Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 454: There is a young man

Although the weather was still a bit cooler, by March, the winter's cold breath had completely disappeared. [Read the latest chapters..]

After a routine morning exercise, Morinatsu and Qianjia came to the animic club. After taking care of the official business, they took advantage of some time in the morning and sat leisurely in the white bear cafe.

After entering March, there are more people in the cafe. This is probably because the spring season has arrived.

Today is the cheongsam theme day of the cafe, so at this time, the maids in the cafe are all wearing cheongsam today.

"I really don't know why the Japanese associate cheongsam and bun head together..."

During a rare break, Senxia was sitting on her seat, watching the cheongsam girls who walked by one by one making comments.

There is one thing Senxia is puzzled, that is, the Japanese always like to associate the cheongsam with the bun head, and I don't know why.

No, think about it carefully, it seems that the bun head is not connected with the cheongsam, but the bun head is connected with the people of the celestial dynasty...

In fact, Moriha found that the image of the Heavenly Dynasty seemed strange all over the world.

No matter how you look at it, it can only be said to be force majeure.

There is no alternative.

"I think this hairstyle is very cute." Senior Sister Qianjia was holding a cup of lemon tea and admiring these lovely girls with Senxia.

In addition to rest, Morinatsu and Chika actually took advantage of the rest time to collect materials.

As a gentleman, it is necessary to obtain materials.

Of course, this is definitely not the kind of dishonorable thing like a certain white-haired lecherous fairy holding a telescope and peeking at the sister's paper bath.

As a gentleman, even if you want to be dirty, you have to be dirty.

For example, now, when girls wearing short cheongsams are shuttled back and forth in the cafe, Mori can imagine that the girls are actually wearing things similar to Mr. Kok, and the remote control is on her... …

"Although the hair is strange, I give praise to the clothes and atmosphere."

Senxia looked at the girls passing by. Can not help but nodded.

The cheongsams on the girls are not of the same color and style. On the contrary, these cheongsams all have their own flavors, such as white, black, purple and so on.

Morika set her eyes on Erika who was enjoying herself not far away.

Erika wore a red and white cheongsam. As well as garter socks, these improved cheongsams are probably only miniskirts. The white thighs from the garter socks to the bottom of the skirt are exposed, plus the existence of the garter as a monk. So there is a sense of existence. Many of the eyes of the people around you are focused on this area. The lethality of the absolute domain is extremely powerful.

In Senxia's view, this cheongsam can be strengthened, such as changing the back into a backless style, and then opening a d on the chest to expose the career line. This is definitely the perfect choice.

however. When Erika turned her head, the interest that Morika had just mentioned collapsed in an instant.

Chika also followed Morinatsu's gaze, and then she also saw Erika on the other side and the desperate breast.

"This is the East African prairie, it's completely hopeless." Senxia shook her head with emotion.

"Does Senxia-kun have an opinion on flat chests?" Qianjia said, and looked down at her capacity.

"No, I'm just a little surprised. Our squad leader seems to have not made any progress this year. Is this really no problem?"

This kind of flat chest has reached the abnormal bottom. Even men might not be so flat, because in addition to fat, there are tissues such as muscle r in the chest, Moriha discovered. Perhaps even the fool at the back of him, Tong Gu Xiao, can be said to be more chested than the squad leader, such a desperate airport, really has nothing to think about.

"The poor man is also cute!" Qian Jia shook his head, "If there is no poor man in a work. What should I do!"

"No, no, senpai, the real world doesn't need that kind of thing at all, and if Erika hears your words, she will definitely be very sad." Morika shook her head.

"In fact, it’s not good if it’s too big. I have a hard time running every day. After running, my chest hurts so much. Later I put on a sports bra to feel more comfortable." Qianjia doesn’t care about this. "To be honest, I also want to experience this kind of'relaxed' feeling."

"..." Senxia looked at Qian Jia with contempt, "Senior sister, you are showing off, you must be showing off!"

"I'm telling the truth." Qianjia said, "Moreover, I think Mori-kun, if you care about your **** so much, really makes Erika feel sad."

After saying this, Qianjia glanced at Erika in the distance, then turned back, and looked at Morika's chest again. She sighed.

