Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 359: happy New Year

The morning in New York is a bit quiet, probably because today is December 31st. 【..】

"But in Japan, it will probably be the New Year soon." The Jixiangyuan who was lying on the bed faced the window, looking at the scenery outside.

Although I have been here many times, the taste here today is completely different from the past.

Dark clouds blocked the morning sun, sparse light rain fell from the sky, and the weather was a bit cooler.

For Jixiangyuan, today is a very special day.

This is not because she is in New York, nor is it because of the weather today.

In fact, this is because Jixiangyuan is lying in bed.

Rare, rare, sleep in bed.

Because of something her father mentioned the day before, the girl has always been upset in the last few days. I don't know why, at this time, she has a boy figure in her mind.

In fact, there was not too close communication between him and her. When they met, they smiled and nodded, and occasionally sat down and chatted. That's all.

There is no special affection, and there is no dramatic development, and even the chance to meet each other has been reduced recently, but somehow she always thinks of that person.

"Senxia-kun..." She murmured the name on the head of the bed, and then she laughed out loud, "It really looks like a girl's name."

How should I put it, Mori Natsu-kun, who doesn’t look like a girl, has a wonderful feeling in him, just like a real man. As long as he stays by his side, he will feel that he seems to be given something. There is a magical sense of security after taking care of it.

I originally thought I was very accustomed to being a person, but when I was really far away from the other person, Jixiangyuan found that I seemed to miss the boy that I had not seen many times.

"Probably because there was less contact with boys before, so the impression is easy to be deepened." The girl fiddled with the ends of her hair, and then gently sat up from the bed.

It wasn't the heartbeat of puff, puff, or miss that was hard to cut, but he noticed a very simple point-staying beside him can be protected. Very at ease.

The tired mind can get a rest at ease. This is the thought that emerged in the girl's mind after thinking of the boy.

It's not because you are expecting something, it's just as if you miss something.

What kind of emotion is this?

She didn't know much about her feelings. At this time, even if she met each other, she didn't know what kind of expression she should use to face each other.

Speaking of it, Qian Jia seems to be very close to him.

I don't know why, whenever I see those two people together. There is always an unnamed anger in my heart.

But what kind of person is he? The girl became curious about each other.

She turned sideways and glanced over the clock.

The time agreed with my father is getting closer and closer, so I can no longer stay in bed and think about it.

The girl shook her head, and then got up from the bed with difficulty. Although the air conditioner was on in the room, the inexplicable cold still made her shiver.

Forget it, he and I are not people in the same world. If you don't have expectations from the beginning, you won't be disappointed in the end.

She began to dress. Then greet the last day of 1997.


"Sure enough, the white team won."

The red and white song meeting on TV has ended, and the winner has already been divided.

However, at this time, except for Senxia, ​​Qianjia and Xuena were not here.

"Brother, what do you think?"

At this moment, Yukino and Chika were opening the door and walking in, but they had already changed into kimonos.

The kimono she wears is a red-bottomed kimono, and the collar of the kimono has white velvet, which looks very warm. Yukino's hair was tucked in the back of his head and made into a bun, holding a small pink handbag in his hand, and a light makeup on his face. This appearance looks like a noble lady.

The maturity of the dress and the youthful appearance made Senxia think of the newly married brides, which seemed to have a special flavor.


Mori Xia admired that it is really rare to be able to wear a kimono like this. It is really rare to see her sister can be so beautiful after wearing this kimono. Senxia is sincerely proud.

"Hey, how am I?" Qian Jia also came up from behind.

The kimono on her body is also red, but Yukino's kimono is mainly red and white, while Qianjia's kimono is mainly based on red and black. Her hair is also tied behind her head, and she looks a bit more mature than Yukino. .

"Well, although I really want to find a way to spit out, but the way you dress like this, Senior Sister, is really unexpected and serious."

Originally, Senxia thought that Qianjia-senpai would do some strange things on her clothes, but now she seems to have done nothing, which makes Senxia feel quite surprised.

"It's really rude, Senxia-kun. Am I the kind of idiot who doesn't care about anything in your eyes?" Qianjia held her chest and looked at Senxia with dissatisfaction.

No, senpai, you just committed the crime knowingly.

"Yoshi, it's almost time to go to the shrine, otherwise it won't be in time for the New Year's visit."

It was Chika's suggestion to go to worship at 0 o'clock, but Morinatsu and the others planned to go to Toba Shrine, so it was so decided.

