Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 401: Asking you to set up the Flag indiscriminately, this will happen!

Senxia and the others can't control Sega's life and death. Qianjia has only one means and purpose, and that is to let Sega help them make games. 【Full text reading...】

After the game is finished, Sega has any ideas, that is Sega's business, but at that time, their game has been completed, Sega has no use value.

Well, it was originally like this.

But after meeting the other party, something unexpected happened.

"Sinxia-kun, the big thing is not good!"

Just a few days later, on Wednesday morning, something unexpected happened.

Just after the third class, Qianjia suddenly rushed to Senxia's class.


However, the students in Senxia's class seem to have become accustomed to this.

It was not just the first time that Senior Sister Qianjia broke into Senxia's class, and then she took away Senxia forcefully, but Senior Sister Qianjia was such a person, and it was hard for everyone to say anything.

In fact, although the school prohibits dating, but in fact, everyone is very interested in dating and other things. Seeing boys and girls together, although many times it will cause fff groups to resent, but they actually find it curious and interesting More people. This is probably also related to the school, because there is no way to fall in love, so everyone hopes that there is such a situation around them for themselves to observe up close.

"Uh, what's the matter?"

Senxia was pulled all the way to the corner of the corridor by Qianjia.

"Very important thing, my father called me before and informed me that Sega seems to have made up his mind." Qianjia looked at Senxia with solemn eyes.

"What determination did they make?" Senxia looked at Qianjia strangely.

"Of course it's a matter of working with us, the cooperation of "Guilty Crown"." Qianjia stared at Senxia firmly.

"Fuck, they have made up their minds?" Senxia was stunned, how quickly things happened?

"Well, it didn't happen so soon, but Sega seems to have its own plans, so on this matter. They intend to speed up. If there is no accident, our crime crown rpg will land on Sega's new The console platform. If they have this attitude...well, I guess they must now want our game to catch up with the first release." Qianjia is also speculating.

"No, I think they are planning to let us develop on PC first, and then see our effect, this kind of small game. They won't let us catch up with the first release." Mori Xia gave Qianjia's opinion. deny.

The dc platform Senxia feels that it is actually good, but I like people here, but it does not mean that they are certain. This is not Senxia arrogantly belittle himself, this is the objective law of the development of things.

"It's also possible." Qianjia nodded, "In fact, at the beginning, I was a little inclined to cooperate with Sony. After all, our Plants vs. Zombies are ready to be sold on Sony's ps platform."

If the animic community has the first close contact with a major company, it must be Sony. If you think about it this way, now that you and Sega are eyeing each other here, is this an empathy?

"Well, it doesn't matter to him, anyway, those big people in a small company like ours won't care." Senxia shrugged.

Whether it’s a cooperation with Sony or Sega, it’s the same for Morinka, because he knows deeply that the basic disk of the game is PC, and the basic disk of the gentleman game is also the gathering place for the majority of gentlemen, so at this time , Sony and Sega are actually indifferent... Well, only Nintendo can't. Because Nintendo is always black.

"That's right," Qianjia nodded, but then she looked at Morinka again, "but Sega’s actions also represent the change in our current action strategy, Morinka-kun. You can put away the rest of your work. I know you still have to write, but those saved manuscripts should be enough, right?"

Senxia is a writer from the Internet era. His codeword speed and imagination are very fast. It can even be said that it is okay to let Senxia write fast, but let him take it slowly, that is dying, so whether it is "Earth Defense Boy" or "Young Girl War", Morinka has a lot of manuscripts on hand, at least three or five volumes are no problem, and three or five volumes in Japan can support a year or two. Up.

"No problem." Senxia felt that there was no big problem with the work at hand, but why did Qianjia ask that?

"There is also Liuweizhai's part-time job. You can stop now. I will bring your lunch or something. I will contact your editor as your assistant. Anyway, Miss Takasu is also Know me." After saying this, Qianjia looked at Morinia, "So, Morinia-kun, you currently have only one task, and that is to finish writing the text of "The Crown of Sin" as quickly as you can. At the end of the month, we will complete the beta version first, and then in the summer, the full version will be on sale!"

