Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 848: Praise the sun!

Moriha's idea is very good, add gentleman content to the work, and then make a gentleman series of games. ?

"... But it feels like this kind of story is only enough for one issue." For a work like Lelouch, it’s okay to make a trilogy, but for the story of Mankind, one issue is almost the end. If you continue to write later, the whole story will feel too redundant.

If not necessary, don’t add substance. This dark and depressing story, precisely because of the indescribable and terrifying behind it, has caused the depth of the whole story, but this kind of story has no way to go deep.

It's not that you can't dig into the connotation, but when you dig into the depth of the story and analyze the story, the feeling of despair and helplessness created by the original plot will be greatly reduced, and the original depressed senses will be weakened. , The feeling of the whole story will become different.

On the contrary, similar to this chapter of Dark Souls, it can continue forever because it has a theme: spreading fire.

What constitutes by the spread of fire is a sense of mission and honor, as well as a continuous characteristic.

When players are playing the game, even if they die countless times, they will not despair of this world, because the fire is in their hands, as long as the fire continues, humans can still continue.

"Well, we can continue to do that idea before." Senxia said.

"The undead and the one who spread the fire?"

Qianjia thought of what Senxia had said before to play games.

This is the soul of darkness.

Morika didn't say to give up this story, but to give it to Miyazaki Hidetaka.

As for Hidetaka Miyazaki, Chika also understands...No, it should be said that there is no one in animic who does not understand him.

Miyazaki Hidetaka is good at all kinds of routines and anti-routines. When doing Lelouch, he went through all kinds of difficulties, and everyone who had to try it out could not survive or die.

"Ah, for Mannin, the gameplay is all kinds of gentlemen, but if we are engaged in art, we have to take out some dry goods."

In Senxia's concept, a gentleman is art, and Qianjia thinks so too.

But it is a pity that among the public, there are not many people who hold this kind of thinking.

Animic is now a well-known game manufacturer, but there is only one series of games made by Morinka that is well-known, and that is the Crown of Sin. In addition, Morinka’s side, there is really nothing to be able to Demonstrable "artistic" works.

It is not a general gentleman-oriented story, nor is it a profitable commercial game, but a game that can have enough artistic quality, and more importantly, this artistic game cannot be a high-quality game, but a game that everyone can Accepted game.

Interactive movies may be considered artistic, but in terms of gameplay itself, that’s not good, and Monster Hunter is fun, but this kind of story, who is accompanied by a deep dark and thought-provoking plot?

For the script of Mannin, if Mori Xialai continues to make magic changes, it will indeed be more artistic and more game-like.

But all of Mori's current thinking is focused on how to perform gentleman p1ay. At this time, Mori Xia, she really seems a little weak...

Can you still change the Fate series to the Black Soul series? Just talk about this kind of thing... Huh? It seems to be quite interesting...

Morinia felt that it seemed fun to do so.

Based on Dark Souls, a series of Dark Souls series games are then made.

This kind of thing is the same as the Wushuang series.

Guangrong, an unscrupulous company, once produced a "Dynasty Warriors" series.

Later, based on Dynasty Warriors, they introduced various fancy Wushuang, what Sengoku Wushuang, what Pirate Wushuang, what Gundam Wushuang...

In the future, this Wushuang series, nicknamed the "Mowing Game", will still have a place in the game industry.

Since there can be "Wushuang Series", why can't there be "Soul Series"?

What is the soul of FaTe, what is the soul of forbearance? Anyway, if you look at it this way, it seems to sound like a feeling.

Of course, the story of the Wushuang series itself is not the most important part, so there is no problem with this. But for Morinia, if you want to do Dark Soul, then other series, although this mode can be applied, but called **** Soul is obviously not good.

Morinka also thought of a lot of games where art and gameplay coexist.

For example, in the Witcher series that once slaughtered the list, the connection and interaction between the world and people, the bad results that players wish to do well, and those sad and deep stories. All are very attractive.

But how to put it, the Dark Souls, the production is okay, but to make the kind of open world game with the performance of ps2... well, let's wait for the appearance of ps3.

"Sinxia-kun, you seem to like this dark soul very much?" Qian Jiaxian, Senxia seemed to be very concerned about this undead, this spreading fire, this fireproof girl, or something.

"Well, indeed, but in fact, the idea in my mind is not just this, but in my ideas, only this idea is the best realization. For other ideas, based on current technology and computer performance, it is probably Not enough."

Senxia shook her head.

Of course he wants to make good works, but many works now have insufficient computer performance, so they cannot be produced.

Morinka likes a lot of interesting games. In terms of heroines and costumes alone, the game of Sword Spirit is actually very good. The greasy senior sister... In addition, there are also the Elder Scrolls, although the current Elder Scrolls 3 is about to be released. , But the Elder Scrolls in Senxia's mind are like the fifth generation.

Besides, is there any graphics card, it's games like Crysis.

However, many of these games are visually oriented. If the audience and players cannot be satisfied visually, it is a failure.

Dark Souls, strictly speaking, is not a visual-oriented game, but a game-oriented and story-oriented game.

Real players know that if you don’t read the story, the Dark Souls can also be able to pass the level. However, players who have seen the plot and have a detailed understanding of the history behind each item in the game will Knowing that the world of Dark Souls is actually as exquisite as a movie script.

