Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1746: Tower of Babel

At the end of July, a small website went online quietly.

Although it is a small website, this website has a very domineering and cool name-Tower of Babel.

Shen Xuewen is an international student in Nihong.

Thanks to QICQ, although he is far away now, he is still able to communicate with his friends.

Of course, after all, it is a cross-sea communication, so the network delay is sometimes very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Shen Xuewen doesn't like to play games, and when his friends and him are on the Internet, they don't exchange games very much.

Everyone likes talking about Dashan.

Of course, it was mainly the friends who watched Shen Xuewen's experience in the mud boom.

For domestic friends, everything in the mud bomb is fresh, especially the metropolis Tokyo, which makes them full of curiosity.

Of course, what everyone admires most is...Shen Xuewen can read those 18X magazines...

It feels so wonderful.

Ahem... These are not the points.

When Shen Xuewen first came to Nibang, he was also surprised by everything in this metropolis. Nibang is a highly urbanized country, and everything here is very modern.

But over time, Shen Xuewen felt that the same thing was happening in Metropolis. Everyone ate, drank, and slept the same, and the prices were still high and there were many people. Sometimes it was not very convenient. And Ni Boom is like a big eastern country. Everyone has black hair and black eyes. After a long time, it's really not a big deal.

If you don't get in-depth contact, it's actually hard to feel what is so special about this city, but as an international student, it is not very convenient to integrate into this country.

Some of Shen Xuewen's students who studied abroad were happily integrated into it, but Shen Xuewen was an exception. It was really not a comfortable thing for him to give up himself and integrate into this group of neon gold.

Shen Xuewen's favorite is actually the network of Nih Bang.

Especially sites like 2ch.

Compared with 2ch, websites similar to A’s website and the posts on this side are too gentle-after all, it is a stern website with responsibility to people-only the anonymous site 2ch is very special, because it is an anonymous site, so Everyone will speak unscrupulously, where you can see the instincts of some people, which is very interesting.

Of course, sometimes there are certain problems.

For example, when you go to Hatsune Station to watch a movie.

Many of the animations of Nihong are sold overseas to Morinka.

Although in the future, overseas copyrights are very valuable, in this era, there are really not many animation manufacturers that can see overseas copyrights.

This is undoubtedly a deserted mountain. These people have no idea how much they missed.

Many works that seem to die violently, in fact, as long as the overseas authority is released, they can actually pay back, and even make money, or even make a big profit. It can be said that it is not uncommon to see flowers inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall.

But I am afraid it will be difficult to improve this narrow concept.

Oh, by the way, on another world line, many websites actually buy the broadcasting rights. Moriha buys the copyrights. Those who can’t buy the rights buy the broadcasting rights.

Compared to overseas, they were very deadly catching local broadcasting rights.

If the DVD can earn 100%, the overseas broadcasting can sometimes reach 500% or even 1000%, but it is a pity that these people have not noticed this at all.

So it's cheap.

And a subtle problem caused by this situation is that there are far more things you can see at a certain Oriental Power Station of Hatsune Station than the content of the mud bomb website.

Therefore, in addition to watching TV, to watch animation, Shen Xuewen can only find a way to build a ladder to return home and watch it again.

But other than that, the day station of Hatsune Station is actually very good, because the scale here is bigger...

For example, there is a work called "Underwater Girl Lanhua". This work has been produced on OVA and TV. In a large eastern country, this work is not seen, but it is the first sound of the mud bomb. Station, but can see-although there is a charge.

What, pirate station?

Well, there is indeed such a situation. There are few mud bombs here, but there are a lot of them on the other side of a large eastern country, but A company never cares about money in lawsuits, and even if it fails to win, it will directly drag the other party to death. An ugly face is difficult to look at.

And for this reason, many neon golds are studying how to "go abroad in spirit" and find ways to go to a certain oriental country station to see those wonderful things that cannot be seen in China.

Well, yes, there are some animations that you can't see in China.

These animations themselves are TV animations. Videotapes or DVDs have been sold, but they have long been discontinued. If you want to buy them, you can only buy them secondhand.

But second-hand is actually a thing that hurts manufacturers. Although second-hand genuine is also genuine, the manufacturer actually can't make anything from the second-hand genuine. This kind of second-hand is of little significance to the manufacturer.

But the audience is helpless, because even if they want to relive the content they have watched, they can only use this method-unless they have recorded and saved the screen during playback.

However, some animations are difficult to produce even second-hand, so many classic works are often buried in history.

However, network playback does not.

Especially when many old animations of Hatsune Station went online, they were all digitally restored, and many of them were high-definition animations.

If you can't see it in China...then you can only go abroad in spirit.

Shen Xuewen once translated the materials of a certain oriental big country station in Hatsune Station for his classmates in the mud bomb-because the content and UI between the two are completely different, this is a national consideration.

How to register, how to climb the ladder, how to watch the HD mode, etc., etc., all of which he has translated.

Not to mention, this kind of action, on the contrary, has regained a certain degree of discussion in some of the older fan dramas, and some people will even go to watch the barrage and opinions of a certain oriental man.

The mud-boom Internet is very dynamic, especially the half-knowledge speeches of Neon Gold watching the Chinese barrage, which make people laugh.

But it's a pity that every time he communicates with his friends in China, he can only relay it, and there is no way to describe the spirit.

——Until he saw this website called "The Tower of Babel".

He was actually recommended by domestic friends.

Because Shen Xuewen always publishes some of his own knowledge of mud bombing, his friends are also curious about this country. Then, someone began to search for relevant information on the Internet.

Later, they saw this website.

The Tower of Babel has three entrances, Chinese, Japanese and English.

After entering the website, Shen Xuewen clicked on the Chinese interface.

