Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 448: The 3 realms of house and gentleman

Lihua sat solemnly on the coffee table in front of the TV, and then looked directly at the picture on the TV seriously. ∷, x.

And what was broadcast on TV was Eva's first story.

However, after seeing Lihua, Senxia's face showed an embarrassing expression.

How should I say it, Morinka has never seen anyone watching an animation so seriously.

Jixiangyuan Lihua sat down on her knees, her back straight, her eyes straight ahead.

Her appearance is completely different from those who watch TV purely for relaxation. She feels like a good child who is listening carefully.

"Talent!" After the initial shock, Senxia sighed with emotion.

This is the talent to watch Fan!

Senxia was amazed.

People who can watch Fan so seriously are definitely good people! No, it must be a gentleman or a potential gentleman!

As a gentleman, Morinya believed in this.

"Sinxia-kun, what's the matter?" Lihua noticed Senxia behind, so she turned her head back.

Hearing Lihua’s voice, Morinka also reacted. He smiled embarrassedly, and then handed the croquette which was still warm to Qianjia: "That, this is the coke I got when I went to the shopping street. Pancake, Yukino and the others have just started cooking, why not eat some of this!"

"Thank you."

Qianjia nodded politely, and then took the croquette from Senxia.

She pulled her hair to one side, and then took a light bite of the croquette in her hand.


Qianjia's eyes immediately lit up: "It tastes very good!"

"This is Granny Asahi's secret croquette!" Morika smiled, "Everyone in the shopping street likes it."

"...A shopping street?" Lihua noticed some subtle things in Morinha's words.

"Well, the Deshan Shopping Street nearby, do you want to see the president?" Senxia invited Lihua.

"Ah, this guy is probably just curious about what a shopping street looks like. This kind of lady probably has never been to a shopping street or the like!"

Qianjia didn't know when he got here from the kitchen.

"Who said that. I've been to the shopping street!" Lihua argued, "I am not an ignorant girl from the country!"

"Well, who knows. Maybe those eldest ladies are just stuffed buns who have never used a mobile phone before going to McDonald's!" Qianjia said with a joke.

Damn it, although I know that senior sister you are joking, but you... God prophesied!

Senxia silently complained in her heart.

Outside. There is really a teaser who portrays the eldest as a local girl. Once accepted the setting that the eldest is isolated from the world, it seems quite interesting.

"Where is there such a big one, Qianjia, you are one of them!" Lihua countered!

She stared at Qianjia: "In terms of history and inheritance, the Jixiangyuan family and Qianyu family are similar!"

Unlike many places, the upper class in Japan is relatively solidified. Both the Kichijoin family and the Chiba family have been passed down for a long time. Similar to Qianjia's house, it used to be the samurai's family, and the servants of her house, placed in the past, were her retainers, and they were still the kind that served their family for generations.

As for Jixiangyuan's family, Senxia did not understand their situation, but Senxia also knew that Lihua's father was a successful multinational businessman. If there is no accident, other relatives in her family or something. There should be something that remains influential in politics or elsewhere.

The class consolidation in Japan is even higher than that in the United States and Europe.

Qianjin Ai didn't say much. After she took some things, she returned to the kitchen.

"...President Lihua, you will probably stay here these few days?" Senxia asked curiously.

President Lihua's face flushed slightly, and then she nodded gently: "Qianjia has already told my family about this matter, so I can only disturb you, Senxia."

"No. It doesn't matter, and if President Lihua can live here, both Yukino and I will be very happy." Morinka smiled, "By the way, if the president you want to go to the shopping street. I can take it. You go together."

Speaking of this, Senxia thought of what he had said before, so she smiled and said: "After that, I am going to buy a bicycle, and then I can take the chairman with me."

Lihua shook her head: "No, it is illegal to carry people on bicycles, and it is also very unsafe, Senxiajun, you must not do this kind of thing!"

After hearing what Senxia said, Lihua immediately thought of a very important question.

"Ah...I'm sorry." Senxia was a little embarrassed. She was misled by Qianjia and Xueno. As a result, she was amusedly ignored at this time.

Senxia also sat down at this time, then picked up her croquette and took a light bite.

"It feels really good."

Morinka loves the taste of this deep-fried chicken. If it can be used with cola or other carbonated drinks, it will have a very refreshing feeling.

