."

Senxia's face was full of sacredness, as if he were a believer.

"Well," Qian Jia nodded in agreement. The same gentleman, Senxia's words, made Qian Jia empathize with him, "Then what do you think of the mainland?"

"In the case of the mainland, the reason why the stand-alone machine has not been up is actually because of their policies and the relationship of the era. They have not reached the level of dull bay. The enlightenment of the game has not yet begun, and their background is indeed true. No, because there is no funding for development, although they can have very good ideas, but what they have made is not good. Now, look at the Agni Civilization over there, isn't it?"

This is the game of Agni Civilization.

Although this game was also a waste of money, there is obviously no way to compare their money and Morinia's money.

Therefore, Senxia invited Huang Lei to come, and then bought the engine from Sega. In the end, their game engine, which originated from the game "Burning Civilization", is now better than blue.

Qianjia also agreed.

——Their engine, in terms of optimization and effects, far surpasses the "deity" of "Agni Civilization".

"In the final analysis, the fundamental problem on the other side is that games cannot generate taxes and revenue, so the state does not pay attention to the game itself, but after the gradual development there, things will change."

As stated in the junior high school politics book, the current contradiction is the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and the backward social production.

Okay, it's a bit too far.

"Invest in the Bay is to invest in the past and the present, but to invest in the mainland is to invest in the future." This is Senxia's view.

In Senxia's view, the mainland has surpassed Dywan since 2008. As for the strength of software, it is really related to the needs of the market. Although the incineration department is the palace of the king, no matter what the game is driven by profit. In fact, it can be done in the end.

"By the way, Senxia-kun, you just said that you are very interested in some manufacturers on the side of Duiwan-the one we played before?"

Yes, Senxia has played the game "Legend of Sword and Fairy", which was sent by Brother Xiao Ma back then.

Senxia nodded.

"I checked the relevant information over there. Whether it is in the mainland or in Diwan, the games they make are PC games. If they are simply developing the PC platform, it is a manifestation of the immaturity of the market, right?" Lihua asked herself the opinion of.

"Well, that's about it."

Senxia nodded.

It is impossible for everyone to talk about this kind of words in front of the people of Dayan, so before setting off, Mori Xiahe can say something.

Starting a game on the console is not as simple and casual as the PC platform. The console platform is a closed system. To develop, you must first negotiate and cooperate with the host and allow you to join it—just like Qianjia came to Sony and Sega back then.

But this hasn’t been played yet, it’s just the beginning. After you have the qualifications to join, the next thing is to pay for a development machine. The development machine is different from the general machine. The price of the development machine To be more expensive, in addition to the development machine, there are also royalties created by the evil **** that needs to be paid. After that, this is the process of making the game.

It is precisely because of the trouble that things are so troublesome, so including the distribution and promotion, small factories will basically give the mainframe agent-of course, the money on the mainframe is more.

Of course, Sony and Sega are actually okay. In this respect, the evil **** is the most exploited.

Let the **** crime be so hell, it caused the people to complain, and the Chinese version was not published!

"Actually, if you want to say it, there are some console games made here in Duiwan, but there are very few of them. As Lihua said, this is because they have no market for game consoles, and even masterpieces can only sell a few. Ten thousand copies. And entering the market in other regions will also cause dissatisfaction-the Legend of Sword and Fairy that we played before will be out of the SS version, but who will play?

Regarding the host, Senxia said that it is normal for Duiwan to not play. There is no market and demand, and only with a passion, you can only become a martyr.

The same goes for Morinka.

Although she kept clamoring to develop a gentleman game, Senxia didn't let the gentleman thing go to a certain eastern country in one breath-because it would definitely die on the beach.

Senxia considered galgame and rpg, but to a large extent, he also considered the acceptance there.

Everyone accepts the concept of the game first, and then slowly progresses gradually. By then everyone will be able to accept the gentleman’s ideas...

"Ding Dong."

At this moment, the sound of a doorbell came from outside the door.

"I'll open the door." Xue Nai had already reached the door at this time.

"Good morning, Yukino."

It was Rena who appeared at the door.

She looked at Xue Na with a nervous and cramped look.

As a member of Current Vision Research, Rena also participated in this event, but it was the first time for Rena to travel with someone other than his family.

In fact, at the beginning, Rena originally wanted to refuse.

However, after Qianjia told her father and mother about the incident, what Rena saw when she returned home was the encouraging expressions of the two.

"Daughter, go, take care of your happy mouth!"

Although Rena's parents did not say so, Rena knew what his parents meant.

Then, Rena thought about her sister's gaze at the "sister must succeed" that she had stolen when she left in the morning. At this time, Rena really didn't know how to face Senxia-kun.

Once entering the room, Rena felt a great pressure

"Chairman, Senior Qianjia, Mori Xia-kun..."

The first thing Rena saw was not Morinka in the living room, but Lihua and Qianjia who were walking out of the living room. Morinatsu was behind Qianjia.

After seeing Rena, Lihua also smiled at Rena: "Good morning, Rena. Also, I am no longer the chairman."

After putting on makeup, Rena became more mature all at once, which was completely different from when she became the president of the student council.

This wonderful temperament reminds Rena of the first time she met with President Lihua. At that time, she was attracted by the unique temperament of the This temperament, let The president becomes different.

"No, you will always be the president in my heart!" Rena looked at Lihua firmly.

Next to Rena, Qianjia was also a little younger, and then said, "Rena, I haven’t seen you for a while. Don’t worry, although Lihua is no longer the president, but next year, I will be able to let Lihua be Where's the chairman~"

Hmm, Iki still has the black materials of the East University Student Union in his hand. With this thing, he can properly conduct dirty py transactions...

"Hey hey hey, Qianjia, don't mess around!" Morika walked out, "Yo, Rena, you are here."

"Hi, Morinka-kun." Rena also smiled and said hello to Morinka.

"Ah, it seems that I came at the right time." At this moment, another voice came from outside the door.

It's Chao Yan's voice.

Rena turned his head, and saw Chao Yan standing behind him.

"Good morning." Rena said hello with a smile.

"Gui'an." Zhaoyan also greeted Rena with the others...


Two-in-one update...

Orz, something really hurts...


All in all, this is an update, meow meow~

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