Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 390: This... let's talk about it!

"Happy new year, Senxia-kun!"

At noon, Senxia came to the activity department room of the Vision Research as usual. He just opened the door and came in, and saw Senior Ji Ye and Senior Sister Qianjia sitting there with a lunch box, seeming to be discussing something. [Read the latest chapters..]

"Happy new year." Senxia Jun greeted the two, while taking out a chair and sitting aside, he looked at this side curiously, wanting to see what the two of them were doing.

Then Senxia heard Ji Ye talking there: "...Actually, I don’t think boys and boys need an obvious offensive-receptive relationship. To a certain extent, the offensive and defensive roles can be changed. Yes, what we usually think of as being reversed is actually a contrasting beauty."

Okay, Mori Xia-kun wisely put aside his head and ate aside honestly. The world of rotten girls is a terrible abyss. As a straight man, Mori Xia is determined to have less relationship with them. .

"Right, Senxia-kun." As a result, Senxia hadn't spoken here, but Jiye over there came to the door, "I am in this summer, and I am going to do something different, Sen Xia Jun, your head is very good, do you have any ideas?"

Senxia put down the chopsticks, and then looked at Ji Ye: "If you ask me, it is difficult for me to give advice."

Ji Ye shook his head: "It doesn't have to be, it's just fun. I don't necessarily have a feminine doujinshi, and sometimes I also make a collection of paintings."

I almost forgot. Although this is a rotten girl, the drawing girl paper is unexpected and very emotional. It seems that both Sadamoto Yoshiyuki and Anno seem to know the pen name "Frog Sergeant".

"But senior, don't you have a lot of inspiration before, and what about Musashino?" Morinka asked strangely.

"There is nothing to do with Musashino Animation. After making the settings, the relationship with Jiye is much smaller. As for creativity, of course the more things are better, the better." Qianjia answered in place of Jiye next to him. , And then she also gave a thumbs up to Senxia. "Our Xia is the demo version of the release of the Guilty Crown, Senxia-kun, you have to work hard!"

"Hi, hi..." Senxia nodded weakly, but the infrastructure team and yoooo~ things like that. Straight guy is really untouchable...

"It's better to be a doujinshi for a cute boy, how about?" Morinka didn't plan to discuss this issue in detail, but after seeing Morinka's face, the senior sister Qianjia on the side seemed like a panic. With a wonderful inspiration, he looked at Senxia with bright eyes.

"We can write cute boy papers to replace my sister in women's clothing to participate in the summer. It turns out that my sister's doujinshi actually drew her own stories about women's clothing..." Qianjia talked freely.

"Oh, it's so fun, this kind of py!" Ji Ye's eyes lit up.

"Uh, why do I always feel there is a strange malice." Senxia couldn't help but complain at this time.

"Ala, Mori-kun, don't care. Besides, cute boys are now the mainstream in the market, and the second generation adults also have stories about cute boys!" Qianjia seems to be really confident about this. Looks like, "And if it's a cute boy, it's easier to accept, even if it's seen by a boy. Probably it won't be a problem, it's more conducive to breaking the male."

After hearing this sentence, the Morinya next to her turned her head. Things like bl are like an abyss. However, Moriha did not complain about Qianjia’s opinion. Try to think about it. When a straight man reads a book and sees a beautiful girl, in the end, he finds that the girl is actually a boy. It happened in that situation. What an interesting thing!

Ok. Senxia is such a wicked and funny person.

This kind of unfortunate thing happens to oneself, it is a painful thing, but once it happens to others, it is a pleasure to see. Perhaps people in this era have not yet realized it, but twenty years later, people have long been accustomed to this news that boys are more beautiful than girls. In that era, I don’t know how many people were bent by this. .

"Hey, Jiye. Are you going to Musashino Animation today? Our club also needs your help." Qianjia patted Jiye on the shoulder. Anyway, this one is actually from their club. One member.

"Well, I was a little busy this week, but there is no problem. I should be able to get out next week. You don't have to worry about it." Ji Ye smiled and said, "Yes, I think you can all look forward to it. The animation of the girl falling in love with her sister was released, everyone did it very carefully!"

"That is, this is the script written by Senxia!" Qianjia seemed to be more confident than Senxia himself.

After having lunch with a smile, Morinka used the computer of Xianshiyan for the rest of the time to continue working. When they were still students, Xianshiyan was still more convenient than the club.

After the lunch break, it was the afternoon class. After school was over in the afternoon, Senxia did not stay, but left the school after class was over after three o'clock.

Although Senxia was alone when she came, when she left school, Qianjia followed Senxia.

But they are not going back, but going to the club together. As for Yukino, although she has no club activities today, she still has to go to the shrine to work.

"It's been a long time since you went to the club with Senxia-kun like this." Sitting on the subway, Qianjia chuckled at Senxia, ​​"Think about it now, this is really nostalgic."

"No, it's just because we have been on vacation before." Senxia complained.

"Well, Why should you care about this kind of thing, our previous romantic atmosphere was ruined by you." Qianjia shook her head towards Morinya, and said, "You can't be a child "Jiao Ye" look.

"No, senior sister, we don't need to forcefully create'romantic memories' in this kind of place." Although she was seriously ill, the ability of Qianjia senior sister to create slots has really not changed. "Not to mention, compared to Going to clubs together, it seems that we go to work together more often?"

Senxia said it seems to be working in Liuweizhai.

"Really, you should follow the girl's words at this time, why do you want to tear down the stage, Senxia Jun!" Qian Jia rolled her eyes at Senxia.

"No... I'm just curious, the squad leader also wants to see me, Qianjia senior, you want me to go to the club together, are you going to say something?" Senxia was a little strange.

"Of course!" Qianjia's eyes shone brightly, "It's the new member's business~"


The first one is to cover your face... (To be continued.)



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