After the two hurriedly sorted them out, they put on clogs and left the room.

Although it is late at night, the streets today seem to be a little different. On such a late night, people can still be seen on the streets, which is a rare thing on weekdays.

"Ah, but it's really not easy to walk in a kimono."

It was probably because of seeing Morinka walking beside her, Qianjia complained of dissatisfaction. Although the kimono looked beautiful, it was difficult to move after wearing it. The clogs on her feet made it impossible for her to move her thighs.

"Beauty always comes at a price." Senxia spread her hands.

"When you have the opportunity, you must let Senxia-kun try it." Qianjia said in a malicious voice.

"Isn't it a women's dress? I look so beautiful. You are actually jealous!"

When Morinya stood by and said cool words, it was very refreshing.

"Oh, brother, do you like women's clothing?" Xue Na heard the conversation between the two and immediately became interested.

"Uh, that's not the case..." Senxia hurriedly denied.

"Eh, but Senxia-kun, weren't you very proud just now?" Qianjia smiled maliciously.

"That's a misunderstanding! Absolute misunderstanding!" The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched, she was too proud just now, and it seemed that there was nothing terrible.

But it's okay. Toba Shrine is not far away from here. After the three people came here, they didn't have the thought to go to the c branch.

"There are so many people." Seeing the shrine full of people, Qianjia exclaimed. She had been here several times, but every time she came, there were not many people here. Even during the summer festival, the number of people who came here was not half of what they are today.

"Well. It's okay, it's Chinese New Year after all."

New Year, no matter which country it is in, this day is a memorable day.

In fact, if it were at Sensoji Temple, there would be more people.

Today is not only crowded, but also trams run all night, although it is midnight, it is as lively as during the day. Fortunately, Musashino is a relatively remote place, if it is the major temples in Tokyo. That's even more incredible.

New Year's visits can be called "first destiny", and the specific content includes making a wish before the gods, drawing lots and ringing the bell, asking for amulets and so on. In addition, some people will buy things such as magic arrows, windmills, and rake for wealth, which symbolizes the removal of bad luck in the old year and prays for safety and good luck in the new year. Even Senxia and the others are not immune to this day. Although it is not superstition, it is always good to have a good omen.

"1998 is coming soon, do you want to come to a prime minister about 98..." Senxia was complaining.

"What are you talking about?" Senxia was sighing at the crowd, and Qianjia came to watch Senxia's nerves.

"It's nothing. It's just a song from the celestial dynasty." Senxia said indifferently.

"By the way, when it comes to the Celestial Kingdom, it seems that they are celebrating the New Year on the'Spring Festival' day, right?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"Yes, they still use the lunar calendar. Many festivals in Japan are days on the lunar calendar. In other words, people spend the original version." Mori Xia tried to complain about Japan that used the Gregorian calendar to celebrate the lunar festival. , This is really funny*.

If the Japanese also changed the Mid-Autumn Festival to the Gregorian calendar, Mori Xia vowed that he would never spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in Japan in the future.

"Our game has an agent in Tianchao. I don't know what will happen. I have learned about it before. The game industry in Tianchao seems to have begun to develop recently." The senior sister seems to know everything over there.

However, it's a pity that Senior Sister Qianjia didn't know that in a few years, all these developments will be on the street, and the game console ban is no joke.

It's a pc game...

However, Senxia could only sighed. Xiao Ma represented Senxia and their games. As a result, he was almost bankrupt now. The piracy was as fierce as a tiger. The game and writing were starved to death. It is even more impossible. Good game and made up.

It's no wonder that in the future, Tianchao Tour will be of higher quality than a stand-alone machine, and a stand-alone machine really can't make money... Anyway, should we take the east wind?

"I've been waiting for a long time!" After Xue Nai came here, she went to see Grandpa Divine Master first, and just now came back here.

"It's almost twelve o' Seeing Xue Nao coming back, Qianjia glanced at the time.

As the clock reached 12 o'clock, 1998 came just like that.

The bell rang on New Year's Eve, announcing the new year, and there were bursts of exclamation from the crowd.

"Happy New Year." Morinka smiled at Yukino and Chika.

"Happy New Year, brother~" Yukino smiled and took Morika's right hand.

"Happy New Year, Senxia-kun, I look forward to your performance in the New Year." Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder.


Ask for monthly pass, ask for subscription. Yesterday it was updated four times. Today is still 3K party qaq

Five shifts today! Five shifts!

Please let me live orz (to be continued.)



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