Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 398: Don’t get me wrong, I’m not targeting Sega’s one of you

It was sunny on Sunday, January 18, 1998.

Today is the weekend. Originally, according to the predetermined plan, Morinia should go to Liuweizhai to work, but there are a few exceptions today, because Qianjia's father wants to see Morinia.

No, to be precise, it is not to meet Morinatsu, but to negotiate with the club.

Uh, this is not entirely correct. It is more correct. In fact, this matter is also related to Sega.

At least, when Morinka and Chika went to Chiyoda District in Tokyo to find Chiba Masao today, they saw someone from Sega here.

Not only Sega’s people, but also some people from Kadokawa at this time, well, but it seems that this place is originally from Kadokawa.

"The idea of ​​Kadokawa's All-Stars was brought up by these two."

Kadokawa’s people and Sega’s people are discussing matters related to Kadokawa’s All-Stars. After Morinka and Chika came in, Chika’s father easily introduced them to each other.

Sega also came from two people, one was a young man with glasses, and the other was a typical Japanese bald middle-aged man with a fat belly.

"Did you bring everything here?" Father Qian Jia asked again after saying hello.


"Hi." Qianjia nodded, and then took out the prepared plan from her bag.

This is the project draft of "Kadokawa All-Stars" that Mori and Chika produced overnight.

Kadokawa originally made this thing, and Moriha and the others had nothing to intervene, but Father Qianjia gave the matter to the two for good reasons, because the game itself was what they thought of. .

Although in Senxia's view, this is Chi Guoguo's back door.

A total of several copies of the business plan were copied, and Qianjia distributed these business plans to Dad Qianjia and Sega together.

That level of picture quality is difficult to achieve, but simply, the technical level of this year is enough. Starcraft is the benchmark.

"It's very interesting." Sega nodded after seeing this game.

At this time, Father Qianjia also said: "Games similar to Smash Bros. and the King of Fighters have already been done. I heard that Nintendo’s all-stars are also fighting, so our all-stars made by Kadokawa don’t want to be the same as them. A novel game mode, I think I can try."

Hearing what Qianjia said, the two of Sega also nodded. They naturally saw that this game mode was revolutionary. But being unpopular, that's another story, and this fighting mode doesn't seem to be popular in Japan.

But it doesn't matter, because the goal of Qianjia's father is to "release to the Omi area, as a supplement to Kadokawa's promotional strategy, as long as the game itself does not lose money."

It is precisely because of this minimum strategy that Sega will come over now to discuss the game together.

"Five-to-five battles through the Internet, and worldwide confrontations through the Internet..." The young man with glasses seemed to find this model very attractive.

Not only is it a combat mode, but a video mode can also be provided in the game. The game process will generate a video of the game. This kind of file can be watched as long as it is put into the game and loaded. This kind of special file is very small, and it is very convenient to review and spread.

of course. This is what Senxia copied from the Warcraft 3 video, and a game video is only a few hundred kb.

"But why use it for development?" The middle-aged person cares about another aspect. "Our Sega is developing a new game console, and it will be announced next month. I think the performance is enough. Yes, the game should be on a professional game platform to be interesting."

Well, the Japanese are very strange. Even online games, they stubbornly believe that it should be placed on the host, the Phantasy Star ol above is a clear proof of this.

But Senxia strongly opposes this suggestion: "I think something is wrong. The host does not have a network system and has a natural advantage on the network, which is unmatched by the host system."

"Our new generation system is a 128-bit system, and will also design a network system, which is not a problem for the Internet." The middle-aged man said, "Even the mouse and keyboard, we also considered it at the beginning of the design."

No, you are not just thinking about it, you really got a mouse and keyboard!

Senxia silently complained in her heart.

But looking at Sega’s attitude, they don’t seem to intend to keep it secret anymore. Is it really going to be publicized on a large scale?

Mori Xia thought of history in her heart. It seems that for a while it was because Sony released the ps2 empty cannon, and then for a while, the sales were not enough, right?

No, even if there is no ps2 mouthpiece, it seems that there will be no goods at that time, but even if there are goods, the number of supported game companies is not enough...