In this world, not only is the background story, but the characters in the game are also thought-provoking. In a generation, the onion knight who became the undead looking for his daughter, eventually became a living corpse. Killed by his daughter; or among the three generations, the knight who also wears the "Onion Knight" suit and then kills the enemy with the player.

Learn_to_praise_the_sun, 1ong_may_the_sunshine.

-Praise the sun.

It's not some old Ju's justice flying knife, but the touching lines in the plot.

……Well, some old Ju and some Google contributed to the promotion of this game.

Let us praise the sun~

Morinka, a gentleman's brain, decided to throw the pot to Hidetaka Miyazaki after realizing that he was out of shape.

"We will make the Dark Soul first, and then, according to the situation, we will make various similar works of the Soul series."

The Dark Soul itself has similar works, and they are also very successful, such as the blood curse and the story that the moon knight with long jaw has to tell...

The Bloodborne Curse is also a good game. Morinia feels that after the Black Soul succeeds, he can also make a game similar to the Bloodborne Curse.

At that time, it is not too interesting to see players being pitted all the way.

Oh, by the way, this series can also be connected to the Internet for games. After the Internet, players can reserve information in the game. Some are helpful, and some are deliberately cheating. This kind of thing is sometimes very popular.

At that time, I saw players being pitted in various ways in the game... because of blowing silk.

Ah, by the way, since this is a "love development" game, various female characters must be attacked. This is a must-have. If there is anything unsatisfactory in the original work, Morinka feels that these Women feel that they are not satisfied with it.

Why is such a cute sister paper, the result is a tragic ending!


Well, tragedy is a part of the story. Don’t play if you are upset, but Morinia feels that adding a hidden favorability system or something can actually have...

"...So what have you been laughing at?"

Senxia smirked around here for a long time, while Qianjia over there just rolled her eyes.

"Cough cough," Senxia coughed twice, then rubbed her cheeks to restore herself to normal, "I think we can make this game at all, no problem."

"So what are you happy about?" Qianjia shook her head.

When I think of players being scammed, I feel happy. I used to be scammed, but now I’m going to get scammed. This feeling...It’s really pleasant!

"Well," Qianjia stopped discussing this issue. She looked at the sketches in Senxia's hands. "I think your personal settings are very good. These settings...well, I expropriated them all."


Senxia was shocked.

"I said, I requisitioned all of them. These character settings are very interesting and very good. I think that in the future, animic and over there can be used."

Yes, while smirking at Morinya, Qianjia has read all Morinya's character settings.

It's not just the part that Morinatsu selected for the devil, but all of it.

These things are Morinia's character memos, which contain many excellent characters and character settings, such as the character costumes and character settings of a certain boundary line before. Of course, although it is set, the style of painting is different. Morinha does it completely according to her own style and preferences. Even if compared with the original work, there is actually a certain amount of difference.

"But those—"

Senxia opened his mouth, but he thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't think of any rebuttal plan.

"--These are very good?" Qianjia tilted his head, "I think these collections of your paintings are very good, even if Ji Ye sees them, he will praise you."

Of course, Senxia's painting skills and design are no better than the real tentacles of the gods in this world, Mr. Frog Sergeant, but as far as Senxia's drawings and the characters themselves are concerned, they are all at the upper level.

"But this is all for my contact." Senxia said.

"So there is no problem, right? Such a cute character, I think it's awesome~" Qian Jia took out a picture.

...Well, it's Asuna.

There is no Sao Sword Art Online in this world, and Asuna, also known as Ben Zina, is still immersed in darkness at this time.

"This is not bad too! But why is she strapped to a boat?"

This is my wife!

Morinya closed her mouth and said nothing.

What Qianjia took out was a picture of the ship's mother...well, Mrs. Lexington from a certain ship R.

"This is good too."

This is Kashima...

"Huh? These two are also very good, but why are they drawn together?"

The reason why they are drawn together is because these two are both Shimakaze, but one is ship C and the other is ship R...

"Eh, eh, why is there a cute rabbit? This is a five-star red star? Senxia-kun, are you also interested in rabbits?"

Ahem... This is the rabbit...

"...Eh? Why is there a rabbit here?"

This is Mi Rabbit, Xiaomi's...

" Morinka decided not to let Qianjia talk anymore. Many of these things are shameless. Besides, if the original author produces these new works, Morinka will be embarrassed here. If Qianjia saw him again, maybe something strange would happen.

Although in some plots of plagiarism that plagiarized the original author, Senxia is still not so shameless. After this kind of setting collided with each other, Senxia can only have a capitalized embarrassment.

After all, Morika is a gentleman, but not a pure businessman.

"Let's talk about that at that time, let's continue to talk about the game. I think the game of Dark Souls, we can launch it with PS2." Senxia said.

"Sure enough, ps2? How about dc?" Qianjia looked at Senxia.

"For dc, it depends on the situation. If the status of dc after the game is launched, it can be launched."

As for what will happen to DC in the future, Senxia feels that it is still open for discussion. Now that Senxia said this, it is just a postponement. It will take less than a year for this game to be made. By then DC will probably be swept into history. Went inside the garbage dump.

"Okay." Qianjia nodded.

"Well, in that case, I'll tell Miyazaki Hidetaka later." Morinka smiled.

"Well, but you are also good for Mannin. I think it can be produced at the same time. I will take a look at these settings first."



Since I don't want to look at Mannin, I'll just write it.

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