Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 815: Can this game be played?

"Can you still play games happily!"

The two notebooks, Yukino and Morinka, are placed next to each other. On the screens, they are all images of the game Brave New World.

But after playing for a while, Yukino finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The birthplace of Morinka and Xuena was in a village in Northland. The two brothers and sisters were adopted by distant relatives.

At the beginning, everyone had a good time.

Although it is a player brother and sister, but the rhythm of the plot can still keep up.

When Xue Na was mad, Senxia silently took out the previous text report file and looked at it.

Subsequently, Mori Xia copied these system records into the file.

These are very important things. According to Xue Nao, she will organize this experience into a "sweet life" for herself and her brother in a different world.

When Yukino was crazy, Morika shook his head, and then began to modify these contents. If Yukino didn’t plan to continue the game, Morinka, as "Yulia"’s older brother "Iren", would basically not be active. , Otherwise, it would be even more exciting for Yukino's current mood.

Senxia lowered her head, then looked at her text.

This is the content of the beginning of the script. Morinka’s description and Yukino’s description are somewhat different because of the different perspectives.

Morika’s version uses her own side as the main visual, and then supplements the content of Yukino’s side, and polishes it. Because some descriptive things have no literary content, Morika adds some modifiers a little, but because of the format It's fixed by itself, and it is not convenient for Morinia to make major changes.

In his sleep, Yilian opened his eyes, and his whole body was shaking because of a nightmare.


The little girl sleeping beside Yilian opened her eyes in a daze.

She has beautiful and pure long silver hair, and on her delicate and cute face, her big innocent black pearl-like eyes seem to be accusing Yilian of waking herself up.

"Ahem, Yulia, it's dawn, it's time to get up." Yilian jumped off the bed with some embarrassment.

This girl who has almost the same appearance as herself is Yilian's twin sister.

Yilian opened the window, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the hut, which was only a few square meters away.

"I'll sleep for a while..." The nine-year-old girl covered her head with a quilt and hid in her little world.

"Yulia!" Yilian walked over and opened the quilt directly.

"Woo..." The petite girl wailed, then curled up into a ball.

Yilian shook his head. Yulia is a good boy, but the bedridden problem cannot be corrected.

"Yulia, get up." Yilian called again.

Yulia closed her eyes and hugged the quilt tightly with her hands: "No, I blamed my brother for being in the way, so I didn't sleep well at all!"

"Huh?" When Yilian heard these words, the corners of his mouth curled slightly: "In other words, if you are alone, you can fall asleep?"

"Hmm!" Yulia nodded without hesitation.

Yilian pretended to say deeply: "That's right, Auntie told me before that when we are 10th birthday, we will clear out the attic and make a small room for us to sleep in separate rooms."


Yulia let out a scream, then quickly got up from the bed: "No! Never!" As she said, she put on her clothes in a panic.

"Auntie has already made a decision. This is a set matter." Yilian looked out the window with her chest, but Yuliya was left behind.

The parents of Yilian and Yulia passed away very early, and they are now the only relatives left, namely Uncle Joel and Aunt Effie. Probably for this reason, she was only nine years old, but Yulia was already very sensible now.

But in front of her own brother, this little girl occasionally acted like a baby...

Looking at the opening plot itself, this seems to be nothing.

After confirming the character and entering the world, in the opening, the system will first explain to the player the player's life experience and all the tasks around it.

However, because Yukino is also a player's relationship, this piece of content is actually obtained by Morinka based on the interaction, and the two sides continue to interact with the reaction options.

In the plot, Uncle Joel and Aunt Effie are guardians, while Yilian and Yulia are helping them with the office.

At the beginning, the whole story tells such a warm story between a brother and sister.

After introducing the plot, it is the part of novice teaching.

In the following plot, Aunt Effie took the two to practice swordsmanship. Such "practice" exists in the beginning of each player.

After the plot, the game officially begins.

At this time, according to the content selected by the player before, a small main line of the player will be determined.

The main line of Morinya's side was to participate in training until he was able to participate in the vigilante reserve, which was originally correct.

But not long after the plot progressed, a sudden incident occurred in this place. At this time, a group of Asathos’s followers appeared. These illegal organizations were lurking in the town where they belonged to Senxia, ​​only nine years old. Year-old Yilian and Xue Nao met the princess of North County because of this incident.

And at this time, the unfolding that Yukino hated most happened when the little princess of North County fell in love with Yilian at first sight, and then the relationship between the two children without guessing quickly heated up.

Even the other party directly took the "Ilian" controlled by Senxia to the castle.

In the castle, the little princess used various means to distract the "sister" controlled by Xue Na, and then tried every means to do this and that with Yilian.

Fortunately, there is Yukino next to Morinka, so every time he faces this little princess’s request, he chooses to refuse. What's cheating is that the more Morinka refuses, the higher the affection of the other party. Yukino was seeing After that, almost everyone's eyes widened.

If it's just that, it's actually fine.

But the crux of the problem is that things seem to be more than just this.

Not long afterwards, Yilian met another legion commander named the Oracles Legion. This legion commander was also a sister. Then, the two people got acquainted because of a systemic emergency.

