Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 263: Gentlemen are historical trends

Entering the second half of November, the weather has gradually cooled down, and winter is coming. In this country with four distinct seasons, winter is slightly colder.

At this time, Senxia had changed into a black high-necked tight-fitting warm sweater. She wore a pair of black slacks underneath and a black coat on the outside.

He stood on the street in the port area and looked around. The weather was a bit cold, so Senxia put his hand in his purse.

"So, didn't I make you dress a little more formal?" Qianjia-senpai, who had just arrived here, was looking at Senxia with a strange look.

Today's Qianjia-senpai chose a plain dress, and her hair was in a bun. It didn't feel like a high school student, but a young lady.

"I think what I am wearing today is very serious. And I am still a student, you can never ask me to wear a suit, even Sony people, they can understand it?" Morinya shrugged, "black is also very Seriously."

"But you are dressed in black, it's more like going to a funeral!" Japanese people are wearing black clothes when attending the funeral, and Qianjia-senpai is spitting out Morinha for being too dull.

"So why are we discussing this kind of issue? I don't think it is necessary to discuss it at all! As for formal clothes, I think my school uniform is very good, but should I wear our school uniform to see Sony? People?" Senxia complained, "And don't you think I am so handsome in this way!"

Senior Sister Qianjia shook her head, and then patted Morika on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "If you really want to make yourself look eye-catching, you can change to a mini skirt and black silk. The effect is better."

Senxia rolled his eyes. He didn’t intend to discuss this issue. I don’t know why. Senpa Qianjia seems to be particularly fond of using this kind of cheating women's clothing to make fun of herself. Although Senxia wants to show the glory of Lucifer Sprinkle all over the world. But Senxia herself did not want to enjoy such treatment.

"Didn’t Mori-kun like this element very much? You write that in your articles. Why are you so disgusted in the real world?" Qianjia-senpai thinks that Morinya’s dressing in women’s clothing is actually a favorite, but why is Mori Are you desperate to follow?

"A mystery novelist often writes criminal content in his articles. Does this novelist definitely want the murders to happen by his side every day?" Senxia made an analogy, "It's enough to find it interesting to look at it by the side. But why do you have to like it?"

"But during the cultural festival, Morinka-kun, you seem to be very used to women's clothing, and you don't seem to resist it at all." Senior Sister Qianjia leaned in front of Morinka with a weird smile on her face.

Senxia was taken aback for a moment.

Well, in fact, if it is a very beautiful women's dress or something. It seems to be a very good thing to have visual effects. Clothes are originally developed for wearing comfort and beauty. What's more, I have become accustomed to women's clothing to some extent, although it is Forced, but wearing women's clothing or something, there is no way to shake Senxia.

Speaking of. Women's clothes are more comfortable to wear than men's clothes, and they seem to be more comfortable than men's clothes in daily wear... ahem. Senxia would never admit that she sold her soul to Lucifer.

"Anyway, this is a kind of culture. I just predict that this kind of culture will be carried forward in the future. I love this kind of thing that I love to hear and see. You don't have to make a fuss!" Senxia's thoughts were almost given by Qian Jia He took it to the ditch, and after he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand from his purse. Then he patted his cheek.

"Speaking of this question, why do you think that this kind of culture will flourish in the future? In my opinion. Although this kind of'male's mother' and women's clothing seem to be very interesting. But you can say it all. It's a niche." Although she doesn't want to pour cold water, in the thoughts of Qianjia-senpai, the pseudonymous is indeed niche. Even if it wants to be popular, it seems impossible.

"Senior sister, let's look at things with a developmental vision!" Senxia said with earnest heart, "Our current fashion trends are gradually developing, from Beidou Shenquan to eva, human aesthetics is becoming more and more neutral. Development, this is the general trend of the future."

The culture of pseudo-girls and women's clothing has been on the rise for a long time in the 1980s, but the comics at this time are mainly funny, and there are few serious pseudo-girls fan dramas. After that, the pseudo-girls and women's clothing gradually disappeared. The girl fell in love with her sister and was born before she gradually became popular again.

"The general trend of the world is majestic. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will die." According to Morinia, even if no girl falls in love with her sister, there will be other works as a fuse. The difference is only sooner or later. Senxia sighed, and then looked deeply at the distance: "Because this is the general trend of the future, there are many people who want to change their lives against the sky, but most of them are swallowed by the torrent of the times, only following the times We will be able to succeed."