&nbs? ! "

Senxia was scared, what the **** is this, there is such a hurry?

"That's just two million texts, Senxia-kun, I believe you can do it!"

Qianjia patted Morika on the shoulder.

"Wait, this is two million! Two million!" Senxia was dumbfounded, "Why are you in such a hurry!"

Senxia quit.

&nbame must be earlier than rpg anyway. This is our previous planning strategy. If Sega joins us, our rpg speed will definitely become very fast. At this time, this time, if we can’t rush here If progress is made, the previous layout can be said to be half abandoned. "Qianjia looked at Morinka with serious eyes, without the slightest joking attitude in it. Morinka knew that Qianjia had shown her enthusiasm. "Moreover, Kadokawa's all-star project has begun, although this is not ours. Kadokawa’s work, but Kadokawa might attract investment from our animic club, so our time is even less abundant. "

Time, what Qianjia and Senxia lack most now is time. Game development is cycled. Even with manpower, it is impossible for anyone to help Senxia write scripts together...

"Wait, two million words are too much. Although I think I should be able to complete it, it is still a very difficult thing for me, and the quality will definitely decline." Senxia made a negative opinion.

"What do you do then? It would be terrible if you can't keep up with the time!" Qianjia really felt that this was not enough.

"Isn't it okay for Lao Xu? The script on his side has been completed. More content is actually a gentleman script. These can be gradually improved after the game is released, so let Lao Xu come over. In addition, we have another one. Candidate, this person is actually very good." A golden light flashed before Mori's eyes, "We also have Nasu mushrooms."

"Eh...? Are they playing games?" Chika also knew Nasu, and they even knew Nasu a little longer than Mori.

"Yes, but they are just fan games. Our current situation should not lack funds. If possible, we can now find Nasu and let him join the script. For Nasu's writing, I think Chika Sister, you should be familiar with it too?"

Qianjia nodded when he heard Morinka's words. Nasu's writing style was very good. Qianjia couldn't deny this. If he let the other party write the script, it should be no worse than Morinka.

"I will complete the main line. Nasu and Lao Xu will improve the branch lines of other characters. I think there should be no problem with this." Morika said, "And Kate and Kiyobei ​​can also help us, Takeuchi also He can help draw cg, and his contacts in the industry are also great for us."

"But will they help us?" Qianjia was still a little worried.

"Let’s try, it’s impossible to say otherwise, and we are not letting them help in vain. We can pay commissions, or we can promise to help them play the game together." All work for the current goal, all other consequences Cost, all must be ranked second, with high prices, please help with the model, this is also a way.

"Well, I will contact them as soon as possible... By the way, since we are going to sell in advance, then the advertising strategy that was set before should also start to expand."

This is a major event related to the animic club. Although the class bell has rang at this time, the two of them did not return to the class, but continued to discuss.

"Well, there is no problem at this point. We can look at Ayana's results, and we can find a way to customize an environment of our own."

What Senxia said is a unique dsp authorization model of windows, which is similar to OEM, but it is also different. Roles like os mother are actually made by dsp agents. If you want to say, although the os mother is official, it can also be said that it is not official, because this is the support role of win, the personification image that Microsoft really made...Uh, it was actually the first role that Microsoft stayed in. It's also Japanese, Lan Zeguang or something, um, by the way, the tight-fitting combat suit of this character is great.

It is naturally impossible to finalize the matter so quickly, but because of the tight time, the two of them have temporarily set a strategy here, which is enough.

For more detailed matters, you have to wait to discuss it with everyone in the club.

"Hey, I'm going to rush the manuscript again." After saying goodbye to Qianjia and returning to class, Senxia sighed.


Does anyone remember the fg established before Morinka, 2333

The mascot of the Spring Festival Gala...I don't know if it is an illusion, I thought of scp173...

&nbs, please subscribe to qaq (to be continued.)



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