"The foreword is withdrawn." Qianjia said with pity and sympathy, "Eri Xiangjiang, it's so pathetic..."

"Senior, you seem to be thinking about something very rude." Senxia complained in a strange tone.

"Ahem, absolutely not!" Qianjia waved her hand.

At this time of recording, a young man walked in from the outside and happened to sit on the table next to Senxia and Qianjia.

Although Morinia and Qianjia still wanted to continue arguing and vomiting, because there were more people, they converged.

Morinka also noticed the person next to him. The other person looked quite young, with hair about the same length as Morinka, but I don’t know why, this hairstyle on the young man’s head seemed to reflect a sense of harmony. Xia feels completely different.

After the other party sat in the seat, he opened his notebook, and then pulled a thread from under the table to start it. In the off-season, Baixiong Café, like other cafes, provides this kind of service. . Of course, it doesn't work when there are a lot of people. You are queuing up, but others are enjoying yourself. This is simply an upsetting thing.

"Sure enough, the face shape is different. Hairstyle alone cannot make up for it. The real world is so cruel." Qianjia sighed.

"No, no, no, if the real world is the same as in the animation, if you change the hairstyle and change the gender and character, it will be bad!" If the face shape is the same, the world must be over!

Qianjia didn't talk about this issue for a long time. Both closed their eyes, and then sat on their seats leisurely, feeling the faint sunlight outside the window.

The light of spring is very refreshing on people, and the whole person seems to melt.

However, Morinya noticed the sound of typing on the keyboard next door.

Senxia opened her eyes, then glanced curiously at the opposite screen.

The display effect of the portable computer in this era is very bad, and Mori summer can barely see what is on the other party's screen.


After Qianjia heard it, she also opened her eyes: "Our forum?!"

Having said this, she immediately got up, and then leaned forward.

"Hey, senior sister, you are so rude!"

Senxia couldn't help shouting.

But it was too late, because when Qianjia noticed that the other party was really wandering around at her station, she immediately went over and said hello: "Hello, gentleman, are you visiting our animic forum?"

The young man was a little surprised, he turned his head, and then looked at Qianjia.

Probably because there was a sister on the other side, the young man was not angry, but smiled: "Yes...wait a minute, you just said ‘we’, are you members of the animic club?"

Qianjia nodded immediately: "Hi, that's right, this place is made by me and Senxia Jun!"

While talking, Qianjia pulled Senxia over.

"Well, it's impolite to come over suddenly!" Senxia apologized for Qianjia. When raising her head, Morinka glanced at the other party's screen by the way. The id of "ひろゆき" was displayed on it. This person seemed to be preparing to post.

"Senxia...could it be Teacher Xia Sen?!" The young man immediately understood.

"Uh, hi." Senxia nodded.

Originally the young man's attention was on Qianjia, but after knowing that Senxia was "Ms. Xia Sen", he turned his attention to Senxia.

"The Witch's House is really a good game, Teacher Xia Sen, I really like it!"

It turned out to be a senior housemate.

"Oh, thank you, it's great that you can like my story." Senxia smiled.

"Then this is Teacher Xia Xue?" He looked at Qian Jia again, "The two are really good matches."

"Sorry, Teacher Xia Xue is this guy's sister, I'm not." Qianjia pointed to Morinia next to him, "But when you see Morinia, you can basically imagine his sister's appearance, both of them. It’s almost exactly the same."

"Oh, sorry." The young man bowed to the two embarrassedly. "But I am really happy to see both of you here."

" If you want to see us, it's actually very simple, because our club is upstairs." Senxia pointed her finger up.

The young man was shocked: "This is the case. I have been here many times, but I haven't noticed this!"

This young man seems to still come to the White Bear Cafe often.

But it's right to think about it. Once this person came over, he sat down in a familiar way, then turned on the computer, and saw that other customers looked like Brother Pig, and this one was good, and he took out his notebook directly.

"Because we have our own box on the third floor." Qian Jia explained.

"So that's it." The young man nodded, and he seemed to think of something again, "By the way, it's really rude, I don't seem to say my name yet. At Hiroyuki Shimonixura, please advise."


First today!

Go on codewords! (To be continued.)



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