Thinking of this, Senxia seemed to understand why Qianjia liked eating junk food so much.

Of course, liking is just liking. There are so many things that Senxia likes to eat, shredded pork with green pepper, or the more rustic name of "chili fried pork", this is one of Senxia's favorite things to eat.

"...President, you are really serious." Senxia looked at Lihua again.

"Huh?" Lihua turned her head and looked at Senxia with puzzled eyes.

Senxia looked at Lihua. She was sitting there, holding croquette in both hands. If she changed to Qianjia, she would definitely lie on the bed at this time, and then hold the pillow in one hand and croquette in the other. , And then watch TV comfortably, and from time to time I will complain about the funny protagonist in the plot.

Thinking of this, Morinya chuckled slightly: "If you watch the drama, just relax a little bit. Although the serious attitude is also very good, if you just start, you can still watch the animation easily and happily."

There are three realms between the house and the gentleman. The first realm is to look at the mountains as mountains and see the water as water. At this time, the house and the gentleman are relaxed and happy when watching anime. Just because they like them, they will go after them. , I want to be a gentleman just because I like it; the second realm is to look at mountains not mountains, and water not water. In this realm, they will think about the content behind a work, the animations and fans they watch The play is not looking at the superficial things, but thinking about the deep meaning behind the work, what Miyazaki wants to express, what Mr. Kontos wants to convey, and what kind of psychological significance does the 45-degree angle of the new house have? At this time, the house and the gentleman will be as serious as they were in the third year of high school; when it comes to the third realm, it is to look at the mountains or the mountains, and the water or the water. In this realm, the house and the gentleman are no longer bound to the quality of the drama , Lifan concentrates on masturbation, meat fan for yy, passionate fan for burning himself, and Hei Shenmai for thinking about life. It's nothing to complain about the protagonist of a funny comparison. They don't stick to foreign objects and will not force them to waste. Mengfan insists on the deep connotation, and will not be the protagonist who can't die in hot blood insults.

The fourth realm...what, three realms mentioned above? There are five of the four heavenly kings and 13 of the zodiac signs, this is common sense!

The fourth realm is the realm of the **** of delusion. You can forcibly fill the Lifan script in the dark and cruel drama, you can mess with the NTR in the pure love script, and you can make the teasing bigger than the brain. Heroes can even create exquisite fan works or even commercial original works. This is the most proficient state. As the gods of delusion in the fourth realm, they should have the super ability to be able to delusion when they see a sister. They love boundlessly, and they love boundlessly!

"No, I'm used to it. If I deliberately relax, I will feel even more tired. And this's quite comfortable."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Senxia noticed that Lihua seemed a little...blushing?

"That's it." Senxia subconsciously noticed Lihua's hands. Her fingers were slender and white, which seemed absolutely different from when she was wearing gloves.

"...Lihua, what do you think of Eva?" Senxia asked again.

"It feels pretty good. Animation is actually quite interesting. Although I see very few now, I guess it should be an interesting story." Lihua speculated. Although she has never seen eva, in Japan, she has heard more or less discussions about eva.

But Senxia seemed to understand a little too.

Lihua's anime...No, her understanding of the entire industry is almost zero.

Senxia ate the croquette, wiped her hands, and then curiously asked: "Have the president really never watched any animation before?"

"Hmm..." Lihua thought about it carefully, "When I was a child, I probably read it a bit, but the memory is very vague, but the content is not much... Oh, by the I remember before The one I've seen seems to be called Astro Boy!"

I don’t know why, Senxia suddenly felt that the story of the "country" noble lady that she had thought of before was not completely made up...

But Senxia also understands that Lihua is really the content of the fan drama, and then supplement the foundation of otaku culture and gentleman culture.

"It's almost time, I'm going to start dinner, I made something delicious!" At this time, Yukino, who had cooked the meal, came to this side and told Mori and Lihua to go to dinner.

"Yo Xi, President, let's eat first!" Senxia smiled at Lihua.

"Yeah." Lihua also nodded towards Senxia, ​​and then stood up...


That light is "I was kidnapped to a noble girls' school as a common citizen sample".

The first update today, because various things are a bit troublesome, so it is only updated now. (To be continued.)



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