Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 841: Who is the actor?

When Senxia returned home, he found that Qianjia and Lihua were unpacking the package.

After finishing the introduction with Chao Yan, Morinya returned home. When he was still immersed in the mood of "defeat the scumbag", he saw these two people doing strange things here.

"...What is this for?"

Senxia looked at the two strangely.

"Reference clothing."

While Qianjia was talking, she had already opened the package, and Senxia followed him and found that all these clothes were nurse uniforms.

Moreover, it looks familiar.

"The uniform of the Santa Juliana Hospital?"

As a senior gentleman, Moriha, at this time, she could tell at a glance that this thing was, and this thing was the uniform of St. Juliana's Hospital.

Well, that's the uniform of the hospital where the ward of Yeqin is located.

"Of course, after the settings and script outline over there, I will let someone do it." Qianjia said with a smile, "Everyone has a set, I have decided, and after the work comes out, let Everyone wears this uniform together. Well, it's called ani fan uniform week."

The result is not to wear it for a day, but for a week!

But it seems to be very emotional. Once you enter the ani fan club and look up, it is all cute girls wearing the uniforms of the Santa Juliana Hospital. This seems to be a very good thing.

The thought of everyone wearing such costumes and shouting "Master" is quite interesting.

While she was talking, Qian Jia had already taken out a nurse's uniform, and then began to change clothes.

This dress is very good-looking. In fact, as long as it fits the body, most of the clothes are good-looking.

The reason why the performance of many clothes in the real world is so different from that in animation. A large part of the relationship lies in the clothes in the real world. Few can completely fit the body shape, and there are few people in the real world in animation. My sister paper is so outstanding.

But Qian Jia's set is obviously different.

Qianjia did not change into a nurse's uniform at the beginning. After taking off her clothes, she first picked up a pair of white stockings. She gently put the stockings on her lap, and then slowly Pull up slowly.

Qianjia's movements are very gentle, and the white silk stockings are like white and smooth milk, covering Qianjia's body.

White silk is always very comfortable. Just wearing it on the body can make people feel warm. Of course, this kind of stockings also has great requirements for the wearer, but Qianjia’s legs are very good. , With a slightly transparent white silk, made Qianjia's legs almost possess magical power.

Just looking at these legs will make people feel like they want to lick.

Qianjia had just put on the stockings here, and saw Senxia's somewhat straightforward gaze. She lifted her foot and stretched it out in front of Senxia. The toes wrapped in silk stockings were looming under the light: "Sen Xia Jun, are you looking at my feet, do you want to be ravaged?"

"Ahem..." Senxia finally recovered at this time. He admitted that he was indeed attracted by the opponent's feet, but he didn't want to be stepped on: "I'm just strange, why are you wearing silk stockings first."

"Isn't this common sense, and the skirt is so tight, after putting it on, it won't be easy to handle." Qianjia shrugged.


Senxia was complaining here, Qianjia over there put on the nurse uniform over there.

This nurse's uniform is indeed the costume of the Santa Juliana Hospital, and the skirt is very tight, like a one-step skirt. The skirt is also very short, and the absolute area between the stockings and the skirt is so generously exposed.

The skirt is very short, and the curve is fully revealed. Morinya realized that it is not so easy to bend down after wearing this dress. Not to mention the inconvenience of the movement. This dress , As long as you bow your head and bend over, I am afraid it will be gone immediately...

"Can this thing be worn out?!"

Senxia was shocked.

"This, this is used when filming a live-action drama. The body worn for everyone is easier to move than this." Qianjia said naturally.

"Huh?" Senxia looked dumbfounded, "Are we going to make a live-action version now?"

"Of course!" Qianjia said naturally, "It will be done before December, and then the 3D version will be ready."

I don't know that chai rice is expensive if I'm not in charge. If I didn't do it now, there would be no time.

Morinka put forward an idea here, but ani fans and dw clubs need to communicate with fan nk clubs, and then make them in advance.

"...So, Senxia-kun, you still have a broken picture. This kind of thing should have been planned long ago." Qianjia looked at Senxia.

Well, what Qianjia said is very reasonable, but why do you feel a little uncomfortable when you hear Qianjia's common lines?

"Hey, yes, who are our protagonists? Just choose the candidates?" Morinya remembers that Qianjia was responsible for the selection part, but now she doesn't seem to know who should play whom.

Besides...this kind of script that a gentleman can't actually act in, after being filmed, will anyone really take it?

"Of course there is!" Qianjia said while looking at Morinya.


Senxia also looked at Qianjia.

After the visit, he realized that Qianjia had changed the nurse's uniform, while Lihua was changing.

"Could it be..."

Morika pointed to Qianjia, and the latter nodded.

"Yukino is Nanase Koi, I am Iori Yuu, Lihua is Kazama]"

Ai Kazama and Iori Yuu are not the characters in the night work ward game, but the characters in the Gaiden ova, an animation produced by Akira Supervising Qingqing.

Morinka doesn't know what vest Supervisor Huang Huang uses now, but this does not prevent Morinka from using these two roles here.

After all, it is not a very suitable thing to completely reproduce the script. So in this regard, Morinka has another idea, which is to simply make an original version.

In this version, Senxia suddenly opened up his mind and prepared to use the characters in the original ova as the characters needed for the work.

"Huh? You? Huh? Huh?" Senxia's head didn't react.