Then, an interface appeared.

"How do netizens think about the successful Olympic bid of a major eastern country."

This is the first post.

The successful bid for the Olympics was a matter of the first two years, but people in China have not really thought about how foreigners see this.

This post suddenly made Shen Xuewen a little curious.

And there is more content on this website, and he feels even a little dizzy.

"European and American players' views on the Three Kingdoms."

This is the second post.

Shen Xuewen also knew the game "Three Kingdoms". Although he was studying abroad in Nihong, his other friend was studying abroad in Lighthouse.

This student studying in Lighthouse Country occasionally shared his experience in Lighthouse Country.

He once mentioned again how popular the game "Three Kingdoms" is in the lighthouse country.

This game ranks very high in real-time strategy games, and many people even call for WCG to include this game next year-in fact, it has already been included, but it is only used as an exhibition match, but it is still not good for an official game. After all, there is Warcraft, StarCraft, Age of Empires, and Red Alert four mountains are pressing in front of them.

Although the works are very popular, they are also a bit untimely.

"Netizens in the mud are happy to comment on the Chinese barrage of Hatsune Chinese Station."


This translation post is more grounded.

Shen Xuewen once wanted to show his friends the interesting comments on Nibang, but he didn't expect someone to translate it.

"Is this a forum for translating netizen posts?"

Shen Xuewen vaguely understood the things in this forum.

Yes, these contents are all translated posts, and they are all translated posts from foreign countries into domestic posts.

"Netizens from the Lighthouse Country commented on "Dungeon and Warrior" launched by a certain eastern country."

"European netizens watch "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

"Netizens commented on the version of "Fate from the Sky" of a major eastern country, and laughed so much that their stomach hurts."

"The world's netizens are discussing whether the Han Dynasty soldiers and Roman soldiers are stronger or weaker."

"Crooked Nuts argued over whether Alexander and the First Emperor's army were stronger or weaker, and even quarreled on the 400th floor (in serial).

"Everyone started discussing why Asians look so young."

"The users in the lighthouse country use Kylin computers and exclaim that they are better than XP..."

There are many interesting translation posts above.

Unfortunately, this website seems to have only been established recently, so there are not many such translation posts.

"This website is great!"

Shen Xuewen immediately felt a new world, slowly opening up in front of him!

He clicked on a post at random, and he could immediately see the translated content and the original website of the post.

Not to mention, these translations are pretty reliable.

The name "Babel" is also very interesting.

It is rumored in the Bible that people spoke the same language before building the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel was used to represent this kind of translation, which is really appropriate.

"By the way, there are other languages..."

Shen Xuewenlai was also surprised that someone could get along with this idea and launch such a website, but then he immediately thought that there are other languages.

He immediately entered the mud bombing site.

"A certain oriental country's view on the Japanese version of "Fate of the Sky"."

Hey, it echoed back and forth.

The first post made Shen Xuewen almost laugh.

"Hatsune Chinese Station Barrage Commentary Translation, how did a certain oriental power see Evangelion..."

"Uncle Lighthouse Country's amazing trip in Tokyo!"

"Bang Guo's attitude towards mud bomb comics."

"Everyone likes Tokyo, comments posted by travelers from different countries."

"The wonderful journey of GS game console..."

Compared to a certain eastern country, the comments on the mud bomb are more entertaining.

"A netizen in a big eastern country thinks about the Hatsune Chinese Station of Neon Jinshang."

After seeing the following post, Shen Xuewen laughed directly.

This is a translation post that was translated, and the comment was translated back there.

This is really fun.

These contents made Shen Xuewen feel a little ticklish.

This feeling is amazing. It’s really interesting to let people in China know what they think overseas.

Moreover, the translation quality of some posts is very high, and even some stalks have been translated, and the latter has special detailed instructions.

This situation made Shen Xuewen feel that the distance of this world suddenly became very close.

He likes this feeling.

"Well, should I also translate a post?"

When Shen Xuewen read it, he noticed that these posts were translated by forum users themselves.

If there is no problem, he can actually translate some posts here.

This kind of thing is very interesting.

So, what post should be translated?

"I remember "Sound of the Sky" is pretty good..."

Shen Xuewen has seen the sound of the sky and knows that this work is very hot in Mud Boom and a certain oriental country-but the former was overwhelmed by Spirited Away.

But even so, Shen Xuewen is still very curious about how these people here feel about this animation.

Oh, and the blue cat...

Well, there are blue cats.

The blue cat is also on the Hatsune station, so users on the mud bomb can also see it, so there must be comments.

With such entertaining content, he is also very curious about what he thinks here.

The Blue Cat series belongs to the "hard core science".

He thought for a while, and then turned on the blue cat animation.

Hatsune Station Day Station.

"3D is awesome!"


"Science Animation www"

Okay, nothing.


Theatrical version.

He thought about it, and entered a theater version.

Then I saw the above content.

"Awesome animation!"

"What a cool technology, if it is a big screen, it will be more comfortable. Hasn't it been introduced in China?"

"Awesome, awesome! Very good against aliens www"

The previous post is fine.



Shen Xuewen's expression suddenly changed.

Because he found a barrage.

"A certain eastern countryman is so cruel that he threw a nuclear bomb directly..." What are you talking about?

Shen Xuewen frowned.

Should there be harmony in dealing with aliens?

No, this product... is it brought in?

He thinks it is very possible to be able to be able to be able to be


Morinia plan through...


Ao Shi San Guo's E3 event caused a great sensation, but the overseas distribution was not effective.

The theme of the Three Kingdoms is actually very powerful abroad.

It's a pity that the Three Kingdoms of Ao Shi has become a swan song...

Two-in-one meow, continue to praise all night to work overtime, mentality continues to explode

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