Are you really okay?

Senxia looked at each other with a worried look.

However, the young man seemed to have misunderstood Morinatsu's meaning. He said: "Our new generation of game consoles have very good systems and hardware, and the development environment is good. If Kadokawa needs it, we can develop together."

Morinya looked at these two Sega visitors, and then at Kadokawa, he seemed to understand.

The two seem to have the intention to cooperate, but their attitude is not clear. At this time, they need a **** as an attempt to put in front, no matter who it is—then Mori and Qianjia both ran into head on.

However, the opinions of Kadokawa and Sega seem to be somewhat different.

Morika remembered the previous conversation with Chiba Masao in the mansion. He probably understood that Kadokawa wanted to test the water first, while Sega seemed to want to catch Kadokawa to start.

"So it's like this..."

The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched a little. He knew that their game might not be important, but after seeing what happened, Senxia still felt a little bit lost.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to us, let's just say it!

“Sega’s game consoles use CD-ROM drives as the game system, but what we need for games like this is not just CD-ROM drives. Our system will regularly update characters and constantly add new characters to maintain the game. The popularity of this is something that can only be done on it. The host cannot store local data, nor can it modify bugs that have been wrong. For online games, the degree of control is very low, unless it can be installed with a hard disk and then have a smooth Network experience, otherwise it’s impossible to let the host run our games."

Senxia said a lot, and the two of Sega had nothing to say.

Although there are keyboards and mice, and even the Internet, Phantasy Star ol is a generation of myths, but hard drives or something...really nothing.

"You two, and everyone from Kadokawa, Internet games are different from traditional games. The reason why we developed this game is that we have confirmed through market research by Omi’s friends. The concept of this type of game and Japanese games is different."

Japan will also have online games in the future, but most of their networks will be lonely and self-admired, or else they will bloom outside the wall, such as the Stone Age or something. In short, Morinatsu wants to be popular in Japan, except for the gimmick Kadokawa There is no foundation, Senxia has a lot of brain holes in online games, but it is useless in the host environment.

"Continue." Senxia had already said it, but at this moment, Qianjia's father seemed to be fascinated, and he straightforwardly let Senxia continue.

Damn it, Yue... Your uncle, don't bring such one!

Aren't you cheating yourself!

Senxia has no words at all, but he actually lets himself continue?

But at this time, if Senxia dared to say "I'm finished", he believed that even if Qianjia's father didn't bother him, the Qianjia next to him would make Senxia unable to eat.

So Mori Xia started to chuckle: "With the popularity of the Internet, online games are now being launched. Unlike traditional console games, the nature of the console determines that Internet games that need to communicate are difficult to control only through the handle. Internet games are not afraid of piracy. It is very convenient to use the platform to play games, whether it is game updates or launching activities inside the game. This is something that a home console cannot do."

Speaking of this, Senxia glanced at the fat and thin people of Qianjia and Sega next to them, and they were all fascinated.

Damn it, isn't this cheating me!

Senxia thought for a while, and continued to add a paragraph: "And, in fact, I think the next generation of game consoles is actually outdated when it is not yet developed. Please don't get me wrong. I am not talking about Sega, I mean including All of you, including Sony and Nintendo, are out of date! Japan is now popularizing the network environment. When the next era of game consoles, the network will also have a place in Japan. At this time, Only to meet the players' needs for network and interactive games!"

Well, it's not completely nonsense.

Senxia silently added a sentence in her heart.

What he said is not completely nonsense. A game like "Monster Hunter" has no fire on ps2, but on the psp handheld, "Monster Hunter" is very hot. Some people say that "Monster Hunter" made the psp. Some people say that it is the psp that created "Monster Hunter", but it is undeniable that it is precisely because of the psp that can be connected to the game that there is a "Monster Hunter" that can be a group of four.

By the way, by the way, Senxia doesn't like the psp, and Senxia likes the first generation of magic machine pfp, which is the handheld machine that Lord God once used.

Everything that should be said was almost done, Morinia stopped, and then looked at everyone...


The first update today, continue to code words~

Ask for a monthly pass (to be continued.)

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