Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 323: Basic affection is an essential element!


"The game is great. Just seeing this persona, I have an urge to play...≥," Wang Qiwen glanced at Qiqi's persona with admiration, and he was completely attracted.

Although it cannot be compared with the characters like Ben Zina and Saber, Qi Qi is indeed a rare character in the ag industry. Morika’s personality is not the original, but he can confidently tell everyone that Shiina Himeha-senpai’s personality is much better than the original!

If you use the words in the original book to describe it, then this Qiqi is really a "girl who came out of g." In this era, this image will not be out of date for at least two decades.

The previous script was excellent, but when Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui saw Qi Qi's persona, they had all been thrown out of the sky.

Beauty determines everything, this is the truth of this world.

"Yeah, I was still wondering about the male protagonist in the galgae version, but after seeing the character set, I felt that it was a bit violent to give the hero to the male protagonist..." Shen Jiahui was also complaining.

"If you say that, Sakuramanji classmates will cry." As a man with "Wang no right hand", Sakuramanji is still very good. Morinatsu's Sakuramanji is different from the original work. It is based on the prequel Sakuraman. The collection is designed to be positive, wise and decisive, and also has a very strong relationship with the male second Chao Shenya. The basic elements of the future are all used by Mori Xia. If such a role is not described as "colorful", it is simply I can't explain it!

"It's not that I haven't played galgae before. The male protagonist here is basically dispensable!" Wang Qiwen did not agree with Senxia's opinion. "Such a good girl, it is a waste to give the male lead, even if Is it possible that a super-friendship relationship can occur between girls and girls?!"

In fact, Wang Qiwen didn't play galgae much originally, although he knew it, he knew it. But it was not too deep, but after Senxia said that he would make the crown of evil, Wang Qiwen began to go deep into it to understand.

And the result of his digging into it is... well, yes, Wang Qiwen mentally started to make strides towards the dead house cute dolphin. If it weren’t for the enthusiasm for the game, he might have really become a royal Otaku.

"Yes, there can be girls and girls content!"

Although Wang Qiwen was half-baked in Japanese, this sentence inspired Xu Yuanxuan next to him.

Lao Xu coughed, attracting everyone's attention. Then he continued: "I accidentally ignored this before, but Wang Sang's words really awakened the person in the dream. There can be some wonderful plots between girls and girls. I didn't think about this part before. Then I will refine some scripts and add some content..."

Old Xu's words made Senxia and other gentlemen nodded in agreement, anyway, the pure lily between the girl and the girl. That is absolutely fatal attraction. It's like girls like to watch men stir up the foundation, and boys also like to watch girls stir up.

"Is this really okay?" Daisuke Ono was muttering next to him, although they had a very serious discussion. But why the more you listen to this content, the worse it becomes?

Hey, wait, there seems to be a pure newcomer here, right?

Ono Daisuke turned his head and saw Mizuki Nana, who seemed to blush. But that was all, she didn't appear to be very cramped.

Nana also noticed the look that Ono Daisuke cast at her, and she turned her head. He chuckled at Ono Daisuke and nodded in greeting.

"That, didn't Kondo-san feel uncomfortable with everyone's discussion?" Daisuke Ono asked curiously. Of course, he deliberately lowered his voice to prevent others from hearing it.

"Fortunately, when voice actors are dubbing, they will always encounter various situations. Although everyone is discussing some strange things, for the voice actors, this is actually nothing!" What Nana did not say is that some voice actors When I dubbed Lifan, the explosive atmosphere was a hundred times more cramped than discussing this gentleman topic together.

"That's it, voice actor is really an amazing career!" Ono Daisuke sighed and nodded. After saying this, he turned around and continued to listen to everyone's discussion.

Nana smiled, but quietly looked at it.

I have to say that Daisuke Ono is very handsome. Put it outside, it is the kind of friend who can easily make friends with others. Even if they rush over to strike up a conversation, ordinary girls will not refuse, right?

Well, I just don’t know why. Although this Ono-san has a handsome face, why does it make people feel sick after watching it for a long time? Obviously very handsome!

"Okay, I don't have any comments on the actor's own question, but..." Wang Qiwen said that he couldn't say that Mori Xia, and the other party did make sense, but he did not agree with the latter part, "but this Chao Shen What the **** is the love between Ya and Yingman! Why is there such a strange thing mixed into the script?!"

Senxia shook her head: "nnn, this is not a strange thing. There is a wonderful friendship and love between the male number one and the male number two. This is a tradition!"

"I remember that'multiple ways' and the like were really popular here in Japan before..." Shen Jiahui thought of his few Japanese customs. This thing is like the content of boys and boys. It is indeed the foundation. Love is unlimited.

"Galgae is geared toward boys, right? This kind of setting is driving people away!" Wang Qiwen was a little confused.

"Who said me? Everyone said this kind of setting is good, if you don't believe me, ask!" Senxia said while pushing the Qianjia senior sister next to her.

The latter nodded immediately: "Well, I like to hear it, I don't have any opinion on it."

"Yes, it's a very good highlight!" Miss Takasu Ogawa also stood by Morinka's side.

"I don't think it's too rough..." Nana followed This doesn't count, they are all sister papers, and the boys definitely disagree! "Wang Qiwen said, this kind of plot is simply unbearable.

"Hey, no, I think it's good. It's best if the leading actor and the second male number fall in love and kill each other, so that the highlights are even higher..." Lao Xu felt that the other party's opinion was a bit overwhelming, similar to the feelings between Chie Si and Ma Po. Don't be too good...Although Lao Xu hasn't written faezer yet.

"That... that..." Wang Qiwen was a little surprised, and he turned to Ono Daisuke.

"I think Mr. Xia Sen's setting is a bright spot." Ono Daisuke said weakly.

Wang Qiwen collapsed: "I'm desperate! I'm desperate for this neon country that has stirred the foundation!"


Ono Daisuke has the nickname of "disgusting and handsome", but when others say this, although I will not be angry, I will lose my state.

It’s almost tormented at home. Fortunately, there is some traffic during the night, otherwise I can’t even watch the new fan... (To be continued...)

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