Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1489: Kylin Computer and Hand Picking Tour

With more than 3,000 yuan, Old Liu was also tempted.

Even if it is equipped with network, peripherals and other equipment, the top sky is more than four thousand.

Lao Liu's family is okay. After he has no girlfriend, he wants to squeeze out such a lot of money. There is no problem.

"There is it in the Computer City. Oh, yes, when I bought a computer, the store said that if I bring someone there, I can give a discount." Zhang Xingyue said.

"Press, this feeling is good!" Old Liulai was energetic.

Discount! Discount!

"Then when you are free, I will take you there." Zhang Xingyue said.

"I have time now [We might as well hit the sun instead of choosing a day, how about going today?"

Zhang Xingyue looked at the content he was downloading.

These contents still need a few diagonals to be able to get all, but the machine itself supports the function of automatic shutdown after the download is complete and the function of resuming the transfer. It is OK to download it here.

"No problem, then you prepare, we will go now."

"it is good!"

The two changed their clothes, then left the room, took the bus, and came to the urban computer city.

Zhang Xingyue took Lao Liu for a while, and then came to the Kylin Computer Store.

"Fuck, this place looks very tall"

After Lao Liu arrived, he was bluffed by the decoration.

Kirin Computer's franchise store in a large eastern country has a unified decoration model-well, it is designed to be modeled after the franchise store of a certain fruit company in the future.

Because of the ban, there are not many so-called "game consoles" in a certain eastern country.

But there are quite a few similar machines in Kylin Computer's franchise stores.

There are not only ordinary Kylin computers but also many electronic products including X-Reader, as well as a lot of peripherals.

On one side of the wall, a white bookshelf is placed, and on the bookshelf are software boxes of software. These software boxes are neatly placed, which is quite compelling.

More than that.

On these walls, there are many books, some are, and some are physical books.

This is something used by X reader.

"I used to think that many people have this reader. Didn't you buy one?" Old Liu asked.

"They are all over there. Although there are some games, they are mainly text adventure games. Most of these games have native versions on DC-P. This is too small to like."

The price of this reader is very cheap, and Zhang Xingyue has also been moved by it. But he thought about it later, and felt that he wasn't particularly fond of those text adventure games, and the handheld graphics were naturally inferior to desktop computers.

So he still didn't start.

"This machine actually has a lot of fun games, but they can't be played in China." Zhang Xingyue said, "Even if I buy it, I can only play in Japanese. I can't transfer it without Chinese, and it doesn't have a handle. I have to change it myself. It's too much trouble. Up."

X Reader and XBOX handheld are also two sides of one, but the former castrates more content.

But if the players can make changes, they can actually play the games on XBOX. Especially the clamshell "pro" version modeled after Wenquxing has even buttons.

Of course, the operating comfort of the XBOX handheld is definitely a spike in this machine.

"Yo, classmates are here again!" The boss is a middle-aged man. He saw Zhang Xingyue coming, and he walked over. His eyes were sharp and he noticed the old Liu next to him. "You guys are looking at the computer, come here, we The Kylin computer here is very suitable for your college students."

"The boss has a good business." Old Liu noticed that in a while, many people have been buying computers.

"Isn't it, Kylin Computer is better than other computers, it is cheap and it can play good games, and it is the best for learning."

In fact, many people in this era use computers to play games, and a very important reason is that they don't know what computers can do.

——Buying professional software and doing professional work are very rare things for ordinary people and even ordinary college students.

As for buying games in the Computer City—everyone goes to the pirate to buy a game disk for three yuan per game. Just like that, many people feel distressed and ask them to buy a set of learning or office software. It's impossible.

However, Kylin Computer provides a wealth of functions, and more importantly, these functions-all are free!

"We still have a genuine software package here. It costs five yuan and it is genuine." The boss said again, "This is done. If you have an internet connection, you can also upgrade it directly."

Well, in fact, it was originally a shared and free software. It’s true that the genuine version is genuine, but the software itself is actually free.

"Boss, I brought my classmates to buy computers." Zhang Xingyue said, "Can you give me some discount?"

"Yes!" The boss became more enthusiastic when he heard this topic. The whole person's face was full of smiles. "Kirin Computer has two models, the home version and the business version. You can buy the console alone, but if you I can give you a 20% discount on these accessories if you buy a monitor and a keyboard and mouse set."

"What is the difference between the home version and the business version?" Old Liu himself began to ask.

"The basic functions are not bad, but the business version can do fax and can connect to multiple monitors"

The boss talked a lot. After listening to it for a while, Lao Liu understood: In other words, the business version has a lot more and no use at all.

He does not print, nor does he need to do conference presentations. These functions are useless at all.

"This handle is good." He noticed the X-handle next to it.

"This is an external handle. If you want to use the computer to play games, it feels more comfortable with the handle." The boss said, "If you want, I can give you a cheaper one."

"This is the Legend X handle"

Although Lao Liu hasn't read it, he has heard the so-called "best handle in the world".

Anyway, the Order of the Phoenix said that its controller is number one in the world, and neither Sony nor the old man can refute it.

Because this is the best handle in the world now, this can be.

"What's this?" He found a ball on the desktop. It looked like the ball in a computer mouse, but it was placed in the middle and it was too big in size.

“This is a trackball. It’s ergonomically built. It’s good on your wrist. If you don’t play intense games, it’s better to use this.” The boss introduced graciously. You have a discount."

"Thank you"

Old Liu nodded.

Good on the wrist

Speaking of it, he has been playing games for a long time a few days ago. It is really uncomfortable. It seems good to have this

Ah, buy this too

Lao Liu’s journey of chopping hands has just begun

The glass texture is not completely transparent, it is just a texture, otherwise the performance will not be held, and the article has never said about transparency.

The author has checked the spectrum of CRT\CCFL\LED, it is indeed the best spectrum of CRT.

The first meow

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Network]

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