"Ahra, Senxia-kun, haven't you said that your dream is to change the world? Why are you thinking about following the trend of history now?" Senior Sister Qianjia remembered what Senxia had said before.

"This is called taking advantage of the situation, and we are now allowing the future world to change even at a distance of one centimeter. In the longer and longer future, the world will change more and more. For example, we will promote the pseudo-girl culture and cute boys into the mainstream. Culture, it was very interesting at that time." Senxia has her own reason, "Of course, it's not just a pseudo-girl culture. Our goal is all gentlemen, tentacles, octopuses, blue and white strips, these are all necessary. "

Although boys are also very good, there are some things boys can't do because... they are all flat chested!

Although Morinka thinks that the boy paper she loves is great, girls also have the advantages of girls. Morinka never denies this.

Of course, boys are also a very important part. It’s like when you are dating a beautiful girl, and when you reach the last step, you find that the other person is a boy. At this time, should you overthrow it or take advantage of it? How about pushing down?

Anyway, Senxia thinks this kind of mental pollution is praised.

"You have so many ideas, but I just like you." Senior sister Qianjia is also a gentleman.

"That is. For all gentlemen, we can also develop another type. I have already thought about it. In the future, we may also be able to use this type to develop games and make animations. Maybe everyone can like it."

Naturally, there is more than one type. The other type is the kind of serious morality that Moriha once said before, telling a ridiculous gentleman's story in a serious tone. Those who have the heart will smile, and the unintentional will not be sharp. That's great.

"Oh, tell me?" Senior sister Qianjia came to be interested.

In fact, in Mori's opinion, Japan is actually very good at this set, linking ergonomics with human survival, letting four-wheel drive vehicles save the world from crisis or use tops to rule the world... These contents are actually really ridiculous, but when you read it , But there will be no sense of violation. This is where it is great.

The gentleman can also take advantage of this. This is Morinha's idea.

"Look, suppose we have created a fantasy world, we can set the magic of this world to communicate with the heavens and the earth, so the less clothes on the body, the better, so that it will not hinder the casting, and then we can describe the story of a magician ..."

Speaking of it, there seems to be a setting in dnd that the more clothes, the higher the casting failure rate?

Well, let's not care about these details, anyway, Morinha's thinking today is very divergent.

Senxia thought that his thoughts were very good, but when he set his sights on Qianjia-senpai, he realized that the other party had no reaction at all.

"...What's wrong?" Don't the senior sister like her thoughts.

"You stand still." Senior Sister Qianjia stood in front of Senxia, ​​and then looked at Senxia seriously.

What's the situation, why do you look at me with this kind of look?

Senxia was a little uncomfortable when he was seen by the opponent, Senxia felt a little retreat, and he took a half step back a little later.

"Say don't move."

Senior Sister Qianjia stretched out her hand, then pulled Larsenxia's collar to help him organize his clothes, and then moved closer to Senxia's face, looked it up, and then fiddled with Senxia's hair.

"Well, that's all right, although it's not very formal, but it makes sense." Qianjia nodded seriously, while her eyes were still focused on Senxia.

"..." Senxia did not speak. His eyes were focused on Qianjia's body at this time. The eyes of the two collided at this moment. Then, both of them stopped the action as if the pause button was pressed. .

An old man passing by caught a glimpse of this scene by chance, as if thinking of the scene where he was with his gentle and kind wife when he was young, showing a knowing smile, and then quietly walked away.

"That..." x2.

The two spoke at the same time, and then stopped at the same time.

Both of them seem to realize that the atmosphere is a bit wrong...

" I did the wrong subway!"

However, at this moment, Wang Qiwen's voice approached from far away, awakening the two of them.

"Well, it doesn't seem like the time is right, but let's it, at least your current image is okay." Senior Sister Qianjia silently put down her hand.

"Sorry, I sat in the opposite direction when I was on the subway..." Wang Qiwen gasped and walked up.

"It's okay, that's it." Morinya walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Be refreshed, we're going to work."


Male の Niang means pseudo-niang in Japanese.

I repaired the Internet for a day today, tragedy...

Go to the code word immediately, and hope to send it again at night. (To be continued)

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