Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 306: Don't you care what happened next door?

At around ten o'clock in the evening, there was still heavy snow outside. Although it was a bit smaller than before, it was still cold and windy.

But in the room, Morinka and Yukino were dressed in cool clothes, blowing on the air conditioner, looking at the scene outside the window.

"It's really warm with air-conditioning." Senxia held coffee and sat on the bed, watching the news on TV, while Yukino was leaning against Senxia.

A replay of the Tokyo love story is being shown on TV.

"Drinking warm coffee and looking at the beautiful snow scene, I can still be with my brother... Well, it's a perfect day~" Xue Nai leaned against Senxia happily.

Senxia did not speak. At this time, Yukino was obviously very happy. As a competent brother, Senxia decided not to disappoint. If Qianjia was here instead, Senxia would have already started to complain.

But because it was Yukino, Morinka wouldn't say this.

"It will be December soon." Senxia also sighed. The last tail of 1997 is finally going to pass. I don't know why, he always feels that this year has been a particularly long time. And I don’t know if it’s a hunch, Morinia always feels that the time in this month will look like a long time...

"Yeah, winter is really a romantic season. It's a pity. There are so many beautiful clothes that can't be worn." Yukino looked a little pity.

"Cough cough, then forget it, it's nothing to be a pity." Morinka wiped the sweat off his forehead. If it was summer, Yukino would definitely put on top-notch clothes and come in front of her. Morinka definitely couldn't hold it. .

Relatively speaking, winter when thick clothes are required is the best.

Keke, of course, not at this time.

"But what happened before?" Senxia kept thinking about it. But I don't know why. When thinking of what happened at that time, Morinya instinctively felt that something terrible happened at that time. Therefore, I cannot think.

"Well...Forget it, there is still some time now. Why don't you think about the characterization of the evil crown..." Morinya murmured to herself in the next half of the sentence.

"Brother is thinking about the new game?" Yukino asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm thinking about how to write the specific parts, and considering the situation arranged by Qianjia-senpai, the time doesn't seem to be enough." Mori summer is thinking about one of the most important parts of the masterpiece. It's the text.

But now that I think about it, I want to prepare so many words. This is different. Because it is necessary to prepare scripts such as different routes and clues, the workload is much more complicated than writing a single book.

"If your brother doesn't mind, you can let me help!" Yukino smiled, "It just so happens that after writing the eva-retake, I now have a lot of free time."

Wasn't the original plan for &ake divided into several volumes? "Senxia asked strangely.

However, after Xue Nai heard Senxia's question, she raised her head proudly: "This kind of article is trivial, and I have done more difficult work. Although I said it was a bit strange, I never had to submit it on time. I have never been urged to write."

"You haven't written any manuscripts." Senxia rolled her eyes.

Xueno was startled at first when he heard Morinka's words, and then seemed to be relieved. After that, he smiled at Morinya. She stuck her tongue out: "All in all, if you ask me to come, there must be no problem. Even if it is a retake, I have already finished the second volume!"

"The second volume is finished?!" Morinya and the others intend to sell this eva story in separate volumes. However, Morinya never expected that Yukino would have finished the second volume at this time!

"Really, if my brother wants to see it. After we go home, I'll show it to my brother~" Yukino said, happier. When she said that, she was still shaking Senxia's arm. It seems to be acting like a baby.

"Well, let me take a look." Senxia nodded.

"Then brother is going to let me write a part?" Xue Nao asked happily.

Morinya shook his head: "This is to be determined. I don't know how Yukino is writing now. I will teach you how to write your latest text. As for work... let's talk about it."

It doesn't matter if Xue Nao write a little bit, but since Xu Yuanxuan's help is already available, it seems a bit strange to ask Xue Nao to come and help, and the script of the Sin Crown is not suitable for such a pure child as Xue Nao after all.

"Well, it's settled~" Unlike Morinka, Yukino was very happy after hearing Morinka's words.

"That's right, brother." Yukino seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "It is said that the room here is not well soundproofed. What happened next to us?"


"Hmm... it seems that there is no strange sound anymore, first it was a girl's voice, then a man's roughness, but then another girl's voice appeared, and then the first two voices disappeared, only in the end That voice, but then there was no sound anymore. Has the matter been done?"

On the other side of the room, Qianjia was erecting her ears against the wall, eavesdropping curiously.

At this time, Senior Sister Qianjia had been put on a body of dead water, and she was obviously curious about what happened next door.

"Weiwei, Qianjia, this kind of thing is impolite!" Jixiangyuan wanted to stop Qianjia. At this time, she also changed into a bunny dress, but Jixiangyuan was obviously unable to adapt, and was a little timid at this time.

"What are you afraid of? This kind of plot can point out the direction and inspiration for my game, and Jixiangyuan, if you dare to say you are not curious at all?"


Jixiangyuan's face turned red when she heard Qianjia's words.

"Forget Jixiangyuan just prepared to refute, but Qianjia over there has already stood up, "Anyway, there is no sound anymore, and it's meaningless to eavesdrop. "

After saying this to herself, Qian Jia walked towards the mirror, as if she was about to look at herself, but before suddenly, Qian Jia seemed to have thought of something. She looked at Jixiangyuan curiously: "Now, pay back at night It's very long, shall we play games?"


"...Such as Truth or Dare, Lihua, let's try it!" Qianjia is interested!


Something, 2k temporarily, resume in the next chapter...

I heard that station b will start acting as an agent for the national server of f/go, so you can see the moonlight...qaq

By the way, mhx's profound meaning... Isn't this the mhol's profound meaning? The morality of the card mount is not much different from the penguin's true heart... Uh, well, in fact, they are all monster hunters, so there is no plagiarism... (to be finished Continued)



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