Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1738: Non-stop summer vacation

"Xuno, got up."

After the summer vacation, Morinka and Yukino returned home.

"No, I want to replenish my brother's energy."

The older brother's radar on Yukino's head shook, as if it really seemed to be replenishing energy.

The octopus-like sister made Senxia a little helpless.

"Um... my brother has not finished replenishing his energy..."


Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

But it was true that I hadn't seen Xue Na for a while, and now it was a rare opportunity, and I would go to Northern Europe with Lihua later, and I would not return until August.

Think of it as a little willful for your sister now.

Pat the head~ Pat the head~

Yukino rubbed Morika's arm like a kitten.

Sure enough, no matter what, when I was with my sister, I felt more at ease. The kind of warmth and comfort from the heart is the most pleasant one.

"Senxia, ​​I have something...Ah, sorry, I disturbed you." Qianjia opened the door.

"I know what you are thinking, and I also know that you deliberately, so senior sister, please don't look at me with that kind of scumbag eyes, okay?"

Qianjia did it on purpose.

It's not a coincidence of a lucky pervert. She did it on purpose.

——And don’t look at me like that, don’t look at me with such scumbag eyes!

Senxia felt a sense of shame spreading in her heart.

He couldn't help but avert his gaze.

"Ah, I see, it's not a scumbag." Qian Jia smiled.

"What do you mean by'not a scumbag"!" Senxia said angrily.

"Hmm...Is it because my brother has been outside recently?" Xue Nao's dumb hair suddenly moved. "Speaking of which, my brother's radar has been shaking before."


Xue Nai's resentful eyes made Senxia a little guilty.

"I have never messed with the opposite **** I didn't know!"

Senxia dare to pack a ticket!

However, the dull hair on Xue Nao's head shook again, making Morinya somewhat square.

"Well. It's okay." Qianjia said, "Naye Animation's response is very good. The ratings are over eight."

Qianjia came here to inform about this.

Nanoha is played during prime time.

Although there are many adults who watch Lyrical Nanoha, this work itself, like Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit, belongs to the type that adults can see without any problems. And the costume design inside is also very interesting.

In addition, although there are various stories in the game series, there is no real black and deep remnant.

Well, just listen carefully.

Anyway, what was continued was before the story happened, and the story didn't use a dead word, but a saying that people who were robbed of time would disappear.

Therefore, our work is upright and healthy, and there is absolutely no problem. JPG.

Morika thinks so.

"Because it's summer vacation, but the first episode has a good momentum... Yukino, let go of brother."

Although a little reluctant, Yukino also let go of Senxia when she heard Morinka talking about business.

"The release date has been confirmed, and the performance of the second season of Nanoha has also exceeded expectations, which is really good."

After washing, Senxia followed Qianjia to the study.

The ratings of the first episode are not bad, and the ratings of the Guangmei series are similar.

But the follow-up depends on the situation.

If the average ratings can be maintained at around 3.5% to 4%, that would be great.

What's more, this ratings survey actually has errors and feedback is very delayed.

Because this year's statistical ratings are different from the future, it is achieved by means of telephone interviews, etc., and there will be lag and delay.

And there is also a deviation rate.

The ratings are now at eight points, but after the statistics, this ratings will still change.

But the initial adjustment has this level, which is already very good.

Of course, the 8% of the ratings and 8% of Evangelion are different in terms of gold content. Because the former is an animation in prime time, the latter is an animation in late night time, and the 8% gold content of the latter is more than three times that of the former.

Of course, this depends on the period, because when Evangelion is playing, there are not many animations to enjoy.

"The situation is good, so I think we can develop more peripheral products." Qianjia said.

"More surrounding areas?" Senxia also had plans, but Qianjia said this seriously, which made Senxia a little concerned.

"Yeah. Action games." Qianjia said, "Arcade games."

"Arcade? How to make an arcade?" Senxia asked strangely.

"To be precise, it's not an arcade machine, it's an online battle. I'm going to use the arcade machine to try the water." Qianjia said, "I did a survey. The profit margins of online games are very good now. You don't like this set, Mori Well. Then I found out that many people in the game of Nanoha want a suitable online game-although there are related content in Wujing, the audience for that kind of page game is not the original group of Nanoha.

Qianjia's statement has some truth.

But it doesn't make much sense.

Online games are indeed very profitable.

However, online games also have their shortcomings. Not all stories and all themes are suitable for online games.

Magical girl online game?

Senxia thought for a while.

Then he found that there is really a similar one, but it is 18X, and it is also a page game...

In addition, there are similar mobile games...

"No, no, magical girl online game? I think you really want to do it would be better to make a magical girl dress up game..."

"Huh? You can have this."


"I mean, the theme of dressing up is very good." Qian Jia suddenly lit up, "You can have dress up games."

"Uh..." Senxia shook her head, "I'm just talking."

"No, no, I think it's pretty good." Qianjia patted Morika on the shoulder. "I watched the game. Everyone is very positive about customized protective clothing. If you say that, I think it's ok."

Feelings or digging holes for yourself?

But then again, there are actually such games.

Warm series...


Well, I can discuss this with Brother Xiao Ma later.

"We might as well discuss the magical girl online game."

Morika decided to change the subject.

Anyway, after the discussion, the company A is responsible for making the game.

If you think about it this way, there seems to be nothing unacceptable.

Morinya thinks this is good.

"No, it's an arcade machine." Qianjia said, "The next time we develop an online game, it should be an online game against the World of Warcraft. But the theme of this magical world is also good, you can have it."

"Well, large-scale online games are indeed not good, but arcades and the like are indeed declining."

But in terms of online games, within three years of the emergence of Warcraft, there are basically no games that can compete with it...

No, this is only on the desktop platform.

But the handheld does not seem to...

"Now, senior sister. You said, how about we develop a similar game for the new handheld?"


FATE related. I forgot to go online today. Once I went online, I found that the previous ones have already been played...


The second sad thing is.

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