After that, a more critical question emerged: This legion commander is... positive! too! control!

It's unbearable!

In the plot, this hateful legion commander, while still using Senxia for training, took advantage of Senxia's training, and then kept beating.

Of course, Morinya still chose to refuse with full integrity, but this instead made the opponent strengthen the offensive...

Yukino got angry and controlled his character to enter a magic city called "Ys" and then became a magic apprentice.

Morinka naturally followed Yukino at this time.

But what Xue Nai didn't expect was that her own "brother Yilian", who had no magic talent, was even favored by several of Xue Nao's classmates as a librarian.

Xue Nai took a lot of effort to guard Senxia to prevent those classmates from coming to find fault.

However, Xue Na is absolutely defensive. She never expected that the library itself is a big pit. The character chosen by Mori Xia triggered a book of magic at this time, and then was teleported to the reflection of a certain era in the past. Among them, to put it simply, Senxia had entered a single copy.

And in this single copy, there is also a great goddess Satya, but in this copy, this great goddess is an ignorant village girl. Before Senxia has started to tease her sister, the other party will love Sen. Summer is coming, and Yukino, who is outside the dungeon, can't stop it...

At this time, Xue Nao finally broke out.

"Can this game be played?"

Obviously it's me first, whether you have a brother or the first to start a relationship, you fishy cats, why do you want to take my brother away!

This game cannot be played!

In the game, these np characters just think about pushing Morinatsu back, and even their own responsibilities are gone. The Yukino next to this scene is almost intolerable.

Enough of you guys!

The goddess is just like a goddess! The commander of the legion obediently let me manage the army! Students should study hard! The princess should find a right prince!

You people, why are you always thinking about taking my brother away!

Yukino, who was still thinking about the world of two with Morika, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Big brother Ming Ming belongs to me, but why are everyone robbing my brother!"

Xue Nao wailed without image, this crazy appearance was almost "character collapsed".

Morinya opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

How to put it, this game was originally designed to satisfy players for doing things like this and that. At this time, players of course want to do this with more people.

Although it is not stated clearly, in the plot, in many places, the system will use a more gentleman's method to solve it.

"Oh, Yukino, is Senxia-kun going to be snatched away by a vixen from somewhere?" Qianjia had also finished soaking in the hot spring and came to the side. After hearing the wailing of Yukino, Qianjia came over.

"It's a game!" Morinya quickly clarified, "Because the character I chose is favored by many girls in the game, Yukino can't stand it anymore."

"Huh?" After hearing this, Qianjia seemed to be interested in it, "I'll take a look~"

She said that and came to the computer.

"It seems that you have such good luck in the game..." Qianjia sighed.

"That's not the case. This is the game's mechanism setting. Players will always have various relationships with the opposite sex. As long as you don't choose strange options, it's normal to meet a girl."

Because this is a mechanism in the game, who doesn't like being welcomed by girls?

Of course, there are also people with special interests.

On the forum, some tauren enthusiasts said that they want to make some special settings, for example, make yourself shorter and make it easier for wives and girlfriends to change their minds... For such players, Mori I really want to ask them: Do you lack an agent?

Well, remove these players with special needs. Many other players basically don’t reject sister paper. As a gentleman game, whether you play a boy or a girl, if you are a gentleman, you will definitely want yourself. Are you looking around by sisters?

Based on this setting, in the game plot, the system will arrange various random events for players and various characters.

These random events are arranged and combined in the system, according to the character and experience of the character, and then there is a series of system parameter selection, and finally combined into the script that the player sees.

In addition to random scripts, in the game, some special characters also have specific scripts, some are arranged by the system, and some may be that a player likes a certain character very much, and then relies on love, and then makes his own from.

Of course, the latter is almost non-existent now, because the game has just started and it is still in beta. Although someone has submitted a plot, the review has not yet passed No! I must write a plot so that my brother can only be mine, and my brother's virginity is guarded by me! "

Xue Nai suddenly became excited.

"On this point, I think it would be better for us to relax a little bit..."

God knows what kind of strange plot Yukino wants to write at this time, but in order to prevent Yukino from writing strange things, Morinka feels that it is necessary to stop Yukino at this time.

"Huh? Don't brother find it interesting?"

Xue Nao looked puzzled.

"Ahem, what Yukino wrote is of course very good, but it's better not to get it for this kind of more gentleman's stuff."

Morinka knew that Yukino's writing style was good, but Morinka just didn't want Yukino to touch this kind of gentleman's stuff... Although what Yukino wrote was really interesting.

However, Yukino now has such a mentality, Morinka extremely believes that if she waits for her to write the script, her role will definitely face a very miserable situation...

"Just take the liberty to ask, Xue Na, what kind of plot do you want to write?"

Senxia asked weakly.

"In this world, there are a group of people who pay great attention to chastity, not only girls, but also boys..." Yukino's expression was serious and serious, "So, I want to make a setting. Lock it to prevent those weird women from taking the boy's chastity away... and the key must be in the hands of the boy's closest person..."


Morinha's face became very subtle...


This chapter talks a lot about...

Today’s update...

Three foxes at all! ! ! !

qaq (To be continued.)

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