"That's right." Qianjia looked at Morika with a smile, "Moreover, Morika-kun, you are the leading actor~"


Before Senxia could figure out what was going on, Qianjia had already gently pushed Senxia down, and Senxia fell onto the sofa. Then, Qianjia straddled Senxia.

The skirt was too tight, so when Qianjia straddled Morika, the skirt had already slipped on top.

Indeed, this costume gives people a very subtle feeling. If it is the "uniform" in the game, it is really not bad.

Qian Jia sat on her body like this, because the skirt was slippery, so everything in the skirt could be seen...

The two of them faced each other in this way, and their breaths fell on each other's faces like this.


Suddenly, Qianjia blushed, and Senxia's expression became strange.


Qian Jia walked away from Senxia, ​​her face flushed.

She lowered the hem of the skirt, and then rubbed her legs involuntarily, and then said, "Well, it's a little too close. If you change to garter stockings, it should be better. The clothes inside are the best. The matching is changed to pink..."

After spitting out things like this, Qian Jia sorted out the clothes, then bent down, ready to pick up all the clothes, but for this reason, when Qian Jia bends down, things that shouldn't be exposed, this time she It was accidentally exposed again.

"Ahem..." Senxia was a little embarrassed, he clamped his leg, and then curled up a little.

"Um..." Qian Jia also found something wrong at this time.

She stood up immediately, then changed to a squatting position.

Although the skirt is short, but after adopting a squatting position, it still won't go out.


But at this time, Lihua also changed her clothes. She turned her head and saw the a little embarrassing Morinia and Qianjia here.

Lihua was a little inexplicable: "You...what's the matter?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Qianjia waved her hand, "Also, Lihua, if you contact over there, you will say to change the stockings to suspenders."

"Oh." Lihua nodded, then still bewildered.

At this moment, Senxia asked again: "By the way, why are we taking part in the shooting?"

"It's very simple, because we can't hire actors. At this time, of course only we can do it~" Qianjia returned to her usual appearance at this time.

"But is there really no problem?" Morinya asked again, "In this film, there are many plots that are the same as those in the Love East works, and there are many plots that are quite heavy..."

"Of course!" Qianjia replied naturally, "And, isn't this a very good welfare for us? Senxia-kun, even if you do the fake drama, you won't have any problems~"

"Even if you do a fake drama, even if you do something like that, I don't want to be seen..."

Morika's expression is very subtle.

A gentleman is one thing, but it would be too painful to say that I have been photographed here as a reference for everyone.

"It's okay, I will code." Qianjia said frankly, "Don't worry, Senxiajun."

"The problem is big!"

Senxia rolled her eyes.

This problem is so big that it can't be tolerated at all!

"Well," Qianjia changed his remarks, "Although he would do such things, I wouldn't show this kind of things to other people. In fact, this kind of thing would not allow outsiders to shoot. Ah, sister Yi Ji has already said that there will be some new maids that can be filmed. When we are outside, we naturally make a version for others to refer to, but for ourselves, we will keep a real version. , I can commemorate everyone."

"Is there really no problem doing this?"

Senxia was a little ashamed of Qianjia's words.

In other words, there are three versions, one is a 3D animation version for everyone to see, one is a reference version for designers, and the other is a commemorative version for Mori and the others.

And what the fake drama is really doing...the fake drama is really doing...

Morinha's face turned red all at once.

It doesn't matter if you look at this kind of thing for the time being, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that you are really not ashamed or impatient.

Will I be overthrown, overthrown, or overthrown?

Senxia was thinking.

However, at that time I put the sort of thing down...Is it really no problem?

"Eh, wait, Xuena is also acting?!"

Morinka suddenly thought that Yukino seemed to be Nanase Love? !

Senxia suddenly thought of this serious matter.

Is it really no problem to be hungry like this...

Senxia felt the problem was serious.

"Yes," Morinya said, "Wait a minute, why does Yukino want to come too!"

"Xuno-chan is very interested in this matter~"

Qianjia's face was still flushed, and when she said this, she seemed to have a wonderful magical power, which made Senxia's heartbeat start to accelerate.

" there really no problem?"

Senxia decided to go to Xue Nao to ask.

"Of course, Xue Nai was extremely happy after stopping by the news," Qian Jia said.


Senxia is speechless for a Indeed, as Qianjia said, if Yukino really encounters this kind of thing, then it really is... well, really would be very happy?

Yukino would wear strange clothes every time, and then sneak into Morinka's room, and then let Morinka do something like this to herself.

This time, Yukino will definitely be very happy after hearing such news!

But after Morinya heard the news, she felt uncomfortable.

This kind of thing... is there really no problem?

Xue Nao is her own sister!

Although Nanase Koi is a "goddess", in the script, Nanase Koi's fate can be said to be very bad, and it is simply innocent to the extreme.

When Morinka made the 3D version here, for the stimulation of various senses, that kind of thing, this is really...very subtle.

This feeling made Morinya very tangled here.

After all, the thought of Yukino really playing such a role, Morinka feels that her heart hurts.

But on the other hand, when I think that "Goddess" is really played by a goddess, it feels like it is really good...

In addition to other words, if it is just the picture, Morinka feels that if Yukino is cast as Nanase Koi, the picture is really good.

But the bad is the story.

Although the plot is very good, if the plot party has a special taste, this is really...

"No, you can't let Xueno come, if Xueno must come...I will change the script!"

Senxia is not calm anymore.


Today’s update ~ a wave of explosions over the weekend~

The head office is already 90, Mu Ka Ka~



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